

广西植物 2016年11期

姚瑞玲, 王 胤

( 广西优良用材林资源培育重点实验室, 广西林业科学研究院, 南宁 530002 )


姚瑞玲, 王 胤*

( 广西优良用材林资源培育重点实验室, 广西林业科学研究院, 南宁 530002 )

马尾松(Pinusmassoniana)组织培养生根困难,该研究在严格控制光温条件的光照培养中,以马尾松无性系组培继代芽为材料,分析了在不同温度处理下马尾松组培单芽生根率、生根时间、根系条数和移栽成活率等生根能力指标以及生根解剖构造的变化。所有数据均采用SPSS 19.0统计分析软件,进行单因素分析(ANOVA)的显著性检验及最小显著性差异法(LSD)的多重比较。结果表明:在25 ℃最适温度培养下,马尾松组培生根效果较佳,移栽成活率最高,可达98.1%。低温处理下,生根时间显著延长,根系条数减少,生根率偏低;高温处理下,根茎愈伤组织明显,移栽成活率显著降低。从生根解剖构造来看,马尾松不定根主要由维管形成层细胞分化而成。与25 ℃适温处理相比较,在20 ℃较低温处理下,细胞分裂活动缓慢,不定根原始体诱发较少;而在30 ℃较高温处理下,细胞活动旺盛,但髓射线与维管组织细胞染色颜色加深、排列紧密,将诱发的不定根原基细胞团区隔成带状或片状。该研究结果探讨了培养环境温度对马尾松组培单芽生根能力的影响,为马尾松组培苗生产提供了参考。

组培快繁, 生根率, 生根解剖, 不定根诱导

马尾松(Pinusmassoniana)属我国南方主要的造林树种,其综合利用价值高,具有广阔的推广应用前景。自“六五”国家科技攻关以来,我国在马尾松良种选育和速生丰产栽培技术等方面取得了较大突破。马尾松适应能力强,分布广泛,由于气候和地理环境的优势,马尾松在广西生长性状表现较佳(丁贵杰等,2006)。广西多年来一直从事马尾松良种选育方面的工作,选育出大批优良马尾松种源、家系,在全国很多省(区)均有引种栽培(杨章旗和刘达峰, 2011)。近年来,由于种子园母树老化,育种周期长,马尾松良种匮乏,严重制约了马尾松产业的快速发展(杨模华等,2011)。通过组织培养方法快速繁殖林木优良品系,是实现高效人工林定向培育的重要途径,也是进行品种改良的捷径(李校雨等,2009;伊书亮等,2013)。

马尾松组织培养困难,多年来众多学者对马尾松组织培养技术进行了大量研究(黄健秋和卫志明,1994;李校雨等,2009;姚瑞玲和王胤,2015)。近年来,通过组培虽先后成功获取了马尾松离体植株,但整体上由于生根率不高,根系质量不理想,效果不稳定,未能实现马尾松组培苗在生产上的应用。有关马尾松不定根发生机理尚不清楚,许多工作仍处于摸索阶段(季孔庶,1996;姚瑞玲和王胤,2015)。近期,作者突破了马尾松组培生根困难的难题,创建了一套高效的马尾松组培育苗技术体系,形成了规模化培育马尾松组培苗的中试平台,并开展了马尾松优良群体无性化组培苗育林区域试验(甘剑伟和龙娟,2014;姚瑞玲和王胤,2015)。在前期马尾松组培苗繁育试验中发现,通过控制温度能有效提高马尾松组培单芽生根稳定性,且苗木根茎基部愈伤组织少,根系质量好,移栽成活率高,田间适应能力强,生长效果佳(姚瑞玲等,2016)。马尾松根系再生主要通过诱导不定根原基形成(李校雨等, 2009)。温度的变化,可能会影响马尾松组培单芽不定根原始体的分化,进而影响或抑制不定根的形成及根系质量。基于此,本研究通过探讨在不同温度生根诱导处理条件下,马尾松组培单芽生根情况及不定根发生过程中解剖构造的变化,从而揭示环境温度对马尾松根系再生能力的影响,以期为马尾松组培育苗的产业化提供参考。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料


1.2 方法

1.2.1 试验处理方法 以改良MS(在MS基础上,将5 NH4NO3用量减为1/4,肌醇用量增至200 g·L-1,其余大量、微量、铁盐与维生素用量减为1/2)为基本培养基,培养基中添加生长素NAA 0.15 mg·L-1,在光照培养箱(SPX-250-GB)中设置不同温度(15、20、25、30、35 ℃)处理下马尾松组培单芽不定根诱导,每处理5重复,每重复200瓶(玻璃生根瓶规格:Ф=6 cm,高=9 cm),每瓶接继代单芽3~6株。生根诱导处理期间光照强度1 500~2 000 lx,光照时间12 h·d-1。

