

生态学报 2016年21期

李 丽, 牛俊峰, 文 志, 崔 健, 王效科,*

1 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域国家重点实验室, 北京 100085 2 中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650 3 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 北京 100081


李 丽1, 牛俊峰2, 文 志1, 崔 健3, 王效科1,*

1 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域国家重点实验室, 北京 100085 2 中国科学院华南植物园, 广州 510650 3 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 北京 100081

臭氧和干旱是威胁我国北方城市植物生长的两大重要因素。于2012年利用开顶式气室,通过设置4个处理(AW-大气环境和水分充足;AW+60-大气增加60 nL/L臭氧+水分充足;AD-大气+干旱处理;AD+60-大气增加60 nL/L臭氧+干旱处理),开展了大气臭氧浓度升高(以下简称“臭氧”)和干旱对元宝枫秋季变色期主要色素含量及脱落酸(ABA)含量的影响研究。结果表明:(1)早生叶在臭氧处理后,总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素分别下降了21%和29.6%、花青苷和类黄酮相对含量显著升高了34.1%和7.3%、脱落酸含量增加了19.8%。干旱处理后,早生叶总叶绿素显著下降了18.7%、花青苷和类黄酮相对含量分别显著升高了37%和7.4%、脱落酸含量显著升高了13%。叶片的上述生理变化将会导致叶片提前变红、叶片早衰和提前脱落。(2)晚生叶在干旱处理后总叶绿素含量减少了18.8%,脱落酸含量增加了33.4%,臭氧以及与干旱共同处理未对晚生叶产生显著影响。(3)臭氧和干旱共同处理后,早生叶总叶绿素含量、花青苷和叶片脱落酸含量存在显著交互作用,交互作用缓解了叶片总叶绿素的下降和花青苷的上升,但未缓解叶片脱落酸含量的增加。综上,早生叶和晚生叶对臭氧和干旱处理的响应不同,早生叶对臭氧处理响应大于晚生叶,而晚生叶对干旱更敏感。臭氧和干旱处理均加速了叶片衰老,二者共同处理后叶片脱落风险增加。


臭氧是一种重要的具有氧化性的污染气体,过高的浓度会威胁植物的生长、农作物产量及人类健康[1- 2]。由于化石燃料的使用和城市化的快速发展,大量臭氧前体物体NOx被排放到大气中,导致了我国各大城市空气中臭氧浓度不断升高[3- 5]。据文献报道,2012年北京城郊7—8月份臭氧极值达到195.8 nL/L[6],如此高的臭氧浓度将会对植物生长造成伤害,如叶片出现黄褐色、黑色或紫红色集中于叶脉两侧的密集斑点,在北京城区及郊区已发现多种植物叶片受害症状[6-7]。同时,干旱也是限制我国北方树木生长的重要因素。在全球气候变化背景下,频繁出现的干旱和不断升高的大气臭氧浓度将会共同对城市树木生长产生严重威胁,增加了植物响应的不确定性和复杂性。




1 材料与方法

1.1 实验地点

实验地点位于北京市昌平区种子管理站(40°12′N,116°08′E),属暖温带大陆性季风气候,年均降水量为550.3 mm[22]。土壤类型为潮土,质地为砂壤,有机质含量为16.4 g/kg,全氮0.9 g/kg,速效磷38.1 mg/kg,速效钾102.1 mg/kg,pH 8.3。

1.2 实验设计和实验材料

实验在开顶式气室内进行,气室的设计在之前的基础上有所改进[5]。气室材料为阳光板(透光率85%),形状为圆柱体 (直径2 m,高2.5 m),顶部有高于顶端的透明挡板用于防止雨水进入,罩子内外气体自由流通,每个罩子周围挖有25 cm宽,75 cm深的水沟,内铺设透明薄膜用于防止外部雨水进入以及内外水分交换。共12个罩子,每两个之间的距离为2 m (开顶式气室及细节描述见文献[10])。实验设置4个处理,分别为:AW-大气臭氧+水分充足,AW+60-大气增加60 nL/L臭氧+水分充足,AD-大气臭氧+干旱,AD+60-大气加60 nL/L臭氧+干旱。共12个开顶式气室,每个处理3个重复,因此每个罩子为1个重复。干旱设置为土壤田间持水量的50%,实验开始后所有罩子停止浇水,待土壤水分下降到相同值后进行不同水量灌溉。通过土壤水分(EC- 5,Decagon Device,UK)和土壤水势(MPS- 2,Decagon Device,UK)监测,定量浇水的方法控制干旱。对照处理土壤水分为田间持水量,不存在干旱胁迫。臭氧熏气时间为7月28日开始,10月25日结束,每天熏气时间8:30—17:30,阴雨天气停止熏气,总处理时间为57d,熏气期间大气臭氧均值为34 nL/L,臭氧累计量AOT40为28.2 μL L-1h。

