

世界建筑 2016年12期


Te River Returns




非斯城选址在一条大河肥沃的谷地中绝非偶然。“Medinat Fas”是伊德里斯一世于789年在右岸创建的。20年后阿利亚在左岸建成。中世纪期间,这两座城市合为一座生机勃勃的大都市,并一直快速发展。






2 干预措施的主要平面/Key plan of interventions

3 非斯河的衰败/Desecration of Fez river

4-6 项目将使非斯河不再遭受污染,并使河流恢复潜在的公共设施功能/Te project will stop the Fez River from being polluted by sewage overflow and will allow the river to regain its potential as a public amenity

7 Rcif公共交通枢纽/Rcif public transit hub8 修复设施剖面细部/Detail section of restorer

9 Rcif清真寺广场效果图/Plaza view towards Rcif Mosque













为了实现这个目标,第一个项目就从老城中心的停车场开始。“为了重现河流,必须消灭它。” 阿齐扎·沙乌尼说道。这个停车场将改造成一个巨大的城市客厅,而用回收皮革制成的顶篷将遮住炎炎烈日。回收的木料将制成公园的长椅。广场中心的暴雨塘既实用又美观——滨水植物将通过给径流供氧使河水恢复名副其实的生命。




10 非斯聚居区新的公共空间的改善途径/Procedures for new public spaces in the Medina of Fez

The medina of the Moroccan imperial city of Fez is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However its continuing decline threatens this prestigious title. Remediating the medina's historic lifeline, the heavily polluted and barely visible river Fez, will return to this ancient ailing heart its dynamic soul.

Water is life – it is as simple as that. But when this precious resource is in short supply, as in the desert lands of the Mahgreb, people are especially conscious of its value. "Water is a central part of our culture," Moroccan architect Aziza Chaouni explains. Indeed, such an important role does the symbolic purity of water play in religious life that a well or fountain is a feature of the majority of houses in Fez. For many people who call this north Moroccan city home, there is nothing more beautiful than the sound of running water.

Built on water

Locating the city of Fez in the fertile basin of a large river was no accident. Te "Medinat Fas" was established by Idris I in the year 789 on the right bank. Twenty years later came "al-Aliya" on the left. During the Middle Ages, the two merged into a single lively metropolis which continued to grow rapidly.

Under successive dynasties – the Idrisids, Merinids and Alawids – Fez was the kingdom's capital, ranking alongside Rabat, Marrakech and Meknes as one of four imperial cities. It was not until the French arrived in 1912 that the capital was moved to Rabat, a move that remained after independence was achieved in 1956.

Although undertaken for practical reasons, the effect on Fez was significant – the city lost much of its economic and political status. With many of its educated also drawn away to other centers, its intellectual renown, as the site of the world's oldest continuing university – al-Qarawiyin, established in 859 – also suffered.

The medina – a living entity

It is only four meters wide, the river Fez. But it is the most potent symbol of the decline of this city that today hosts some one million people. What was once a life-giver is now little more than a sewer. Nick-named the "River of Trash", the situation is especially critical in Fez's ancient heart, the medina. Te medina covers some 300 hectares – it is home to madrasas, fondouks, residences, palaces, gardens and fountains. Most lie hidden behind high plain walls, but these inner worlds represent the quintessential Arabo-Andalusian architecture. In 1981, the area was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, acknowledging its spiritual and cultural values. But this is no museum.

According to Aziza Chaouni, the medina is its own living entity. Tese close-knit streets buzz with energy. Handicraft enterprises maintain an active trade, principally the Chouarra leather tanneries which line the river bank. The original vats for washing, treating, smoothing and coloring the skins are still in use, and are a popular tourist attraction. However, traditional means of working the hides are long gone. Now it is the job of chemicals – heavy metals such as chromium inevitably find their way into the river. Yet even before the river reaches the medina it is heavily polluted. Adding the city heart's quantum of wastewater to the flow is the proverbial straw on this long-suffering camel's back.

Not only is it a toxic cocktail that flows through the medina, the stench is just as nauseating. Residents, fed up with years of inaction, finally念,而作坊本身会翻新为皮革设计中心。

11 Chouarra制革厂/Chouarra tanneries

12 修复设施剖面细部/Detail section of restorer

13 游乐场效果图/View of playground





14 复原类型/Rehabilitation typology

15 复原类型效果图/View of rehabilitation typology







马拉喀什的教训在非斯制定总体规划时得到了借鉴。“我们希望这个聚居区在21世纪仍是一个富有生气的城市环境,而不是一个博物馆藏品。我们会问自己这样的问题:我们怎样让人留在聚居区中?如何劝说他们不要卖房搬走?”古河复兴,作为这个项目综合方法的核心,一直是解决这种问题的关键——事实上,它使一颗衰竭的心重焕生机。(尚晋 译)took matters into their own hands, covering the river over with concrete five years ago. It is only an occasional glimpse now that one has of opaque water and polluted river banks. "Te Fez is a sewer full of rats," Aziza Chaouni says. "Its condition is unworthy of this jewel of Moroccan history!"

World Heritage status under threat

The decline of the river Fez is symbolic of the decay of the medina as a whole. Seemingly imprisoned in a downward spiral, many buildings are in urgent need of restoration, and what is newly built is often of poor quality. Public space is rare –for 200,000 inhabitants, there are only two small parks. UNESCO is aware of the situation and has made its opinion known – the loss of Fez's World Heritage status is under threat.

