(杭州电子科技大学理学院,浙江 杭州 310018)
(杭州电子科技大学理学院,浙江 杭州 310018)
0 引 言
1 新的3重量二元线性码
表1 定理1.1中的线性码的重量分布
例1.1 取(m,h)=(5,1),则m/l=5,由定理1.1得到[11,5,4]线性码,其重量计数为1+9z8+16z10+6z12,此线性码是最优码,满足Griesmer界[2].
定理1.2 设m/l为偶数,当m≡2 mod 4时,线性码CD是[2m-1-1,m]二元码,其重量分布见表2;当m≡0 mod 4时,线性码CD是[2m-1-(-1)m/2l2m/2+l-1-1,m]二元码,其重量分布见表2.
表2 定理1.2中的线性码的重量分布
例1.2 取(m,h)=(6,1),则m/l=6,m≡2 mod 4,由定理1.2得到[31,6,12]线性码,其重量计数为1+10z12+47z16+6z20.取(m,h)=(8,2),则m/l=4,m≡0 mod 4,由定理1.2得到[95,8,32]线性码,其重量计数为1+10z32+240z48+5z64.
2 主要定理的证明
引理2.3 设m/l是偶数,b∈GF(q)*,m=2e.令f(x)=a2hx22h+ax∈GF(q)[x].
当m/l是偶数时,令m=2e,则Trl(1)=0.当m≡2 mod 4时,由引理2.3知,Sh(1,1)=0,线性码CD的长度n=n0-1=2m-1-1.由引理2.2和引理2.3,得到对任意的b∈GF(q)*,线性码CD码字cb的重量满足
当m≡0 mod 4时,由引理2.3知,Sh(1,1)=-(-1)m/2l2m/2+l,线性码CD的长度n=n0-1=2m-1-(-1)m/2l2m/2+l-1-1.由引理2.2和引理2.3得,对任意的b∈GF(q)*,线性码CD码字cb的重量满足
3 结束语
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A New Class of Three-weight Binary Linear Codes
CAI Chunyan, QI Yanfeng
Linear codes can be applied in consumer electronics, communication and data storage system. Linear codes with few weights are of important in secret sharing, authentication codes and association schemes. How to construct good linear codes is of interesting and important in coding theory and its application. This paper considers linear codes with few weights, presents a new class of three-weight linear codes, and determines parameters and weight distribution of these linear codes. Some of these linear codes are optimal.
linear codes; weight distribution; trace function; authentication codes; secret sharing schemes