Felicity Jones: I’m Always Looking for Relevant Stories
⊙ By Felicity Jones
Felicity Jones: I’m Always Looking for Relevant Stories
⊙ By Felicity Jones
菲丽希缇从小就对表演有兴趣,11岁时曾出演电视剧《淘气小巫婆》(The Worst Witch)里的角色。出道以来,她参与了二十余部电影的拍摄,演技日渐成熟,其中尤以《爱疯了》(Like Crazy)里的表现收获了无数点赞。2016年是她的高产年,她参演的四部电影相继与大家见面,但人们丝毫不会对她的漂亮脸蛋感到厌烦,因为她在几部影片中对不同角色的出色演绎着实能给观众带来非一般的感受。
You just can’t stop Felicity Jones, the actress who recently obtained her degree from Oxford, also is about to appear in four films all before the year’s end.1)UpcomingStar Wars adventure Rogue One, action thriller Collide, an adaptation of Patrick Ness’s children’s novel A Monster Calls, and the latest from director Ron Howard, Inferno.
On Early Acting Desire
Host A:And so, you wanted to act always?
Felicity:Yeah! When I was growing up I used to spend a lot of time just talking to myself in my bedroom, so I think my parents thought, you know, there’s obviously a2)buddingactress up there who just talks to herself a lot, and creates characters and so I think there was early signs of madness and…
Host A:Uh huh.
Felicity:…obviously led to acting.
On Like Crazy
Host B:Right now you’re at such a high in your career and so much3)acclaimfor this performance. Is there an experience that you had earlier in your career that made you think that you could really be onto something special with acting?
Felicity:It would have to be when I worked with a director called Drake Doremus. We made a film called Like Crazy together. It was always really closed, small sets,4)intimatesets, only a few people around, not breaking it up, doing lots of make-up and hair checks. It was very much just concentrated time, just to get involved in the scenes, and I hadn’t really worked in that way before. And also, it was5)improvising, and I had never done that, but I’ve since loved that and love doing that in films, like Theory of Everything, bringing the6)spontaneousinto…into moments, not always7)sticking tothe script, ’cause you can get something more interesting sometimes.
On Character Selections
Host C:Has the story led you to the picture more than just the opportunity or the paycheck?
1) upcoming [ʌp΄kʌmɪŋ] adj. 即将发生的,即将到来的
2) budding [΄bʌdɪŋ] adj. 初露头角的,萌芽的
3) acclaim [ə΄kleɪm] n. 喝彩,称赞
4) intimate [΄ɪntɪmət] adj. 亲近的,熟悉的
5) improvise [΄ɪmprəvaɪz] v. 即席创作,即兴而作
6) spontaneous [spɒn΄teɪnɪəs] adj. 本能的,自发的
7) stick to 坚持,忠于
Felicity:Absolutely! Absolutely! Without a doubt! I…I’m always looking for stories that I feel are relevant in some way. And is there an audience for this? Is this in, even if it’s in a very small way, is this gonna be interesting for people at this moment? So, I think you’retrying to find a part that just hits you in the8)gut, that you think is going to be interesting to play.
On Star War
Host D:Are you ready, are you prepared and are [sic] you fully understand—I9)presumethat you do—what is about to happen when the Star Wars: Rogue One comes out, that you will probably never sleep again…that you will be surrounded by a10)hoardof11)nerds, everywhere you go, from the moment that movie comes out until, until you die?
Felicity:Well, I feel like I’m slowly, I’m slowly joining the community. Recently we were sent a box of toy12)laserguns, which, I have to say, is the most fun ever, and13)incredible, especially when you’re at home and you can go around. I was with my boyfriend, and we were just shooting each other with pretend lasers.
Host D:So you guys are turning into nerds…
Host D:…as a result of this movie.
Felicity:I’m joining the nerd community. I’m with them!
8) gut [ɡʌt] n. 本能,内心
9) presume [prɪ΄zuːm] v. 假设,假定
10) hoard [hɔːd] n. 大量
11) nerd [nɜːd] n. 怪人,现多指热衷于某种次文化的“宅人”。
12) laser [΄leɪzə(r)] n. 激光,镭射
13) incredible [ɪn΄kredɪb(ə)l] adj. 难以置信的,不可思议的
作文素材常积累:菲丽希缇·琼斯——When you’re a young actor, there’s this pressure to rush. But I hope to be doing this into my sixties and seventies, so I’d prefer to take my time. 演艺界向来是大多数人热衷于追求快速成功的地方,似乎稍稍放慢脚步就会错过一辈子。难得的是,早早进入这个圈子的菲丽希缇保持着清醒的头脑,脚踏实地,以自己的节奏发展自己的演艺事业。在这个社会飞速发展的时代,我们也要学会把握自己。
词组学习:as a result (of):
这个词组是表示结果最常用的一个表达方式,在书面语言和口语中都很常见,含义很简单,就是表明一事是另一事的结果,在使用或理解上属中性,没有褒贬之分。使用as a result时,原因通常已经在上文(上个句子或前面的分句)表述,而as a result of则通常把因果都放在同一个句子里,如:
· The boss became very unreasonable.As a result, he had to leave.(老板变得非常不理智,因此,他只好离开。)
·As a result ofwhat happened, we decided to change the rules.(鉴于已经发生的情况,我们决定改变规则。)