⊙ By Victor Hugo
⊙ By Victor Hugo
本期节选出自这部小说的第一个英文译本(Charles E. Wilbour版),整个故事要从冉阿让的恩人——米里哀先生说起……
In 1815,1)M.Charles Franois-Bienvenu Myriel was2)BishopofD——注. He was a man of seventy-five, and had occupied the bishopric of D—— since 1806.
Although it in no manner concerns, even in the remotest degree, what we have to relate, it may not be useless, were it only for the sake of exactness in all things, to notice here the reports and gossip which had arisen on his account from the time of his arrival in the3)diocese.
Be it true or false, what is said about men often has as much influence upon their lives, and especially upon their4)destinies, as what they do.
In 1804, M. Myriel was5)curéof B——(Brignolles). He was then an old man, and lived in the deepest6)seclusion.
Near the time of the7)coronation, a8)triflingmatter of business belonging to his curacy—what it was is not now known9)precisely—took him to Paris.
Among other10)personagesof authority he went to11)CardinalFesch on behalf of his12)parishioners.
One day, when the emperor had come to visit his uncle, the worthy curé, who was waiting in the13)ante-room, happened to be on the way of His14)Majesty. Napoleon noticing that the old man looked at him with a certain curiousness, turned around and said15)brusquely:
“Who is this goodman who looks at me?”
“16)Sire,” said M. Myriel, “you17)beholda good man, and I a great man. Each of us may profit by it.”
1) M. 法语Monsieur(先生)的缩写
2) bishop [΄bɪʃəp] n. 主教,下文的bishopric(主教辖区)为相关词。
3) diocese [΄daɪəsiːs] n. 主教管区
4) destiny [΄destɪnɪ] n. 命运,天命,定数
5) curé [kjʊə΄reɪ] n. 〈法〉本堂神甫,堂区牧师,下文的curacy(堂区牧师职务)为相关词。
6) seclusion [sɪ΄kluːʃ(ə)n] n. 隐居
7) coronation [ˌkɒrə΄neɪʃ(ə)n] n. 加冕,加冕礼
8) trifing [΄traɪflɪŋ] adj. 无关紧要的,微不足道的
9) precisely [prɪ΄saɪslɪ] adv. 准确地,明确地
10) personage [΄pзːsənɪdʒ] n. 名流,显贵,要人
11) cardinal [΄kɑːdɪn(ə)l] n. 红衣主教,枢机主教
12) parishioner [pə΄rɪʃənə(r)] n. 教区居民
13) ante-room [΄æntɪrʊm] n. (连接正厅的)前厅,候见室
14) majesty [΄mædʒɪstɪ] n. 陛下(需大写,前面与His、Her或Your连用)
15) brusquely [΄brʊsklɪ] adv. 唐突地,突然地
16) sire [΄saɪə(r)] n. 陛下,阁下
17) behold [bɪ΄həʊld] v. 目睹,看见
注: 此处指Digne,即今天的迪涅莱班(Digne-les-Bains),是一个位于法国南部的重要城市。
That evening the emperor asked the cardinal the name of the curé and some time afterwards M. Myriel was18)overwhelmedwith surprise on learning that he had been appointed Bishop of D——.
Beyond this, no one knew how much truth there was in the stories which passed current concerning the first19)portionof M. Myriel’s life. But few families had known the Myriels before the revolution.
M. Myriel had to20)submit tothe fate of every newcomer in a small town, where there are many tongues to talk, and but few heads to think. He had to submit, although he was bishop, and because he was bishop. But after all, the gossip with which his name was connected was only gossip: noise, talk, words, less than words—palabres, as they say in the21)forciblelanguage of the South.
Be that as it may, after nine years of22)episcopacy, and of23)residencein D——, all these stories, topics of talk, which24)engrossat first25)pettytowns and petty people, were entirely forgotten. Nobody would have26)daredto speak of or even to remember them.
18) overwhelm [ˌəʊvə΄welm] v. 使不知所措
19) portion [΄pɔːʃ(ə)n] n. 部分,一份
20) submit to (使)接受,(使)受到,(使)忍受
21) forcible [΄fɔːsəb(ə)l] adj. 强有力的,强暴的
22) episcopacy [ɪ΄pɪskəpəsɪ] n. 主教制度,主教职位
23) residence [΄rezɪdəns] n. 居住
24) engross [ɪn΄ɡrəʊs] v. 吸引(注意)
25) petty [΄petɪ] adj. 小的,偏狭的,地位低下的
26) dare [deə] v. 敢,竟敢,胆敢
You behold a good man, and I a great man.
主教的这句巧妙答话只有十个单词,看上去非常简单,却包含了三个值得大家仔细品读的亮点:①针对拿破仑的突然发问,主教将对方问话中的goodman(先生,古语用法)“曲解”成good man(好人),从而引出great man(伟人),成了一句非常得体的奉承话;②在结构相同的并列句中,后一分句可以省略与前一分句重复的内容,此处I a great man省略了谓语动词behold;③我们在日常生活中要表达“看”,一般根据具体意思采用look或者see,其实behold也有“看”的意思——它是一个比较正式的书面语,比look或者see的语气更为庄重。