实验材料为1年生元宝枫(Acertruncatum)幼苗,由北京本地苗圃购入,2012年4月份移栽到气室外缓苗,5月30日选取长势一致的120株幼苗移入开顶式气室内进行适应,每个罩子内种植10株元宝枫。每个罩子内种植10株元宝枫。为避免花盆限制根系生长,幼苗直接种植于开顶式气室内。元宝枫为落叶树种,选择植株顶端向阳位置,将7月1日—7日间展开的叶片作为早生叶进行挂牌标记。将9月1日—7日间展开的叶片作为晚生叶进行挂牌标记。从叶片展开到采样结束,早生叶臭氧累计量AOT40约为28.2 μL L-1h,晚生叶臭氧累积量AOT40约为14.2 μL L-1h。

1.3 指标测定

采样时间为10月10日上午,采样时植株株高为(80±7) cm,基径为(11±1) mm,处理间株高,基径无显著差异。每个开顶式气室内选择3株长势良好的植株,每个植株分别选择2—3片标记的早生叶和晚生叶进行采样,取样时叶片避开叶脉分为两部分,一部分用保温箱快速转移到4 ℃冰箱中,于2—3d内完成叶绿素a和b、类胡萝卜素、花青苷和类黄酮的测定,另一部分用液氮罐转移到-80 ℃冰箱内用于生长激素测定。

叶绿素的测定取50 mg新鲜叶片,在4℃环境下剪碎后用4 mL 95% 的乙醇溶液浸泡提取,取提取液用分光光度计(型号)测定664、648、470 nm 波长吸光度,根据Lichtenthaler[23]的修正公式计算叶绿素a、b总量以及类胡萝卜素含量。

花青苷和类黄酮相对含量的测定分别参照Pirie[24]和Caldwell[25]的方法并略作改进,取100 mg新鲜叶片,用5mL 0.1% HCl甲醇4 ℃浸泡提取24 h,取提取液用分光光度计(型号)于530 nm(花色素苷)和 300 nm(类黄酮)处测定吸光值。用每g叶片在530 nm处的吸收值OD530/g鲜重表示叶片中花色素苷相对含量,OD300/g鲜重作为叶片中类黄酮相对含量[26]。


1.4 数据分析

臭氧和干旱分别作为影响因子对各指标的作用以及交互作用利用双因素方差Two-way ANOVA分析进行。处理间多因素比较采用LSD法。所有数据在处理前均进行了方差齐性和正态分布检验。数据分析采用SPSS 17.0 软件进行,并利用Sigmaplot 11.0进行绘图。

2 结果

2.1 总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量

图1 臭氧浓度增加和干旱处理对早生叶和晚生叶总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量的影响 Fig.1 The effects of elevated ozone and drought stress on total chlorophyll (Chl (a+b)) and carotenoid (Car) contents in early-flush and late-flush leaves图中不同字母表示处理间多重比较差异显著 (P<0.05)


2.2 花青苷和类黄酮色素相对含量


图2 臭氧增加和干旱处理对早生叶和晚生叶花色素苷和类黄酮相对含量的影响Fig.2 The effects of elevated ozone and drought stress on anthocyanin and flavonoid relative contents in early-flush and late-flush leaves图中不同小写字母表示处理间多重比较差异显著 (P<0.05)



2.3 脱落酸含量

早生叶脱落酸含量在臭氧和干旱单独处理后均显著升高,升高幅度分别为19.8%和13%。共同处理对早生叶脱落酸含量有显著交互作用,处理后脱落酸含量升高了20.8% (图3,表1),略高于单独的臭氧和干旱处理。晚生叶在干旱处理后脱落酸含量显著上升了33.4%。臭氧和共同处理未对晚生叶叶片脱落酸含量产生显著影响。

3 讨论

图3 臭氧增加和干旱处理对早生叶 和晚生叶 叶片脱落酸(ABA)含量的影响Fig.3 The effects of elevated ozone and drought stress on abscisic acid (ABA) contents in early-flush and late-flush leaves图中不同小写字母表示处理间多重比较差异显著 (P<0.05)