1.2.2 生根指数观测 当生根苗根系长度达0.5 cm以上时,统计生根率、根系条数、生根时间及不定根诱导30 d时芽苗生长情况。

1.2.3 生根解剖构造观察 将不同温度处理下组培单芽取出经流水冲洗干净后,切下5~8 mm长度大小的茎基部,转入FAA 固定液进行,依次用30%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%、95%、100%酒精系列脱水,然后进行透蜡和包埋。最后用转动切片机切片,进行番红固绿对染后用阿拉伯中性树胶封片,观察并显微拍照。

1.3 苗木移栽

在苗圃内将已生根的组培苗移栽于泥炭土、蛭石和珍珠岩体积比为1∶1∶1的混合轻型基质中,并按苗圃常规育苗方法进行水肥及病虫害管理,移栽30 d后统计移栽成活率。

1.4 数据分析

采用SPSS 19.0统计分析软件,进行单因素方差分析、差异性显著检验及LSD多重比较。

2 结果与分析

2.1 单芽生根及生长情况

方差分析结果表明,不同温度处理下马尾松组培单芽生根率、根系条数、生根时间及移栽成活率差异显著(图1)。温度较低(15~20 ℃)时,芽苗生长明显变慢,切口愈合速度慢;生根困难,生根率显著降低,根系条数减少,生根时间延长;芽苗地上部分形态建成较差,移栽后恢复能力弱,环境适应能力差,移栽成活率低。温度较高(30~35 ℃)时,芽苗水渍玻璃化现象明显加重,叶片卷曲,茎基部愈伤组织明显,根系质量差,移栽后易发生根腐而死亡,成活率显著下降。而在适温(25 ℃)处理下,芽苗根系质量佳,根系发达(5~7条),生长健壮,移栽后成活率高(图1,图2)。

2.2 单芽生根解剖构造变化

从马尾松组培单芽不定根发生过程来看,不定根原基主要由维管形成层细胞分化而成,其染色呈蓝色,而髓部、髓射线、木质部、韧皮部细胞染色呈红色(图3:Ⅰ-Ⅳ)。生根诱导7 d,在原形成层与髓射线交接处的维管形成层细胞被诱导启动开始旺盛活动,细胞发生变化,部分细胞的体积、细胞核及核仁进一步增大,形成染色比其它区域深的细胞团,即不定根原发端细胞(图3:Ⅰ);14 d后,随着形成层细胞分裂活动的加快,形成不定根原基(图3:Ⅱ);21 d时随着不定根原基不断分裂,根原基逐渐开始组织分化,髓部及髓射线被挤压变形,周围细胞和维管束被分散,原有的细胞团向外继续生长,在机械压力的作用下, 不定根穿过皮层和表皮而长出茎外(图3:Ⅲ);在30 d时,根原基前部细胞继续分裂,后部细胞染色变浅,分生能力减弱,逐渐变成长形,前端出现分层,逐渐形成生长点和根冠(图3:Ⅳ)。

不同温度处理下马尾松组培单芽生根解剖构造变化明显,与25 ℃处理相比,生根诱导30 d后,在20 ℃处理下不定根原基细胞分裂缓慢,髓部及髓射线细胞排列仍较整齐,不定根少有分化(图3:Ⅴ);而在30 ℃处理下,不定根根原基细胞活动虽较旺盛,髓射线细胞被挤压变形,但不定根原基周围的髓射线及维管系统细胞排列紧密,不定根原基细胞团呈带状或局域性片状分布(图3:Ⅵ)。

3 讨论

温度是植物组织培养中的重要因素,因此在适宜的温度培养下植物的生长分化表现最好(White, 1943)。本研究发现,温度显著影响了马尾松组培单芽生根情况。低温时芽苗生长弱,根茎基部愈伤组织少,根系不发达;高温时芽苗玻璃化,茎基部愈伤组织明显。这表明,低温降低了马尾松芽苗活性,导致生根能力减弱,而高温加重了根系愈伤组织,质量下降,移栽成活率低。这与Anderson et al(1992)有关芽苗及根系质量对苗木生长影响的研究结果相类似。综合生根率、根条数、生根时间、移栽成活率等生根指数观察结果来看,温度控制在25 ℃左右,能获得较为理想、稳定的马尾松无性系GLM-80组培单芽生根效果。一般而言,大多数植物组织培养都在23~27 ℃之间,但不同植物其培养的最适温也是不同的。如月季的最适温度是26 ℃(莫磊兴等,1998),番茄则是28 ℃(邱小芳等,2015;Bhatia et al, 2004)。对于不同基因型马尾松,由于遗传物质差异,生根生理代谢能力可能会发生改变,其生根培养的最适温度也可能不同,其有待进一步验证。

图 1 温度对马尾松组培芽生根及移栽成活率影响Fig. 1 Effects of temperature on rooting of tissue cultured shoots and survival rate after transplanting in Pinus massoniana

图 2 不同温度处理30 d后马尾松组培单芽生根及生长情况Fig. 2 Rooting and growth of tissue cultured shoots in Pinus massoniana after 30 d of different temperature treatments

