复旦大学 曲卫国 华东师范大学 陈流芳
When ReadingDevelopmentinaSecond Language was written in the late 1980s and published in the early 1990s,reading in a second language was essentially a subfield of foreign language education and applied linguistics.(Bernhardt,2011:2)
Oakhill等2015年出版的Understanding and Teaching Reading Comprehension一书可以说代表了母语阅读研究的最新成果。该书的三位作者分别来自不同的学科:Oakhill是实验心理学系的教授,Cain是语言与读写能力(literacy)系的教授,Elbro是阅读研究中心的教授。由于这些学科是从事母语阅读研究所依托的主要学科,该书的成果很有代表性。Oakhill等人对阅读过程有非常简明扼要的梳理。他们把阅读理解分成两个层面:第一个层面是词汇认知:
Of course,reading comprehension is necessarily dependenton atleastadequate word reading.(Oakhill,2015:1)
.. comprehension typically requires the comprehender to integrate the sense of these words and sentences into a meaningful whole.To do so,construction of a suitable mental model is necessary.(同上,2015:1)
当读者将文本所提供的信息与所构建的心智模型(mental model)成功融合时,阅读理解就成功结束了:
When information in the text is successfully integrated into a mental model,comprehension“clicks.”(同上,2015:2)
We begin to comprehend a text from the first words that are processed,although building a general understanding ofa longer textrequiresmore processing information than immediate word recognition, sentence parsing, and proposition encoding.Text comprehension also involves the combination ofinformation from the currently formed proposition with the active meaning elements that have already been integrated into a network of ideas already activated from textual input,often referred to as a text model of comprehension.(同上,2009:40)
两个层面所涉及的具体内容主要包括activating word meanings,understanding and linking sentences, making inferences, comprehension monitoring,understanding text structure等;所涉及的主要认知要素是working memory和 mental model;所运用的推理程序主要是局部推理(local inference)和全局推理(global inference)。所谓局部推理,指的就是第一层面即词汇层面的认知理解:
This type of local cohesion inference is called a lexical inference because it links lexical items.(同上,2015:40)
全局推理(global coherence inference)是指将局部推理所推导出的结论按心智模型(mental model)进行构建组合,使局部推理的结论上升到整体结论:
Global coherence inferences are inferences that make the text cohere as a whole.They connect different parts of the text by linking them within the mental model of the text.(同上,2015:40)
从引文看,全局推理涉及两个基本内容,一是对局部推理的结论做梳理整合;二是按心智模型对整合结论进行构建。当然阅读还涉及多种其他推理,如精加工推理(elaborative inferences),但这些推理不是文本理解的关键要素:
Elaborative inferences are further associations and guesses about the contents and development of a text:they are not necessary for understanding the text.(同上,2015:52)
Grabe是二语阅读研究的集大成者①非常感谢张军教授的指点迷津。。他对阅读过程的分类更为精细。他把阅读分为三个过程1)working memory process;2)low-level process(word recognition);3) higher-levelprocesses(forming a summary model of what the text is like to mean)(Grabe,2011)。他对模型的分类也更为深入。他提出两大模型类:metaphorical models和specific models。他扼要地总结归纳出六大类研究课题:1)the relationship between vocabulary and reading abilities;2)the role of fluency in developing reading abilities; 3)the effect of morphological knowledge and metalinguistic awareness on reading abilities;4)the value of strategies and discourse awareness of skilled reading;5)the impactofspecific instructional practices and curricula on reading skills development; 6)the role motivation in reading classroom (同上:61)。
The overall goal is not to remember most of the specific details but to have a good grasp of the main ideas and supporting ideas,and to relate those main ideasto background knowledge asappropriate.(Grabe,2011:6)
