

世界建筑 2017年1期




1 东立面/East facade





从整体上看,这座住宅就像一个实验建筑,体现出建筑师罗杰·博尔茨豪瑟与夯土建筑大师、客户马丁·劳奇之间密切的设计合作,而经后者亲自动手建造则是这座建筑最大的亮点。□(尚晋 译)

2 总平面/Site plan

The site for the residential house oversees the village of Schlins in Vorarlberg, Austria.

The materiality and form of the residential house are direct reactions to the steep south-sloping situation of the slender plot in a landscape context -as if a monolithic block, similar to a piece of abstract and artificial nature, had been pressed out of the earth.

Two clefts articulate the building of rammed earth, wedging it backwards with the scarp and establishing a frontal prelude or welcoming gesture towards the valley. The interior of the house is developed in the form of sequences of spaces that respond storey-wise to the variable conditions.

As opposed to more organic, archaic clay architecture, the morphology of the building aims towards a certain clarity and sharpness. The strips of clay bricks that are inserted between the typical clay layers optically stabilise the building structure by emphasising the horizontality and heightening the light and shadow effects of the surface texture. At a material-atmospheric level the spatial sequence shows a succession that literally ascends from the raw and archaic to the distinguished splendour through a balanced overlaying of different treatment processes.

Taken as a whole, the house is a laboratorylike experiment, depicting the close planning cooperation between the architect Roger Boltshauser and the master clay builder and client Martin Rauch, culminating in his own hands-on construction of the building.□

3 南立面及入口/South facade and entrance

4 地下一层平面/Floor -1 plan

5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

6 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

7 朝向山坡北侧的天然地窖,完全被斜坡覆盖/Natural cellar towards the hillside (north), entirely covered by the slope




8 厨房和餐厅外的东侧阳台/East terrace adherent with the kitchen and dining room

9 横剖面/Cross section

10 连接右侧阳台和后侧工作室的厨房/Kitchen, access to the east terrace (to the right) and the studio (in the back)

11 从餐厅看西侧休息平台/View from dining room to west terrace


LIU Heng:The load-bearing exterior walls are built with rammed earth, inserted are evenly thin band of tiles as erosion checks, while the interior massive rammed earth building is insulated with reed and finished with clay plaster. The beams and floor constructions rest on the exterior rammed earth walls. The staircase reveals the texture of rammed earth inside, counteracting to other plastered spaces. The oval spiral staircase connects all three levels. The use of the elegant and smooth black metal balustrade forms a contrast to the archaic and rammed earth. The inner metal balustrade is not connected to the stair, so the balustrade appears to be floating on the steps. The rammed-earth system, comprehensively connected with the interior functions and other treatments, makes the spaces leisurely, appropriate, natural, and varied. (Translated by WANG Xinxin)

MU Jun:The nature of the project as the masters clay builder's own residence has granted Martin Rauch relatively ample freedom to concretize years of earth-based construction experience, while support from architect Roger Boltshauser facilitates more systematic exploration for further application. Raw Earth, as a locally sourced natural material, has been extensively used for various building elements such as wall, floor, interior finish and staircase. It is particularly worth mentioning that the rammed-earth technique which has originated from local traditions can be organically integrated with modern architectural spaces and structural systems. In this manner, its inherent limits on mechanical and waterproofing performance can be effectively overcome or avoided by means of various creative or original tectonic designs and innovations in construction, so that the ecological application potentials and the corresponding architectural language of earthen material be full-blown. Whether in the field of advanced earthen architecture or in that of green architecture, House Rauch is universally recognized as a milestone for its exemplary exploration in construction practice. (Translated by SHANG Jin)

12 起居室/Living room

13 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

项目信息/Credits and Data

建筑设计/Architects: 博尔茨豪瑟建筑事务所,马丁·劳奇/Roger Boltshauser, Zurich (Switzerland),Martin Rauch (Schlins, Austria)

客户/Client: 玛尔塔·劳奇与马丁·劳奇/Marta Rauch and Martin Rauch

项目经理/Project Management: Tomas Kamm

结构工程/Structural Engineer: Josef Tomaselli (Nenzing, Austria)

陶瓷艺术/Ceramic Artwork: Marta Rauch-Debevec, Sebastian Rauch

建筑面积/Floor Area: 290m²

建造周期/Construction Phase: 2005-2008

摄影/Photos: Albrecht Schnabel (fig.1,8,11,12), Beat Bühler (fig.3,7,14,16,17,18), Benedikt Redmann (fig.10)

House Rauch, Schlins, Austria, 2008

Architects: Boltshauser Architekten, Martin Rauch

14 自然光下通向二层的夯土楼梯/Rammed earth staircase with natural lighting, with entrance to the second floor

15 贯穿3层空间的轴测示意/Axonometric of room development through all three stories

16 楼梯的钢栏杆/Steel balustrade of the staircase

17 铺装有玛尔塔·劳奇和塞巴斯蒂安·劳奇手工烧制瓷砖的二层盥洗室/Bathroom (second floor) with handmade Raku tiles by Marta Rauch and Sebastian Rauch

18 卧室/Sleeping room


阿斯顿·马丁Valkyrie Spider
状元秀 马克尔·富尔茨