

世界建筑 2017年1期




1 电影俱乐部入口/Entrance of the film club

20 多年前,瑞士格劳宾登州的一座阿尔卑斯山小镇伊兰茨的最后一座电影院关闭了。为了继续满足电影爱好者的需求,一群对电影和文化感兴趣的人在1989年建立了伊兰茨电影俱乐部,在各种临时性场所进行电影放映。到了2004年,电影俱乐部终于租下一块场地。这里曾经是个铁匠铺,后改为葡萄酒商店,位于伊兰茨小镇中心的一座房子的背部。1980年代,鲁道夫·奥尔加蒂曾对这座19世纪的建筑进行修复工作,使它成为了镇上最好的房子之一。



这种材料的使用,无论从建筑生态视角还是对造价的影响来说都具有很高的意义。项目施工是由电影俱乐部的前任主席、泥石匠克里斯蒂安·奥布里的团队完成的,并得到了夯土专家马丁·劳奇的指导。内墙采用了很厚实的夯土施工,以此来加强吸声隔音效果——也包括低频区的声音。压实土墙的多孔表面弱化了房间中的声学干扰。房间的转角和屏幕的凹入部分都使用了圆角。在这种施工方式中,潮湿的粘土被夯实为5~12cm厚的面板。此后也不会对材料进行抛光或美化。整个施工过程就是这种材料本身的表达。粘土地板以回收玻璃制作的泡沫玻璃碎屑为基底,压实并上蜡。吊顶则采用了加强楼板,与穿孔墙面及地面材料和谐一体。由于希尔普拉茨电影院中的粘土构筑是具有可呼吸性的,并能调节房间的湿度,因此室内也不再需要昂贵的空调系统。□(黄华青 译)

2 总平面/Site plan

More than twenty years ago the last cinema was closed in Ilanz, an Alpine town in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. In order to keep satisfying the cinephile needs, a group of people interested in film and culture founded the FilmclubIlanz in 1989 and organised screenings in various provisional locations. As of 2004 the Filmclub rented the premises of a former forge and later wine store in the rear part of a house in the centre of Ilanz. The 19th-century building was restored by Rudolf Olgiati in the 1980s and is among the town's best buildings.

The qualities should be preserved of a locality, which excels in its sequenced rooms and spatial proportions, as well as in the materiality and history of the surfaces. The raw character with its inviting openness and generous spaciousness was to be enhanced by the necessary interventions.

In order not to put a strain on the financial possibilities of the club, and to minimise the financial burden of the future running of the establishment, the reconstruction concept is confined to a few, precise structural interventions. The financing of the necessary measures had to be secured by the club. Above the movie theatre there are living quarters. For this reason the necessary soundproofing measures were achieved with a roomin-space construction of clay. A suitable clay was found in Surrein in a side valley of the region.

The material makes sense from an ecological point of view and is cost-effective. It was carried out under the supervision of rammed-earth specialist Martin Rauch by the team of the stonemason Christian Aubry, who was the former president of the Filmclub. The walls were executed in a massive rammed-earth construction in order to strengthen the soundproofing - also in the lowfrequency range. The porous surface of the tamped clay softens the acoustics in the room. The corners of the room and the soffits of the opening to the screen are rounded. In this type of construction the earth-moist clay is tamped into a formwork in 5 -12cm high layers. After that the material is neither faced nor beautified. The construction is a direct expression of itself. The clay floor was tamped and waxed on top of foam glass gravel made of recycled glass. The hanging ceiling was made of reinforced building panels and plastered with the sifted wall and floor material. Because the clay construction in the Cinema Sil Plaz is breathable and regulates the moisture in the room, an expensive air-conditioning system was unnecessary.□

项目信息/Credits and Data

建筑设计/Architects: 卡保罗与布卢门塔尔建筑事务所/ Capaul & Blumenthal Architects (Ilanz/Glion, Switzerland)客户/Client: 希尔普拉茨俱乐部/Cinema Sil Plaz Club (Ilanz/Glion, Switzerland)

项目经理/Project Manager: Gordian Blumenthal, Ramun Capaul结构工程/Structural Engineer: Giachen Blumenthal (Ilanz/ Glion, Switzerland)

生土工程合作/Earthworks together with: Aubry Sculptur (Ilanz/Glion, Switzerland), Baukunst Graubünden (Ilanz/ Glion, Switzerland), Team Cinema Sil Plaz (Ilanz/Glion, Switzerland)

建筑面积/Floor Area: 250m²

夯土/Rammed Earth: 182m², 67t

建造周期/Construction Phase: 2009-2010

摄影/Photos: Benedikt Redmann (fig.1, 4, 5), Laura Egger (fig.9)

3 平面/Floor plan

4 放映区,墙面及地板由夯土制成,吊顶为声学涂层/Central view on the screen, all walls and floors are made out of rammed earth. The celling is plastered with an acoustic render.

5 为电影放映机设置的圆形开口/Round openings for the film projector

6 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

7 横剖面/Cross section




8 构造细部/Structural features


JIANG Peiming:The purpose of architectural design is not solely formal delight. Architectural technology and choice of materials are equally important. Proper technologies and materials can make buildings almost perfectly functional while at the same time uniquely characterized. This specific design is an ingenious application of rammed earth technology where full use has been made of the clay's properties. Not only are problems dealt with for winter heating and summer cooling effects and construction costs, but also the critical issue for all cinemas, i.e. acoustic performance is tackled. The function of cinema prioritizes sound qualities, which can be provided by carefully designed and treated rammed-earth (clay) walls that boast inherent sound insulation, absorption and reflection effects. The same rammed-earth wall is celebrated for its natural and simple texture and colors, which elevate the cinema with an outstanding cultural and artistic atmosphere. The design is an exemplary application of rammed-earth technology to architecture. It is not formalism or exaggeration, but instead a perfect representation of architectural technology, function and art combined. Hail the rammed earth cinema.(Translated by SHANG Jin)

ZHANG Wen:The renovation of an old structure building into a cinema is already a challenge, not to mention that the architect selected earth as the material for the auditorium. But it is not so difficult to understand, as thick-rammed earth walls not only perfectly solve the problem of acoustic insulation, but also provides an energy saving and comfortable thermal environment. Although, interior rammedearth wall design can be simplified as waterproofing and weather resistant relatively, but subjected to the height of the space, construction on site tends to be more difficult, especially in such a renovation project. In addition, the auditorium is completely surrounded by earth from the ground to walls and ceilings, so the earth should be differently proportioned in order to ensure the strength and the appearance quality at each part. The equipments and lighting devices exposed become one of the auditorium features. The gray yellow earth softens the cold feeling of industries as in the black steel and equipments. Meanwhile, the exquisite details always reminds us that this is not traditional rammed earth any more, it is modern rammed earth with carefully design and industrialized construction.

Cinema Sil Plaz, Ilanz/Glion, Switzerland, 2010

Architects: Capaul & Blumenthal Architects

9 内景/Interior view


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