名 字 的 由 来


英语世界 2017年1期

译/王越凡 陈星云

名 字 的 由 来

The Name of Sherlock Holmes

译/王越凡 陈星云

S herlock Holmes—the name means logical thinking, just like the name of Albert Einstein. Holmes is a world famous character, and when someone says something stupid or states a thing that is obvious, we funnily call him/her Sherlock. But where does the name of the great detective originate from?

[2] It is not an easy question. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle renamed his hero many times, and in addition to that we have to take into consideration that Sherlock was created long ago, and many rumours were around him and his name. In the following we list the major anecdotes which blend into an interesting story.






Sherlock Holmes and hope

Sherrinford Hope

[3] Originally Doyle wanted to call his detective Sherrinford Hope. Hope was the name of a whaling ship sailing from Scotland’s Peterhead to Greenland. There are suppositions1supposition 推测。that in 1880Doyle was bored of studying and he fl ed to the ship. The truth is that in those days medical students often served on ships for months, because they could practice their future profession and help whalers whose job was hard and dangerous. Conan’s classmate was assigned for Hope, but he could not take part on the journey. He offered his place and Doyle snatched at2snatch at 抓取。the opportunity. He wrote a diary about his days on board, which was later published with the title Dangerous Work: Diary of an Arctic Adventure.

[4] In the end the detective was renamed, because Louisa, the fi rst wife of Doyle thought the name Sherrinford Hope was awful, so she persuaded her husband to change it. Doyle chose the name Sherrinford Holmes. But Hope is not far from the British sleuth3第一部福尔摩斯探案小说《暗红习作》当中的主角之一名为霍普(Hope)。, as his greatest merit is that though he is a fictional character, he is still able to raise hope.





Oliver Wendell Holmes

A famous Holmes

[5] While the model of Holmes was Scottish surgeon Joseph Bell, his family name is a kind of salute4salute 向……致敬。to another doctor similar to him. The American Oliver Wendell Holmes thought that meticulous5meticulous 一丝不苟。observation and good deducting skills6deducting skill 推理技巧。are essential in medicalpractice. He was a lecturer and a true reformer. His thinking was rational. He looked upon homeopathy7homeopathy 顺势疗法。as false science—he published his arguments and analysed the misbeliefs.

[6] He was not as tall as Bell, but he too wrote poems. He was an outstanding literary personality, who was an acclaimed novelist and poet.

[7] In Doyle’s novels the detective is a solitary genius, while the doctors who inspired him were married and had children. Oliver sometimes had a moustache like Doyle, and sometimes he was clean-shaven like Dr. Bell.





The name Sherlock Holmes is born

Sherrinford or Sherringford Holmes?[8] So our hero got the name Sherrinford Holmes. Or Sherringford Holmes? Sometimes there is a “g” in his first name. Doyle liked both versions,so the fans of the great detective use them too. Nowadays we could read the adventures of Sherrin(g)ford Holmes, but publishers rejected the stories. Seeing this, Doyle chose a new name that sounded better for British ears: Sherlock. This name met with success.

[9] Doyle also renamed the faithful chronicler8chronicler 记录者。of Holmes—his name changed from Ormand Sacker to John Watson. Dr. Patrick Watson was the colleague and close friend of Joseph Bell. He was a real gentleman. Though Doyle modelled Watson after himself, he also used Patrick Watson as inspiration.


阿拉善右旗西南部地区有龙首山,最高峰海拔3 052 m。暖湿气流受山脉阻挡形成堆积、不断增多,水汽密度不断增高挤压周边空气形成抬升现象,形成了很好的动力条件。这也是此次降水过程中,西南部地区量级偏大的一个重要因素。

[10] According to the Sherlock Holmes Society of London the name‘Sherlock’ originates from the famous violinist, Alfred Sherlock.

[11] Conan was a fan of cricket. He maybe chose the name Sherlock because of two revered9revered 受人尊敬的。British cricket players, Mordecai Sherwin and Frank Shacklock.






[12] The name Sherlock has Old English origins. It has the following meanings: bright-haired, short-haired, sheared. It is worth to mention that when Jeremy Brett10(1933—1995),英国著名演员,40年演艺生涯曾出演众多经典作品,最广为人知的角色是大侦探歇洛克·福尔摩斯,被公认为那个时代最权威的福尔摩斯扮演者。accepted the roleof the great detective, it was his idea that Sherlock must be bright-hairedto show his brilliant mind.

[13] The name also means shorthaired—in the novels and on the original illustrations by Sydney Paget Sherlock has short, black hair. But his hair colour often changed both on illustrations and on screen. Anthony Higgins played him with long hairin the movieSherlock Holmes Returns.


[14] The brilliant detective became a real icon with the name Sherlock Holmes. Later some parodies11parody 滑稽模仿作品。played with it too—he was called Herlock Sholmes or Sherlock Hemlock.

[15] In some adaptations appears the name William Sherlock Holmes Scott as the true name of the detective. But you find no traces of it in the original Canon—Sir Arthur Conan Doyle always calls his hero Sherlock Holmes.





描绘孤独的画家——爱德华·霍普 上
描绘孤独的画家——爱德华·霍普 下