

农业工程学报 2017年3期





作为现代农业装备液压系统关键零部件,负载敏感变量泵为农业绿色生产提供了保障。为深入研究负载敏感变量泵的工作性能,该文重点分析了其内部机械结构和工作机理,充分考虑了各运动部件的有效行程范围,应用现代控制理论状态空间法建立了基于边界条件的负载敏感变量泵非线性数学模型,基于Matlab/Simulink软件,采用四阶龙格-库塔算法对其稳态和动态性能进行了仿真分析,并搭建闭心式负载敏感液压系统试验平台,完成其性能试验,通过对比分析负载敏感变量泵动态特性试验与仿真结果,得到负载补偿压力误差约为0.1 MPa,验证了负载敏感变量泵非线性数学模型的正确性。试验结果表明:负载敏感变量泵输出流量和压力可实时与负载相适应,补偿压力约为1.5 MPa,可有效提高液压系统效率,减少系统发热,满足现代农业装备作业机组的田间作业需求。


0 引 言

近年来,随着中国农业生产机械化、自动化水平不断提高,农机装备逐步向大型化、复合化、智能化方向发展[1-3]。液压传动系统以其质量功率比大、调速范围广、低速稳定性好、易于布局等优点,在农机产业发展进程中得到了广泛应用[4-5]。以大型农机底盘静液压驱动系 统[6-8]和重型拖拉机电液提升器[9]为例,前者可有效提高驾驶员操作舒适性,降低劳动强度;后者可显著提高拖拉机悬挂作业机组[10-13]的田间作业质量和作业效率。



1 负载敏感变量泵数学建模

1.1 负载敏感变量泵结构及工作原理

负载敏感变量泵液压系统原理图如图1所示,主要由斜盘式柱塞泵1、有弹簧变量机构柱塞缸2、无弹簧变量机构柱塞缸3、压力控制阀4、流量控制阀5、负载反馈单向阀6、泄压阻尼孔7和减震阻尼孔8组成,额定压力为25 MPa,公称流量为68 L/min。由图1可知,当系统压力低于压力控制阀调定压力时,压力控制阀右位工作,变量泵通过流量控制阀调整斜盘倾角,为系统提供所需流量,变量泵出口压力始终高出负载压力一定值;当系统压力高于压力控制阀调定压力时,压力控制阀左位工作,切断流量控制阀与无弹簧变量机构柱塞缸之间的油路,变量泵输出的高压油进入无弹簧变量机构柱塞缸的无杆腔,使变量泵斜盘倾角变小,直至接近零排量, 满足变量泵在超载工况下输出高压小流量的功能需求,减少了液压系统的功率损失。

1. 斜盘式柱塞泵 2. 有弹簧变量机构柱塞缸 3. 无弹簧变量机构柱塞缸 4. 压力控制阀 5. 流量控制阀 6. 负载反馈单向阀7. 泄压阻尼孔 8. 减震阻尼孔

1. Swash plate piston pump 2. Plunger cylinder with spring variable mechanism 3. Plunger cylinder without spring variable mechanism 4. Pressure control valve 5. Flow control valve 6. Load-sensing check valve 7. Pressure relief damping orifice 8. Shock absorbing damping orifice


Note:Lis the load pressure, Pa;L1is the pressure of oil chamber with low pressure control of the flow control valve, Pa;0is the return oil pressure, Pa;sis the variable pump outlet pressure, Pa;sis the variable pump outlet flow, m3·s-1;cis the rodless chamber oil pressure of the plunger cylinder without spring variable mechanism.

图1 负载敏感变量泵液压原理图

Fig.1 Hydraulic schematic diagram of load-sensing variable pump

1.2 负载敏感变量泵数学模型的建立

1.2.1 流量控制阀数学模型






图3 弓形节流口示意图
















1.2.2 负载敏感变量泵变量控制机构数学模型










Note:Pmis the plunger distribution diameter, m;Pcis the support reaction between the swash plate and the plunger type cylinder without a spring, N;Psis the support reaction between the swash plate and the plunger type cylinder with a spring, N;Pzis the support reaction of the plunger spherical hinge, N;Pf1is the frictional torque of the swash plate shaft neck, N·m;Pf2is the frictional torque of the plunger spherical hinge, N·m;Pzis the torque of the axial inertia force of the plunger group, N·m; the meanings of other symbols are as shown in Fig.5.

