

英语世界 2017年1期

文/阿瑟·柯南·道尔 译/李家真


文/阿瑟·柯南·道尔 译/李家真

T he incident left a most unpleasant impression upon my mind. The violent and causeless excitement, followed by this brutality of speech, so far removed from his usual suavity2suavity温文,谦和。, showed me how deep was the disorganization of his mind. Of all ruins, that of a noble mind is the most deplorable3deplorable糟透的。. I sat in silent dejection until the stipulated time4故事前文中,华生执意去请医生来给福尔摩斯诊病,福尔摩斯严词拒绝,还把华生锁在自己的房里,叫华生稍安毋躁,等六点钟到了再说。stipulate规定;明确要求。had passed. He seemed to have been watching the clock as well as I, for it was hardly six before he began to talk with the same feverish animation5animation活力。as before.

[2] “Now, Watson,” said he. “Have you any change in your pocket?”




“Any silver?”

“A good deal.”

“How many half-crowns6half-crown半克朗。克朗为英国旧币,1克朗等于5先令,即1/4英镑。?”

“I have fi ve.”

“Ah, too few! Too few! How very unfortunate, Watson! However, such as they are you can put them in your watchpocket. And all the rest of your money in your left trouser pocket. Thank you. It will balance you so much better like that.”







[3] This was raving insanity. He shuddered, and again made a sound between a cough and a sob.

“You will now light the gas, Watson, but you will be very careful that not for one instant shall it be more than half on. I implore7implore恳求;哀求。you to be careful, Watson. Thank you, that is excellent. No, you need not draw the blind. Now you will have the kindness to place some letters and papers upon this table within my reach. Thank you. Now some of that litter from the mantelpiece. Excellent, Watson! There is a sugar-tongs there. Kindly raise that small ivory box with its assistance. Place it here among the papers. Good! You can now go and fetch Mr. Culverton Smith, of 13 Lower Burke Street8这条街是作者虚构的。.”




[4] To tell the truth, my desire to fetch a doctor had somewhat weakened,for poor Holmes was so obviously delirious9delirious精神错乱的。that it seemed dangerous to leave him. However, he was as eager now to consult the person named as he had been obstinate in refusing.

[5] “I never heard the name,” said I.

“Possibly not, my good Watson. It may surprise you to know that the man upon earth who is best versed in10versed in sth精通的;熟练的。this disease is not a medical man, but a planter. Mr. Culverton Smith is a well-known resident of Sumatra, now visiting London. An outbreak of the disease upon his plantation, which was distant from medical aid, caused him to study it himself, with some rather farreaching consequences. He is a very methodical person, and I did not desire you to start before six, because I was well aware that you would not fi nd him in his study. If you could persuade him to come here and give us the bene fi t of his unique experience of this disease, the investigation of which has been his dearest hobby, I cannot doubt that he could help me.”




[6] I gave Holmes’s remarks as aconsecutive whole and will not attempt to indicate how they were interrupted by gaspings for breath and those clutchings of his hands which indicated the pain from which he was suffering. His appearance had changed for the worse during the few hours that I had been with him. Those hectic11hectic(脸等)发红的。spots were more pronounced12pronounced显著的;很明显的。, the eyes shone more brightly out of darker hollows, and a cold sweat glimmered upon his brow. He still retained, however, the jaunty13jaunty神气活现的。gallantry of his speech. To the last gasp he would always be the master.急促喘息、一次次紧握双拳的挣扎。我进屋之后的几个钟头里面,他的模样每况愈下,热病引起的红斑更加明显,眼窝更加凹陷,眼睛更加精光灼灼,额上也沁出了一层亮晶晶的冷汗。即便如此,他说话的时候仍然保持着那种洋洋洒洒的豪迈气概。只要还有一口气在,他就改不了那副主子的架势。

[7] “You will tell him exactly how you have left me,” said he. “You will convey the very impression which is in your own mind—a dying man—a dying and delirious man. Indeed, I cannot think why the whole bed of the ocean is not one solid mass of oysters, so proli fi c the creatures seem. Ah, I am wandering! Strange how the brain controls the brain! What was I saying, Watson?”

“My directions for Mr. Culverton Smith.”

[7]“你一定要原原本本地告诉他,你出发的时候我是个什么样子,”他说道,“一定要把你自个儿对我的印象——一个垂死的人—— 一个垂死的疯子——分毫不爽地传达给他。说实在的,我真是想不通,牡蛎为什么没有把整个海床盖得严严实实,这种生物好像特别地能繁殖啊。咳,我说哪儿去啦!大脑控制大脑的方法可真奇怪!我刚才说到哪儿了呢,华生?”



[8] “Ah, yes, I remember. My life depends upon it. Plead with him, Watson. There is no good feeling between us. His nephew, Watson—I had suspicions of foul play14foul play奸诈行径;暴行(尤指谋杀)。and I allowed him to see it. The boy died horribly. He has a grudge15grudge积怨;怨恨。against me. You willsoften him, Watson. Beg him, pray him, get him here by any means. He can save me—only he!”

“I will bring him in a cab, if I have to carry him down to it.”


[9] “You will do nothing of the sort. You will persuade him to come. And then you will return in front of him. Make any excuse so as not to come with him. Don’t forget, Watson. You won’t fail me. You never did fail me. No doubt there are natural enemies which limit the increase of the creatures. You and I, Watson, we have done our part. Shall the world, then, be overrun by oysters? No, no; horrible! You’ll convey all that is in your mind.”

[10] I left him full of the image of this magnificent intellect babbling like a foolish child. He had handed me the key, and with a happy thought I took it with me lest he should lock himself in. Mrs. Hudson was waiting, trembling and weeping, in the passage. Behind me as I passed from the flat I heard Holmes’s high, thin voice in some delirious chant.



The Dying Detective (Excerpt)

By Arthur Conan Doyle

1译文节选自李家真译中华书局版《福尔摩斯探案全集》第六卷。据时光网报道,BBC剧集《神探夏洛克》第四季计划2017年1月开播,该季第二集名为The Lying Detective,改编自原著故事The Dying Detective。在这篇故事中,为了把以病菌杀人的卡维尔顿·史密斯绳之以法,福尔摩斯装病装疯,骗得身为医者的华生信以为真,然后又让华生去请史密斯来看病,以便诱使史密斯招认罪行。史密斯之前试图以同样的病菌害死福尔摩斯,见到华生上门求助,自以为奸计得逞,于是欣然来到福尔摩斯家里,在“垂死的”福尔摩斯面前炫耀自己的犯罪手段,由是伏法。


A Descriptive Study of Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Red Sorghum With Reference to Translational Norms