脱落酸是能够降低叶片气孔导度、加速叶片衰老、脱落的主要植物激素[32- 34]。本实验结果表明,臭氧和干旱处理均导致叶片脱落酸含量升高,交互作用表现脱落酸含量大于单独臭氧和干旱处理,变化趋势与之前发表的光合测量结果-气孔导度在处理后的下降趋势相符合[10]。对于元宝枫等不敏感树种,叶片气孔臭氧、干旱等胁迫的反应是ABA含量升高以调控气孔关闭,减少水分散失和臭氧进入,交互作用的结果也与一些文献结果一致[35-36],脱落酸含量升高会导致叶片早衰,提前脱落,变色期变短。


4 结论





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The effects of elevated ozone and chronic drought on leaf pigments and abscisic acid contents in early and late-flush leaves of Shantung maple (AcertruncatumBunge)

LI Li1, NIU Junfeng2, WEN Zhi1, CUI Jian3, WANG Xiaoke1,*


The changing color of leaves in autumn is not only necessary for the growth of foliage trees but is also important for urban landscape interests. Red color in maple leaves relates to the synthesis of anthocyanin and the degraded pigments. Ozone (O3) is an important phytotoxic pollutant, which may affect the basic physiological functions of plants due to its highly reactive oxidative characteristics. The increased consumption of fossil fuels in China has led to increased emission of O3precursors and visible plant injury induced by high O3concentration frequently occurs around Beijing. In addition, trees are often subjected to periodic drought in North China with the frequency and the severity of drought events projected in the background of climate change. Drought in summer usually coincides with episodes of high O3concentrations, which, together, may affect plant growth including color expression and leaf senescence of foliage tree species in fall. Although numerous publications have reported the effects of elevated O3concentration or drought stress on trees, little is known about the possible interactions between anthocyanin and flavonoid in Asian maple species. To investigate the effects of chronic drought stress and elevated O3concentrations on leaf pigments and abscission of Shantung maple (AcertruncatumBunge), we set up 12 open-top chambers with four treatments (AW: non-filtered ambient air and well watered; AW + 60: non-filtered ambient air plus 60 nL/L O3and well watered; AD: non-filtered ambient air and drought; AD + 60: non-filtered ambient air plus 60 nL/L O3and drought) in a suburb of Beijing, China. Total chlorophyll (total Chl), carotenoid (Car), anthocyanin, flavonoid, and abscisic acid (ABA) contents in early and late-flush leaves were measured in October of the first year. Leaves that unfolded from July 1 to 7 were marked as early-flush leaves and the AOT40 (The cumulative O3 exposure, which was described as the accumulated hourly mean O3concentrations over 40 ppb during O3 fumigation period) was 28.2 μL L-1h when harvested. Late-flush leaves unfolded from September 1 to 7 and the AOT40 was 14.2 μL L-1h when harvested. The results showed: (1) For early-flush leaves, elevated O3significantly decreased the total Chl and Car contents by 21% and 29.6%, respectively, increased anthocyanin and flavonoid relative contents by 34.1% and 7.3%, respectively, and increased ABA contents by 19.8%. Drought stress decreased the total Chl by 18.7%, increased the relative contents of anthocyanin and flavonoid by 37% and 7.4%, respectively, and increased ABA contents by 13%. These physiology changes would collectively lead to leaf reddening, senescence, and abscission in advance of autumn. (2) Late-flush leaves only responded to drought treatments as indicated by a significant decrease of 18.8% in total Chl and an increase of 33.4% in ABA contents. (3) Significant interactions were found in total Chl, anthocyanin, and ABA contents of early-flush leaves, as indicated by the fact that the decrease in total Chl and increase in anthocyanin were mitigated, but the increase in ABA contents was aggravated. In conclusion, early and late-flush leaves responded differently to elevated O3and drought stress. Early-flush leaves responded more to ozone treatment, while late-flush leaves were more sensitive to drought stress. Both treatments lead to leaf early senescence and their interactive treatments may increase the risk of early abscission. This study may provide a better understanding of autumnal leaf growth and the phenology response to elevated O3and drought stress in the coming future.

AcertruncatumBunge; ozone; drought; photosynthetic pigment; anthocyanin; flavonoid; ABA

国家自然科学基金项目(31170424, 41571053, 71533005)

2015- 05- 06;

日期:2016- 03- 03


*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail:

李丽, 牛俊峰, 文志, 崔健, 王效科.干旱和臭氧浓度升高对元宝枫早生和晚生叶片色素和脱落酸含量的影响.生态学报,2016,36(21):6804- 6811.

Li L, Niu J F, Wen Z, Cui J, Wang X K.The effects of elevated ozone and chronic drought on leaf pigments and abscisic acid contents in early and late-flush leaves of Shantung maple (AcertruncatumBunge).Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(21):6804- 6811.