Important L2 research has been carried out on vocabulary learning and strategy learning and use.(同上,2009:104)
Grabe列举了二语阅读教学研究的五大基本课题:1)the importance of word-level issues in L2 reading development;2)the role of vocabulary in reading;3) the centrality ofreading strategy instruction for reading development;4)the benefits of fluency and extensive reading;5)the influence of motivation on reading(2011:95)。这些课题基本围绕着语言能力和阅读理解之关系这一阅读的核心也是初级内容展开。虽然他们的研究也会讨论,但阅读中所涉及的知识、思辨等问题不是二语阅读研究的主要关注点。
1)the ability to decode graphic forms for efficient word recognition
2)the ability to access the meanings of a large number of words automatically
3)the ability to draw meaning from phrase-and clause-level grammatical information
4)the ability to combine clause-level meanings to build a larger network of meaning relations
5)the ability to recognize discourse-level relationships and use this information to build and support comprehension
6)the ability to use reading strategies with more difficult texts and for a range of academic reading tasks
7)the ability to set goals for reading and adjust them as needed
8)the ability to use inferences of various types and to monitor comprehension in line with reading goals
9)the ability to draw on prior knowledge as appropriate
10) the ability to evaluate, integrate, and synthesize information from a text to form a situation model of comprehension
11)the ability to maintain these processes fluently for an extended period of time
12)the motivation to persist in reading to use the text information appropriate in line with reader goals.(Grabe,2009:330)
我们的归纳挂一漏万、蜻蜓点水似地勾勒出一个基本、残缺不全的框架。也许我们从中能粗略地发现这么几个问题:1)虽然国外母语阅读教学研究的对象人群从3岁起到大学各个年龄段,但大多数母语阅读研究对象集中在本科教育前、也就是中小学年龄阶段,尤其以小学阶段居多(Grabe,2011)。Krashen在其名著 The Power of Reading一书里推出的free voluntary reading策略针对的人群就是前本科的学生。他在前言里是这么说的:
Free readers are not guaranteed admission to Harvard Law School.(Krashen,2004:X)
The core of the book is still a comprehensive and practical description of literature circles:what they are,where they came from,how they operate,what they mean for young readers,and how teachers can integrate them into broader literacy program,K-12.(Daniels,2002:2)
(1)search for simple information
(2)reading to skim quickly
(3)reading to learn from texts
(4)reading to integrate information
(5)reading to write
(6)reading to critique texts
(7)reading for general comprehension.(Grabe et al.,2011:6)
In fact,textsare often used to illustrate particular grammatical features that learners are meant to acquire.Or texts are written “around”particular semantic fieldsto ease the learners'vocabulary burden.In fact, much ofbeginning language instruction focuses on the instrumentality of written texts for language learning purposes ..(Bernhardt,2011:2)
Krashen在提出他的free voluntary reading教学法时就直言不讳地指出,这种教学法对于提高二语能力有重大帮助:
FVR is also,I am convinced,the way to achieve advanced second language proficiency.It is one of the best things a second language acquirer can do to bridge the gap from the beginning level to truly advanced levels of second language proficiency.(Krashen,2004:X)
尽管英语本科专业尚没能在现代知识体系和学科体系里找到明确属于自己的位置,但目前本科阶段强调通识教育、淡化专业的趋势却也为英语本科专业的发展创造了契机。学界的一点共识是:本科阶段的教育不是以技能训练为目标。我国著名教育家蔡元培(2015)很早就强调大学教育的目的是育人而不是制器。Engell和 Dangerfield(2005)指出,系统知识的传授和相关知识的运用能力训练是大学本科教育有别于前大学教育的关键标志。Kronman强调,大学本科培养的不是具体技能而是宏观综合思辨能力:
The humanities give young people the opportunity and encouragement to put themselves—their values and their commitments—into critical perspective.(Kronman,2007:147)
Reading is not detection as the perfect detective practices it.(Richards,1942:14)
We do not read Shakespeare,or Plato,or Lao Tzu,or Homer,or the Bible,to discover what their authors—about whom otherwise we know so little— were thinking.We read them for the sake of the things their words—if we understand them—can do for us.(Richards,1942:15)
It is using them to stretch our minds as they have stretched the minds of so many different readers through the centuries.(Richards,1942:15)
“stretch our minds”指的不就是通过阅读提高综合思辨能力么?在人文学者看来,阅读不是简单地将文本线索按一定的心智模型(mental model)进行组合,阅读是一种对话。Manguel,他在A Reading Diary的前言里是这样定义阅读的:
Reading is a conversation.Lunatics engage in imaginary dialogues which they hear echoing somewhere in their minds;readers engage in a similar dialogue provoked silently words on a page.(Manguel,2004:1)
所谓对话,不是指读者与文本的语词或句子对话,而是指读者和文本内所表达的思想进行对话,是读者的知识体系与文本的知识系统间的对话,是思维定式(thinking paradigms)间的对话。Iser在其名著The Act of Reading里对此有深入的讨论:
The text is a whole system of such processes,and so,clearly there must be a place within this system for the person who isto perform the reconstituting.This place is marked by the gaps in the text—it consists in the blanks which the reader is to fill in.They cannot,of course,be filled in by the system itself,and so it follows that they can only be filled in by another system.Whenever the reader bridges the gaps, communication begins.(Iser,1978:169)
如Iser所言,对话不是随意发生的。文本在表达观念时会有许多话轮转换(turn-taking)的切入点(transition relevance place),只有当读者在阅读过程中体察到这些切入点时,他们才能运用文本所激活的知识与文本进行对话。文本话轮转换的切入点就是Iser所谓的gaps。要发现这些切入点并不是易事,因为Iser所说的gaps不是语义层面上的,而是文本所展现的思想层面、知识层面、社会层面等多重交汇点。只有在相应知识储备和阅读经验帮助下,我们才可能找到这些交汇点,才可能参与文本对话,才可能跟着文本的线索超越其历史性,与文本建立认知所需要的主体间关系(intersubjectivity)。 Gadamer 用 “transposing ourselves”(1989:304)来表达阅读时发生的主体间时空错位关系。只有在主体间时空错位关系建立之后,我们的认知体系才能与文本实现对接:
When our historical consciousness transposes itself into historical horizons,this does not entail passing into alien worlds unconnected in any way with our own;instead,they together constitute the one great horizon that moves from within and that,beyond the frontiers of the present,embraces the historical depths of our self-conscious.(Gadamer,1989:303)
据此,阅读教学不是去帮助学生寻找所谓的文本“终极解释”,而是要让学生意识并找到文本里出现的各种gaps,促使学生发现文本所涉及的多重互文关系(intertextuality),提醒学生注意交汇点所触发的不同思维定势,要求学生留意与文本建立主体间关系时所牵涉的跨时空、跨文化、跨语际等多重问题。人文阅读强调的是:与文本不同的交汇点对接意味着文本意义潜势不同的实现可能,因此教师在人文阅读中就应该是T.S.Eliot(1998)笔下的批评家,他/她是 a creator of ideas,不判断阅读的对错,只打开学生的思路,激活学生的知识体系,扩展学生的眼界:
..but in matters of great importance the critic must not coerce,and he must not make judgments of worse or better.He must simply elucidate:the reader will form the correct judgment for himself.(Eliot,1998:7)
要成为一个creator of ideas,人文阅读就要求教师有充分的知识储备而不是对简单的元阅读知识的把握,要求学生在阅读过程中不断地更新和充实已有的知识。文本阅读的互文考量决定了人文阅读不是初级阅读,而是在更高层次上、有较高知识含量的思想碰撞过程。
..it is clear that the work itself cannot be identical with the text or with the concretization,but must be situated somewhere between the two(author and reader—my note).It must inevitably be virtual in character,as it cannot be reduced to the reality of the text or to the subjectivity of the reader,and it is from this virtuality that it derives its dynamism.(Iser,1978:21)
