朱振泱,刘敏芝,强 晟,相建方
(1. 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038;2. 鄞州区水利工程质量与安全监督站,宁波 315100; 3. 河海大学水利水电工程学院,南京 210098)
朱振泱1,刘敏芝2,强 晟3,相建方1
(1. 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038;2. 鄞州区水利工程质量与安全监督站,宁波 315100; 3. 河海大学水利水电工程学院,南京 210098)
0 引言
1 基本理论和方法
1.1 不稳定温度场的计算原理
1.2 水管沿程水温计算
1.3 热流量积分的最佳断面
2 含水管离散模型的混凝土温度场迭代计算方法
2.1 水管内壁和外壁温差计算
图1 一个典型水管垂直于水流方向截面Fig.1 A pipe section in direction perpendicular to water flow
2.2 沿水流方向水管外壁温度分布
2.3 温度场的迭代算法改进
2.4 迭代收敛条件的数学依据
3 算法对比分析
传统的模型用等效放热系数模拟水管的边界条件且未采用合理的热流量积分。由于未考虑热流量积分造成沿程水温偏低,目前许多工程采用较小的表面放热系数模拟水管边界,如采用β=3 000 kJ/(m·d·℃)模拟(甚至更小),此时会造成计算上的误差(例如进出水口附近冷却效果计算不准确等)。
该算例为1.5 m×1.5 m×5 m的混凝土块,中间埋置冷却水管(如图2所示)。浇筑后即开始冷却,除水管边界外,其余边界条件均为绝热边界,水温15℃。混凝土绝热温升为,等效放热系数为β=3 000 kJ/(m·d·℃),水管的内直径和外直径分别为28和32 mm。
图2 有限单元网格Fig.2 Finite element mesh
通水冷却10 d进口附近切面的温度分布如图3所示。根据计算结果,离混凝土较远的水管绝热边界处,该算例下传统算法的误差可达1.67℃,而新算法的误差仅为0.3℃。
图3 浇筑10 d时断面的温度分布Fig.3 Temperature distribution on section 10 d after placement
4 工程算例
4.1 基本资料
某混凝土试验块于2009年9月份施工,该混凝土块长27.0 m,宽15.0 m,高3.0 m。分两层浇筑,每层高度为1.5 m,间歇时间为4 d。
浇筑温度控制在18.0℃。距离地面0.75和2.25 m处分别布置两根塑料冷却水管,水管的水平间距1.5 m,各层混凝土开始浇筑后1.75 d通水。通水时间21.0 d,冷却水初温为8.5℃,通水12.0 d后水温调整为15.0℃,通水流量均为35.0 m3/d。计算中,气温取实测值,浇筑块表面覆盖一层大坝保温被。浇筑块及地基的有限单元网格如图4所示。特征点平面位置、水管水平布置和水流方向如图5所示,水流方向始终未变。
图4 有限单元网格Fig.4 Finite element mesh
图5 水管平面布置和水流方向Fig.5 Layout of cooling pipe and water flow direction
表1 其他热学参数Table 1 Other thermal parameters
4.2 计算结果分析
测点1和测点2位于水管的进水口附近。测点1距离水管8 cm,测点2距离水管12 cm。受气温波动的影响,进口水温很难保持稳定,实际施工过程中冷却水流量有时候也会出现小幅波动,所以实测值的历时曲线并不光滑。总体来看,计算值和实测值较为吻合。测点3和测点4位于水管的出口附近。测点3距离水管8 cm,测点4距离水管12 cm。由于流量较小且水管较长,受沿程水温(进出口水温差在10℃左右)影响,点3和点4的温度要明显高于点1和点2的温度(见图6),水温的改变对点3和点4的温度影响也较点1和点2小。故在实际施工中,定期改变通水的方向是很有必要的。
图6 计算值和实测值对比Fig.6 Comparison between calculation value and actual value
图7 管内外壁温差沿水流方向分布Fig.7 Temperature difference distribution between inner and outer surface along pipe
5 结论
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Algorithm to simulate concrete temperature control cooling pipe boundary based on heat flux integration
Zhu Zhenyang1, Liu Minzhi2, Qiang Sheng3, Xiang Jianfang1
(1. State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China; 2. Yinzhou District Quality and Safety Supervision Station of Water Conservancy Projects, Ningbo 315100, China; 3. College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
When using the explicit iterative method to solve the temperature of mass concrete with cooling pipes, it is generally considered that the inner and outer surface of metal pipes can be neglected but the temperature difference cannot be neglected when using the plastic pipes. And the plastic pipes are usually regarded as the third boundary condition. For the past researchers, the coefficient of this kind of boundary condition can be got by experiment and inversion, which is yet expensive and may also not be reliable sometimes. To solve the problem, on the base of heat balance condition, a new calculation method is brought forward. It is well known that concrete is a poor conductor of heat, and there is a large temperature difference between the concrete and the cooling water. So, in the shell of a cooling pipe and the concrete near it, it can be assumed that the heat flux is only discharged by cooling water in the pipe and the direction of the temperature gradient is perpendicular to the cooling pipe surface. So, the heat fluxes passing through any circle (take the center pipe as the