图6 变量泵斜盘受力分析图

Fig.6 Force analysis of variable pump swash plate





1.2.3 液压泵腔流量连续性方程



1.2.4 负载敏感变量泵状态方程






2 负载敏感变量泵仿真分析

2.1 负载敏感变量泵稳态特性仿真分析

基于MATLAB/Simulink建立了负载敏感变量泵仿真模型,其主要参数值如表1所示,给定负载反馈压力 10 MPa,系统流量30 L/min,仿真时间为2 s,得到负载敏感变量泵出口压力和斜盘倾角稳态响应特性曲线分别如图7a、7b所示。

表1 负载敏感变量泵主要参数

图7 变量泵出口压力和斜盘倾角稳态响应特性

由图7a可知,负载敏感变量泵出口压力经小幅振荡后稳定在11.6 MPa左右,补偿压力约为1.6 MPa,出口压力的超调量约为17.2%,调整时间约为0.5 s,该补偿压力可通过流量控制阀调压弹簧设定,出口压力建立时间约为0.06 s,动态响应性能良好。由图7b可知,负载敏感变量泵斜盘倾角经0.5 s左右振荡后稳定在0.16 rad左右,结合变量泵输出流量理论公式可知,变量泵输出流量与给定系统输入流量相符。

2.2 负载敏感变量泵动态特性仿真分析

给定系统流量为30 L/min,仿真时间为4 s,得到负载敏感变量泵出口压力和斜盘倾角在负载反馈压力由10~15 MPa阶跃变化时的动态响应特性曲线分别如8a、8b所示。

图8 负载阶跃输入变量泵出口压力和斜盘倾角响应特性

由图8a可知,变量泵出口压力建压时间约为0.4 s,稳定后达到11.6 MPa左右,当负载反馈压力阶跃变化到15 MPa后,变量泵出口压力随之增加,建压时间约为 0.4 s,超调量约为12%,稳定后达到16.6 MPa左右,补偿压力约为1.6 MPa,负载敏感变量泵的动态压力补偿特性良好。

由图8b可知,初始状态下变量泵斜盘倾角经一段时间振荡后,稳定在0.16 rad左右,调整时间约为0.5 s,当负载反馈压力阶跃变化时,变量泵斜盘倾角迅速振荡后稳定在0.16 rad左右,调整时间约为0.5 s,系统流量不受负载阶跃变化的影响,变量泵具有良好的稳态流量输出特性。

给定负载反馈压力10 MPa,仿真时间为4 s,得到负载敏感变量泵出口压力和斜盘倾角在系统流量由30~60 L/min阶跃变化时的动态响应特性曲线分别如图9a、9b所示。

图9 流量阶跃输入变量泵出口压力和斜盘倾角响应特性

由图9a可知,初始状态下变量泵出口压力的建压时间约为0.5 s,稳定后达到11.6 MPa左右;当系统流量阶跃变化到60 L/min后,变量泵出口压力迅速减小,随即快速上升,经一段时间振荡后稳定在11.6 MPa左右,超调量约为17.2%,调整时间约为0.4 s,补偿压力约为 1.6 MPa,变量泵出口压力不受系统流量阶跃变化的影响,具有良好的稳压特性。

由图9b可知,初始状态下变量泵斜盘倾角经一段时间振荡后稳定在0.16 rad左右,调整时间约为0.5 s;当系统流量阶跃变化到60 L/min后,变量泵斜盘倾角迅速增大,经一段时间振荡后稳定在0.29 rad左右,调整时间约为0.5 s,变量泵动态流量输出特性良好。


3 负载敏感变量泵试验


图10 负载敏感液压系统室内试验平台

油压传感器采用德国米科MIK-P300型压力传感器,其技术参数如表2所示,响应时间约为20 ms,而变量泵液压系统压力控制响应时间约为0.5 s,可满足系统油液压力动态测量需求。智能变送仪用于实时显示油压传感器所采集的油压数值,流量传感器采用TLW-15G型涡轮流量传感器,压力范围0~25 MPa,量程为0~ 100 L/min,24 V电源供电,输出信号为4~20 mA电流信号。压力和流量信号可通过NI采集卡实时传输到PC机中,并通过LabVIEW程序界面实时显示传感器输出信号变化曲线。