Te government took UNESCO at its word and responded to the call. Two water treatment plants are planned for the city's sewage, the river will be reopened and its historic course through the medina reconstructed. Once again it will flow – the dynamic soul to Fez's ancient heart. It is around Aziza Chaouni that a team has been established to put this comprehensive rehabilitation plan into action. Having studied in the United States, the architect returned to the city of her birth –"I wanted to work on this project because I love my hometown."

Focus on the people

Te revitalization plan for the river, as well as a linked strategy of urban renewal, was developed in conjunction with town planner and landscape architect Takako Tajima and a variety of specialists and academics.

Improving life quality for people in the medina was the focus. Te strategy aims to comprehensively address the economic and social life of the city together with the ecology of the river. Various measures are planned in order to improve water quality and thereby enhance wildlife habitats. The introduction of constructed wetlands will manage excess floodwater, clean storm water, promote groundwater recharge and encourage habitat creation. Yet all this is envisaged within a modest budget.

"Today the waters of the river run through the most fertile areas of the country only to arrive as a stinking soup entering the Atlantic at Rabat. Resuscitating the river Fez not only profits our city and its medina, but the whole of Morocco," explains Aziza Chaouni.

Living room, not car park!

Whilst the city-scale master plan focuses on improving regional water quality, three critical sitescale interventions have been conceived. Tey aim, concurrently, to enhance water quality, remediate contaminated sites, create public spaces in the poorest areas, and revitalize economic development. Above all, the intention is to reintegrate the river into the medina – as the central lifeline of the city's urban infrastructure.

To achieve this, the first project targets the car park in the heart of the old town. "For the river to reappear, this must disappear," Aziza Chaouni says. Te car park will be turned into a huge living room, shaded from the sun's relentless heat by a canopy of recycled leather. Recycled wood is intended for park benches. A storm water basin at the plaza's center will be both functional and aesthetic –riparian plants will literally resuscitate the river by oxygenating run-off water.

Playground and botanical garden

Te second major project focuses on bringing a playground to the medina. Where the river bank now hosts an informal waste dump, a garden of children's voices will soon be heard. Terraced wetlands will enhance water and air quality. Recycled leather and carpenters' off-cuts are similarly foreseen as shade protection and park benches respectively. Recycled tires complete the picture – they will be used in the creation of the park equipment itself.

Meanwhile, the last of the three projects focuses on revitalizing one of the main perpetrators of river pollution as a public botanic garden. With the city's tanneries moved to a new industrial quarter, the opportunity exists to transform the old tanneries site and its contaminated surrounds. Even the tanning vats will be integrated into the concept, while the workshop buildings themselves will be renovated as a Center for Leather Design.

Developed together with economic specialists, this project aims to capture new opportunities for the city's leather industry, and align with international standards. Where previously the focus was only on industrial processing, in future design cooperatives offering value-added high-quality goods will be developed on site.

"Our aim is local value creation, thus enhancing local employment opportunities." All building projects in the context of the strategy are implemented by artisans using traditional building materials and techniques – clay bricks, fired onsite, as well as white plaster. Energy efficiency and a seamless aesthetic with existing structures is the overall intent.

Pushing boundaries

Aziza Chaouni sees this project as a life's work –"there is so much to do! We must prioritize." To advance the projects and engender more community involvement, she has formed an NGO "Sauvons Oued Fez" (Save the Fez River), a network of graduates, specialists and local business-people.

"It is a busy time – we work with the city authorities, we conduct investigations, interview residents, clarify their needs.

Always the people of the medina are our focus. What we do must be in their interests."

Much of the team's work is concentrated on communicating the master plan's vision to residents. "Unfortunately many cannot yet see the potential in the project." Some are convinced things should return to the way they were, earlier, rather than the strategy's goal which is to create something new yet still relevant – a living medina for the 21st century, not a museum relegated to antiquity. Others ask themselves why the medina should be earmarked for revitalization when people would rather move to another city quarter and live in modern rather than traditional housing.

Meanwhile, Aziza Chaouni herself looks forward to the day when the al-Qarawiyin University could return to the medina from its American-style campus on the outskirts of the city. "Tat would be great," she grins.

Walking a tightrope

The architect is convinced this project demonstrates that the medina can be adapted to retain both its cultural integrity and economic value within a framework of integrated urban development. By meshing 21st century social needs with UNESCO's dedication to preserving world inheritance, the project has significant potential to be replicated elsewhere. Many Arab countries are experiencing similar problems. Teir medinas are also in crisis – too little public space, decaying infrastructure, residents leaving in search of more modern amenities. However, Aziza Chaouni is conscious that the development of each and every urban renewal strategy entails walking a tightrope. She cites Marrakech as an example where old traditions have been lost in the desire for foreign investment. "Authorities cannot help but be positive in the first instance when they see money flowing in," she explains. "However, in the long-run, there is a high price to be paid." Not least of which is ecological.

Te lessons of Marrakech have been studied by Fez in the development of its master plan. "We want the medina to still be a living urban environment in the 21st century, not a museum artifact. We ask ourselves questions like: How can we keep people in the medina? Encourage them not to sell up and move out?" Revitalizing the river, the core of the project's comprehensive approach, has been key to answering such questions – in truth, it returns to an ailing heart its dynamic soul.

