

山东医药 2017年15期






目的 分析面肌痉挛患者微血管减压术(MVD)中侧方扩散反应(LSR)监测对疗效的预测作用。方法 面肌痉挛患者45例,均行MVD术治疗,分别于术中微血管减压前后进行LSR监测。分别于术后第1、7天及术后3个月采用自我评价量表评估手术效果。分析减压后LSR变化与疗效的关系。结果 40例减压后LSR即刻消失(LSR消失组);5例LSR未即刻消失(LSR未消失组),其中1例下降86%、2例下降幅度不足50%、1例无变化、1例因持续自发放电未引出LSR。术后第1天,LSR消失组治愈31例、好转9例,LSR未消失组治愈1例、好转1例、无效3例;术后第7天,LSR消失组治愈35例、好转5例,LSR未消失组治愈1例、好转2例、无效2例;术后3个月,LSR消失组治愈39例、好转1例,LSR未消失组治愈1例、好转2例、无效2例。随访3~88个月,LSR消失组全部治愈,LSR未消失组好转3例、无效2例。术后各观察时点LSR消失组治愈和好转比例均高于LSR未消失组,减压后LSR是否消失与疗效存在相关性(P均<0.05)。结论 面肌痉挛患者MVD术中LSR监测结果与疗效有关,减压后LSR消失者治愈及好转率较高。



1 资料与方法

1.1 临床资料 2009年5月~2016年7月北京大学人民医院收治的面肌痉挛患者45例,男13例、女32例,年龄28~81岁,病程6个月~20年,左侧27例、右侧28例。所有患者均通过3.0 T MRI扫描除外肿瘤及血管畸形等继发原因并采用3D-FIETSTA序列预测面神经出根区有无压迫、预测责任血管[6]。所有患者均采用MVD术治疗。患者取健侧卧位,头向健侧旋转10°、下垂15°,使乳突根部位于最高点;枕下乙状窦后纵形切口,气钻颅骨钻孔后扩大骨窗直径约1.5 cm;显微镜下释放脑脊液,仔细分离蛛网膜并轻轻牵拉小脑绒球,显露面神经出根区;判断责任血管,小脑前下动脉(AICA)20例、小脑后下动脉(PICA)9例、椎动脉(VA)3例、AICA+PICA 4例、VA+AICA 2例、VA+PICA 6例、静脉1例,之后充分解剖责任血管与面神经的粘连,以Teflon棉垫开;术中根据LSR监测结果确定减压是否充分,必要时探查蛛网膜下腔的面神经全长。

1.2 LSR监测方法 于术中微血管减压前后进行LSR监测。监测LSR时,应用去极化型肌松药进行麻醉插管后不再应用肌松类药物,以异丙酚和芬太尼维持麻醉[7]。监测设备为CADWELL 32通道术中神经电生理监测仪。记录电极位置包括患侧面神经支配的额肌、眼轮匝肌、口轮匝肌、颏肌及三叉神经支配的咬肌,有一支插入肌腹并与另一支距离0.5 cm。刺激电极位于面神经分支的颞支,阴极位于患侧耳屏与外眦连线中点、阳极位于距阴极1 cm处。地线位于FPz点(根据国际10-20系统电极定位)。刺激颞支,额肌及眼轮匝肌有肌电图表现为直接刺激反应;观察患侧口轮匝肌及颏肌有无肌电图反应。初始刺激强度从5 mA开始,逐渐增加至20 mA,若仍未引出LSR则认为其消失;若初始刺激强度未引出LSR,但随着刺激强度增加、LSR重现,则认为LSR未消失,需重新探查面神经全程以保证充分减压[8]。

1.3 疗效评估方法 分别于术后第1、7天及术后3个月评估手术效果。患者以自我评价量表描述面肌痉挛症状改善的程度,改善100%为治愈,改善50%~90%为好转,0~50%无效。

1.4 统计学方法 采用SPSS16.0软件进行统计学分析。计数资料以频数表示,组间比较采用Fisher确切概率法。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果


3 讨论





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Prognostic value of intraoperative lateral spread response monitoring during microvascular decompression in patients with hemifacial spasm



Objective To investigate the prognostic value of intraoperative lateral spread response (LSR) monitoring in the treatment of hemifacial spasm (HFS) by microvascular decompression (MVD). Methods Forty-five patients with primary HFS treated by MVD. During operations, we performed LSR monitoring before and after MVD respectively. All patients were assessed after operation on day 1 and 7, and at 3 month after surgery by self-assessment scale. We analyzed the relationship between the change of LSR and prognosis. Results In 40 patients, the LSR disappeared immediately after decompression (LSR disappeared group). In the remaining 5 patients, the LSR did not vanish immediately after decompression (LSR non vanishing group), one patient's LSR decreased 86%, 2 patients' LSR decreased above 50%, 1 patient had no change, and in 1 patient, LSR was not detected from the start. On day 1 after operation, in the LSR disappeared group, HFS was relieved totally in 31 patients, 9 patients described improvement; in the LSR non vanishing group, 1 patient totally relieved, 1 patient improved, and 3 patients failed. On day 7, in the LSR disappeared group, HFS was relieved totally in 35 patients, 5 patients described improvement; in the LSR non vanishing group, 1 patient totally relieved, 2 patient improved, and 2 patients failed. After 3 month, in the LSR disappeared group, HFS was relieved totally in 39 patients, 1 patients described improvement; in the LSR non vanishing group, 3 patient improved, and 2 patients failed. After 3-month to 88-month follow-up, in the LSR disappeared group, all the 40 patients cured, in the LSR non vanishing group, 3 patients improved and 2 patients failed. At all the postoperative observing time, the proportion of cure and improvement of the LSR disappeared group was higher than that of the LSR non vanishing group. Statistical analysis found a significant correlation between the relief of LSR and clinical outcome (allP<0.05). Conclusion LSR monitoring of HFS patients in MVD is correlated with the curative effect, and the rate of cure and improvement is higher in patients with disappeared LSR after decompression.

hemifacial spasm; microvascular decompression; lateral spread response






