(1.河北科技大学材料科学与工程学院,河北石家庄 050018,2.河北省材料近净成形技术重点实验室,河北石家庄 050018)
(1.河北科技大学材料科学与工程学院,河北石家庄 050018,2.河北省材料近净成形技术重点实验室,河北石家庄 050018)
在半固态模锻过程中,经常会出现液相偏析现象,使零件出现“弱点”或“弱区”,这些“弱点”或“弱区”通常又是潜在的裂纹源和服役条件下失效的起因。为了分析研究半固态模锻液相偏析的影响因素,应用DEFORM-3D软件对7075铝合金半固态模锻充型过程进行了模拟,研究了成形速度对7075铝合金杯形件充型过程的影响规律。在模拟的基础上,利用压力机及杯形实验模具,进行了半固态7075铝合金流变模锻成形,研究了成形速度对7075铝合金杯形件半固态模锻组织均匀性的影响。模拟和实验结果表明:成形速度越高,充型越不平稳;在压头温度400 ℃、成形比压50 MPa、合金温度628 ℃的条件下,随着成形速度的增加,杯形件的液相偏析度增加,组织越不均匀,当成形速度为5 mm/s时,杯形件的液相偏析度高达18.2%。
1 热分析模型的建立
1.1 建立模型
图1 杯形件模型Pro/E建模Fig.1 Pro/E modeling for cup shell model
图2 装配后模具 Fig.2 Assembled mould
图3 部分模具的实体网格Fig.3 Solid mesh of partial mould
1.2 材料参数设置
实验所用材料为7075合金,其主要成分的质量分数分别为Zn:5.1%~6.1 %;Mg:2.1%~2.9%;Cu: 1.2%~2.0 %;Si:0.40%, Fe:0.50%;Mn:0.30%;Cr:0.18%~0.28%;Ti:0.20%;余量为Al。材料的热物性参数见表1。
表1 材料的热物性参数
1.3 其他参数设置
1.4 模拟工艺方案
采用3组不同成形速度进行模拟,模具下模温度设为350 ℃,成形比压为50 MPa,模拟方案见表2。
表2 模拟工艺方案
2 充型过程模拟结果及分析
图4 成形速度对充型过程的影响Fig.4 Influence of forming velocity on filling process
3 半固态模锻成形
图5 实验模具Fig.5 Experimental mold
图6 不同成形速度下杯形件的断面Fig.6 Section state of cup part under different forming velocity
通过对图6杯形件断面观察及金相组织分析,发现高温液相形成的共晶在杯形件的上部,中部、下部不存在高温液相形成的共晶。图6中杯形件断面上部用线圈定的区域为高温液相形成的共晶区域。从图6可以看出,不同成形速度下成形的杯形件,高温液相形成的共晶区域大小也不同,随着成形速度的提高,杯形件上部共晶区域面积逐渐加大。图6 c)的微观组织如图7所示。
图7 试样断面及微观组织Fig.7 Sample cross section and microstructure
图8 不同成形速度下的液相偏析度Fig.8 Liquid phase segregation degree under different forming velocity
4 结 论
2)在模拟的基础上,进行了半固态模锻成形,模锻工艺参数在压头预热温度400 ℃、成形比压50 MPa、合金温度628 ℃时,随着成形速度的增加,杯形件的液相偏析度增加,组织越不均匀;当成形速度为5 mm/s时,杯形件的液相偏析度高达18.2%。
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Influence of forming velocity on the uniformity of microstructure of semisolid die forging 7075 alloy
TAN Jianbo1,2, ZHAO Pengpeng1,2
(1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050018, China; 2.Hebei Key Laboratory of Material Near-net Forming Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050018, China)
Liquid phase segregation frequently occurs in the process of semi solid die forging, which makes the parts appear "weak point" or "weak region", and usually, the "weak point" or "weak area" is the reason of crack and service condition failure. In order to analyze the influence factors of the liquid phase segregation of the semi solid die forging, DEFORM-3D is used for the numerical simulation of semi-solid die forging forming process of 7075 aluminum alloy, to study the influence rule of forming velocity on the forming process of cup part. Based on the simulation results, the rheological die forging forming of 7075 aluminum alloythe part is conducted to research the influence of forming velocity on the uniformity of microstructure by means of press machine and cup mould. The simulation and experimental results show that as the filling velocity is faster, the forming process is more unstable; under the condition of head temperature of 400 ℃, the forming pressure of 50 MPa, and the alloy temperature 628 ℃, as the forming velocity increases, the liquid phase segregation degree of cup part increases, and the microstructure is far from uniformity. The segregation degree is up to 18.2% as the forming velocity is 5 mm/s.
foundry technology and equipment; semisolid; rheological die forging; 7075 aluminum alloy; uniformity of microstructure; liquid phase segregation degree
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