比例溢流阀选用华德液压生产的DBEM2-30B/ 315YM型锥阀式先导比例溢流阀,通径为25 mm,允许通过的最大流量为600 L/min,可提供的最大开启压力为31.5 MPa。可根据VT-2000BS40G型电液比例控制器无级调节比例溢流阀的开启压力。比例阀控制放大器采用9~32 V电源供电,输入电压范围为2.5~5 V,输出比例线圈驱动电流范围为0~1.2 A,最大输出电流为2 A。

表2 油压传感器技术参数


Note:FS meanings full scale.

3.1 试验方案

图11为负载敏感变量泵性能试验方案原理图,节流阀与负载敏感变量泵出口相连,用于调节液压系统流量。在节流阀出口位置并联比例溢流阀可为比例控制阀提供所需的负载压力。同时,负载压力经节流阀出口可反馈至泵流量控制阀进行压力补偿,安全溢流阀用于液压系统过载保护,开启压力为20 MPa。其中,比例溢流阀开启压力和比例控制阀阀芯开度可分别通过电液比例控制器和比例阀控制放大器进行实时控制。

1. 负载敏感变量泵 2. 油压传感器 3. 节流阀 4. 两位三通比例换向阀 5. 安全溢流阀 6. 比例溢流阀 7. 流量传感器

3.2 试验结果分析

设定比例控制阀输入电压为4.7 V,保持其阀口开度不变,由电液比例控制器控制比例溢流阀开启压力在10 s时由10 MPa阶跃变化到15 MPa,得到变量泵出口压力、负载压力以及变量泵出口压力仿真值得动态响应特性曲线如图12所示。

图12 负载阶跃时变量泵出口压力响应特性曲线

由图12可知,负载压力在10~15 MPa之间阶跃变化时,负载敏感变量泵建压时间约为0.5 s,变量泵出口压力与负载压力几乎同步变化,由11.5 MPa阶跃变化到16.5 MPa,补偿压力约为1.5 MPa,与变量泵出口压力仿真曲线对比可知,补偿压力的稳态误差约为0.1 MPa,主要受负载敏感液压系统试验管路油液压缩性及压力损失的影响,负载敏感变量泵动态压力补偿特性良好,验证了负载敏感变量泵非线性数学模型的正确性。

设定比例溢流阀开启压力为5 MPa,比例控制阀输入电压在10 s时由4.3 V阶跃变化到4.7 V,得到变量泵出口压力、负载压力以及系统流量的动态响应特性曲线如图13所示。

图13 阀芯阶跃时变量泵出口压力及流量响应特性曲线

由图13可知,比例控制阀输入电压在4.3~4.7 V之间阶跃变化时,由于受到系统流量变化及液压系统试验管路压力损失的影响,回油管路背压略微升高,由比例溢流阀设定的负载压力会出现小幅阶跃变化,变量泵出口压力也跟随变化,补偿压力平均值约为1.5 MPa,系统流量由15 L/min阶跃变化到28 L/min,由于负载敏感变量泵机构惯性、内部泄漏、液压系统试验管路油液压缩性等因素影响,液压系统整体惯性增加,导致系统流量响应变慢,调整时间约为7 s,变量泵在保持一定补偿压力时可根据比例控制阀阀芯开度变化为其提供相应流量。

4 结 论


2)搭建了负载敏感变量泵Simulink仿真模型,仿真分析结果表明:变量泵可根据负载所需压力和流量实时调整斜盘倾角大小,进而实现压力-流量补偿功能,补偿压力约为1.6 MPa,负载压力和流量阶跃变化时,变量泵具有良好的动态补偿特性。