图 3 马尾松组培单芽不定根诱导分化与形成 蓝色箭头示髓射线,红色箭头示维管形成层细胞及其诱导分化的不定根原基;Ⅰ- Ⅳ. 25 ℃处理下马尾松组培单芽不定根形成过程 (Ⅰ. 生根处理7 d维管形成层细胞分化成根原发端细胞, Ⅱ. 生根处理14 d诱导形成不定根原基, Ⅲ. 生根处理21 d不定根原基突出茎切口表皮, Ⅳ. 生根处理30 d具有根冠、分生区、伸长区不定根形成); Ⅴ. 20 ℃生根处理30 d马尾松组培单芽不定根解剖构造; Ⅵ. 30 ℃生根处理30 d马尾松组培单芽不定根解剖构造。Fig. 3 Differentiation and formation of adventitious root from tissue cultured shoots in Pinus massoniana Blue arrow given in figures showed pith ray, and red arrows showed adventitious root primordia induced and differentiated from vascular cambium cells; Ⅰ- Ⅳ. Process for adventious root formation of in vitro single buds in Pinus massoniana under the treatment of 25 ℃ (Ⅰ. Original primordium cells differentiated from vascular cambium cells after 7 d of rooting treatment, Ⅱ. Adventitious root primordia induced after 14 d of rooting treatment, Ⅲ. Adventitious root primordia extruded from epidermis of stem incision after 21 d of rooting treatment, Ⅳ. adventitious root with root cap, meristematic zone and elongation zone after 30 d of rooting treatment); Ⅴ. Anatomic structure of adventitious root from in vitro single buds in P. massoniana after 30 d of 20 ℃ treatment; Ⅵ. Anatomic structure of adventitious root from in vitro single buds in P. massoniana after 30 d of 30 ℃ treatment.

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Effects of temperature on adventitious root formation of tissue-cultured shoots inPinusmassoniana

YAO Rui-Ling, WANG Yin*

(GuangxiKeyLaboratoryofSuperiorTimberTreesResourceCultivation,GuangxiForestryResearchInstitute, Nanning 530002, China )

Pinusmassonianais one of the most important tree species for afforestation in South China, and it is of great economic value and ecological benefit.P.massonianais famous for the wide application of its timber and resin, being of very important high-value tree species. Breeding programs forP.massonianawere initiated in the 1980s in China. To capture the best genetic stock from the breeding program, an efficient system for rapid clonal propagation is of considerable value. Therefore, the application of biotechnology and especially tissue culture provides an important tool to propagate the selected genotypes. The regeneration of plants under aseptic and controlled environmental conditions is referred to as micropropagation because very small pieces of plant tissue or organs are used as starting vegetative tissue. Previous studies revealed thatP.massonianawas hard to root by tissue culture, and culture temperature was correlated to the stability ofinvitrorooting inP.massoniana. In the illumination incubator with strictly controlled conditions of light and temperature, variations of rooting ability index, including rooting percentage, rooting time, number of roots and transplantation survival percent, and rooting anatomic structure frominvitrosingle buds were investigated using subcultured shoots ofPinusmassonianaclone under rooting treatments of different temperatures. SPSS 19.0 statistic software was used to analyze those data.Invitrorooting performance was good and the highest transplantation survival percentage was 98.1% for shoots ofP.massonianacultured at 25 ℃. Rooting time was prolonged, number of roots was decreased and rooting percent was low under the lower temperature treatment, while rhizome callus was serious and transplantation survival percent remarkably was reduced under the higher temperature treatment. ForP.massoniana, vascular cambium cells were differentiated into adventitious root in terms of root anatomical structure. Compared with the normal temperature treatment at 25 ℃, cell division was passive, induced adventitious root primordial at 20 ℃ treatment, however, cells were active, the color of stained cells from pith ray and vascular tissue was deepened and those cells were arranged densely, resulting in induced adventitious root primordial was separated into being zonal or schistose at 30 ℃ treatment. This study revealed the effects of temperature oninvitrorooting ability, and provides the supports for the industrial production of tissue cultured plantlets inP.massoniana.

rapid propagation by tissue culture, rooting percentage, rooting anatomy, induction of adventitious root




广西优良用材林资源培育重点实验室自主研究课题(13A-01-01); 广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科合14125008-2-17,桂科攻1598006-5-7); 广西林业科技重点项目(桂林科研[2015]7号); 国家自然科学基金(31360178) [Supported by the Independent Program from the Key Laboratory of Gaungxi Fine Timber Forest Resources Cultivation (13A-01-01); the Program of Science Research and Technology Development from the Department of Science and Technology of Guangxi (14125008-2-17, 1598006-5-7); the Key Program of Guangxi Forestry Bureau ([2015]7); the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31360178)]。


*通讯作者: 王胤,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事松树良种繁育与栽培理论与技术研究,(E-mail)。

Q943.1, S722.8



姚瑞玲, 王胤. 温度对马尾松组培单芽不定根发生的影响 [J]. 广西植物, 2016, 36(11):1282-1287YAO RL, WANG Y. Effects of temperature on adventitious root formation of tissue-cultured shoots inPinusmassoniana[J]. Guihaia, 2016, 36(11):1282-1287


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