The text is like a musical score and the reader like the orchestra conductor who obeys the instructionsofthe notation.Consequently, to understand is not merely to repeat the speech event in a similar event,it is to generate a new event beginning from the text in which the initial event has been objectified.(Ricoeur,1972:75)
Ricoeur的比喻道出了人文阅读最核心的思想:文本的解释不会以某次“演奏”而结束。文本的意义潜势在阅读过程中得到释放,文本也因此有了生命,但每次阅读如同演奏一样,是文本某一个意义潜势的释放,而这种释放仅仅是一次演奏的终结而不是文本的终结。文本没有终极解释。Sontag就是在这个意义上提出了 “反对阐释”(against interpretation)著名论断。她认为,阐释
..is the revenge of the intellect upon the world.To interpret is to impoverish,to deplete the world—in order to set up a shadow world of“meanings.”It is to turn the world into this world.(Sontag,1966:7)
What is important now is to recover our senses.We must learn to see more,to hear more,to feel more.(Sontag,1966:13-14)
..the interpreter's task should be to elucidate the potential meanings of a text,and not restrict himself to just one.(Iser,1978:22)
必须指出的是,Sontag所说的see、hear和feel并不是读者自发、本能层次上的。人文阅读是在知识的引领下进行的复杂、全方位的思辨活动,是需要读者全身心投入其中的体验和再创造。所涉及的这些体验或认识都是以知识为基础的。Frye(2006)贴切地称之为educated imagination。Miller(2002)用“恋爱”(like being in love)来比喻阅读全方位的投入:
..reading should be a matter of giving one's wholemind, heart, feelings, and imagination,without reservation,to recreate that world within oneself,on the basis of the words.(Miller,2002:118)
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Colombo,G.,C.Robert & L.Bonnie.2013.Rereading America:CulturalContextsforCriticalThinking and Writing.Boston:Bedford/St.Martin's.
Daniel,H.2002.Literature Circles:Voice and Choice in the BookClubsand Reading Groups. Portland, Maine:Stenhouse.
Eliot,T.S.1998.“The perfect critic.”In.T.S.Eliot.Ed.The Sacred Wood and Major Early Essays.Mineola,NY:Dover.1-10.
Engell,J,& A.Dangerfield.2005.Saving Higher Education in the Age of Money.Charlottesville:University of Virginia Press.
Frye,N.2006.“The educated imagination November —December1962.” In. N. Frye ed. The Educated Imagination and Other Writers on Critical Theory 1933-1963.University of Toronto Press.
Gadmer,H.1989.Truth and Method.J.Weinsheimer& D.G.Marshall.tr.London:Continuum.
Grabe,W.2009.Reading in a Second Language:Moving from Theory to Practice.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Grabe, W.& L.S.Fredricka.2011.Teaching and Researching Reading.London:Routledge.
Harrison,C.2004.Understanding Reading Development.London:SAGE.
Iser,W.1978.The Act of Reading:A Theory of Aesthetic Response.Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Krashen,S.D.2004.The Power of Reading:Insights from the Research.Portsmouth,NH:Heinemann.
Kronmen,A.T.2007.Education's End:Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given up on the Meaning of Life.New Haven:Yale University Press.
Manguel,A.2004.A Reading Diary.Canada:Alfred A,.Knopf.
Miller,J.H.2002.On Literature:Thinking in Action.London:Routledge.
Oakhill,J.,C.Kate & E.Carten.2015.Understanding and Teaching Reading Comprehension.London:Routledge.
Richards,I.A.1942.How to Read a Page:A Course in Efficient Reading with an Introduction to a Hundred Great Words.Boston:Beacon Press.
Ricoeur,P.1976.Interpretation Theory:Discourse and the Surplus ofMeaning.ForWorth, Texas: TheTexas Christian University Press.
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陈俊松,2016,英语文学阅读课程有效教学模式的构建:基于教学系统设计理论的探索,《外语教学理论与实践》.第 2期:22—27。