3)试验研究结果表明:在给定比例控制阀阀口开度不变的情况下,负载压力阶跃变化时,负载敏感变量泵通过流量控制阀调整斜盘倾角为比例控制阀提供所需流量,此外,变量泵出口压力始终高出负载压力1.5 MPa,通过与仿真结果对比可知,补偿压力稳态误差约为0.1 MPa,主要与液压系统试验管路压力损失有关,验证了负载敏感变量泵非线性数学模型的正确性。当比例控制阀阀芯阶跃变化时,负载敏感变量泵输出其所需流量,满足现代农机装备液压系统对负载敏感变量泵压力-流量补偿功能的需求。

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Structural modeling and performance analysis of load-sensing variable pump

Chen Suiying, Zhao Jianjun, Mao Enrong, Song Zhenghe, Zhu Zhongxiang, Du Yuefeng※


In recent years, to meet the development requirements of green production and energy efficiency of modern agriculture, the closed-center load-sensing hydraulic system has been widely used in the domestic and overseas agricultural machinery because of its low energy consumption and strong adaptability. As a key power component of the hydraulic system of the modern agricultural equipment, the performance of the load-sensing variable pump plays an important role in the performance of the whole hydraulic system. At present, the domestic scholars have mainly concentrated in the optimization and characteristics analysis of hydraulic valve, while have done little about the hydraulic pump. Therefore, this paper focused on the mathematical modeling, performance simulation and testing of the load-sensing variable pump, which was composed of swashplate piston pump, plunger cylinder, pressure control valve, flow control valve, load feedback check valve, and so on. In order to better analyze the performance of the pump, the mathematical models of these parts were established by using the pressure-flow equation, flow continuity equation, force balance equation, and so on. Taking into account the effective travel range of the moving parts such as valve spool and swashplate, the nonlinear mathematical model of the load-sensing variable pump based on the boundary conditions was constructed by using the state space method. Then, the simulation model of the pump was established using MATLAB/Simulink based on the mathematical model. By using the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm, the steady-state and dynamic performances of the pump were simulated. At the steady state, the compensating pressure of the variable pump was about 1.6 MPa. And in the dynamic state, the outlet pressure and swashplate angle of the pump could respectively follow the step changes of the load and system flow very well, the adjustment time of which was about 0.4 and 0.5 s, respectively. The simulation results showed that the load-sensing variable pump could adjust the inclination angle of the swashplate in real time according to the required flow and pressure of the load, and thus had a good pressure-flow compensation characteristic. Finally, to verify the correctness of the mathematical model and the simulation analysis, an indoor test platform of the load-sensing hydraulic system was built, including hydraulic pump station, proportional control valve, proportional relief valve, flowmeter, pressure sensor, and so on. The dynamic performance test of the load-sensing variable pump was carried out by using the platform. Among them, the step change of the load pressure could be achieved by controlling the proportional valve’s opening pressure, while the step change in flow could be achieved by controlling the spool opening of the proportional relief valve. The test results showed that the load-sensitive pump could output its required flow when the proportional valve spool encountered a step change. And when the load made a step change, the outlet pressure of the variable pump changed almost synchronously with the load pressure. Compared with the simulation results, the steady-state error of the compensation pressure was about 0.1 MPa, which verified the correctness of the nonlinear mathematical model of the load-sensing variable pump. It can be seen that the output flow and pressure of the load-sensing variable pump can be adapted to the load in real time, thus effectively improving the efficiency of the hydraulic system and reducing the system heat, which meets the field work demands of the modern agricultural equipment operation unit.

pumps; computer simulation; agricultural equipment; load-sensing; variable pump; mathematical model; boundary condition


S232.3; TH321






陈随英,女,湖南岳阳人,博士生,主要从事流体传动及静液压驱动车辆技术研究。北京 中国农业大学现代农业装备优化设计北京市重点试验室,100083。

杜岳峰,男,讲师,博士,主要从事流体传动及农业机械设计研究。北京 中国农业大学现代农业装备优化设计北京市重点试验室,100083。

陈随英,赵建军,毛恩荣,宋正河,朱忠祥,杜岳峰. 负载敏感变量泵结构建模与性能分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(3):40-49. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.03.006

Chen Suiying, Zhao Jianjun, Mao Enrong, Song Zhenghe, Zhu Zhongxiang, Du Yuefeng. Structural modeling and performance analysis of load-sensing variable pump[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(3): 40-49. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.03.006