center of those circles) in the shell of the plastic pipe are equal. Based on these basic principles, the temperature of cooling pipe outer surface can be obtained by the heat flux of the concrete around the pipe, the thermal conductivity, the thickness of the pipe and the temperature of pipe inner surface. When using the conventional iterative method to solve the temperature of the mass concrete with cooling pipes, the iterative method should be used for the unknown water temperature distributions along the cooling pipes. For this new method, the temperature distributions along the inner surface of the pipes is also unknown, so the iterative method should be also used. With this new method, when using the conventional iterative method, the convergence speed is relatively low, or even can not converge. To solve this problem, the iterative algorithm is also improved. When the iteration time is (N-1) and N separately, it is assumed that the corresponding calculated temperature on the outer surface of the cooling pipe is Tn-1and Tnrespectively. And then, when using 0.5(Tn-1+ Tn) as the initial calculation condition for the (N+1)thtime, the convergence of the iteration can be easily achieved. The convergence condition of the improved method was proved by mathematical deduction, and the deduction results showed that the convergence could be always reached in different engineering cases. A comparing numerical example was used to comparing the accuracy of the new method and the conventional explicit iterative method. In this comparing numerical example, the calculation results of the finite element method (FEM) considering the pipe as a part of mesh were considered as the theoretical solution. The calculation results showed that in the concrete near adiabatic boundary of the mesh in the comparing example, the temperature difference between the calculation result of conventional explicit iterative method and the theoretical solution was 1.67℃ , and the temperature difference between the calculation result of improved method and the theoretical solution was only 0.3℃ . So, the improved method can be more accurate than the conventional explicit iterative algorithm. Using these new achievements, the temperature field of a concrete block during construction period was simulated, and the calculation results and testing results were compared. The total number of the iteration times was 15 for the conventional iterative method and only 7 for the improved method in this engineering example. The results show that the calculation value is close to the actual value, and this algorithm has high convergence speed. So this method can be used in engineering projects to prevent mass concrete from cracking.
temperature; models; concrete; iterative algorithm
朱振泱,刘敏芝,强 晟,相建方. 基于热流量积分的混凝土温控水管冷却边界模拟算法[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(9):83-89.
10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.012 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhu Zhenyang, Liu Minzhi, Qiang Sheng, Xiang Jianfang. Algorithm to simulate concrete temperature control cooling pipe boundary based on heat flux integration[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(9): 83-89. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.09.012 http://www.tcsae.org
朱振泱,男,福建三明人,中国水利水电科学研究院高级工程师,主要从事混凝土温控防裂研究和大体积混凝土温度裂缝扩展研究。北京 中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,100038。Email:1219921552@qq.com