

世界建筑 2016年11期







在第三阶段,公园的界面和装置是用从石油装置、废弃的弗里格采油平台、离岸基地、设备补给及废物堆中回收并改造的元素创作的。设计元素及材料的选择是与年轻团体共同考察城郊的工业设施后完成的。有些装置是从工厂借来的,有些是以废品般的极低价格购买的。公园在所有时段都受到儿童、家长、年轻人的欢迎,将这一片原本荒废的地段转化为忙碌的社交会面地点。尽管公园最初是为某一时间段的临时使用而设计,但直到8年后它依然存在,而且人们正在讨论是否要让它变成一个永久性的公园。(黄华青 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Stavanger 2008 / European Capital of Culture 2008

合作/Collaborator: The Norwegian Petroleum museum and local youth.

设计团队/Design Team at Helen & Hard: Siv Helene, Reinhard Kropf, Randi Hana Augenstein, Barbara Ascher, Mercedes Pena设计时间/Design Period: 2007.06 – 2008.04

面积/Area: 2448m2

造价/Cost: 7.1 million NOK

摄影/Photos: Tom Haga, Emile Ashley

1 地质公园/Geopark

2 地质公园/Geopark

3.4 地质公园概念图/Concept

As the base for Norway's burgeoning oil industry, Stavanger quickly became a knowledge hub attracting specialists from around the world. Helen & Hard has sought to synergize the expertise and material resources of the offshore industry with sustainable urban development in many projects, most notably in Geopark. The park is a playful urban space on Stavanger's waterfront, utilizing a vacant forecourt adjacent to the Oil Museum. We drew from three different local resources in the design process: first, the geological and seismic expertise of the oil industry; second, technology, materials and waste related to oil production; and third, the ideas of and collaboration with local youth groups for the programming and making of the new park.

The project was initiated by H&H already in 2004. After many attempts and political discussions it was accepted as a part of the Stavanger European Capital of Culture – program in 2008.

An initial intention was to give a tangible experience of the oil and gas reservoir Troll. By far the most valuable field on Norwegian shelf, it is hidden 2000 – 3000 meters below the seabed. The topography of the park is based on the geological layers, the "strata", of the Troll field, reconstructed in a scale of 1:500. This "geo-landscape" was developed in an experimental sequence: The first phase was a digital maneuver, where the 15 geological layers were partly peeled away and exposed, creating a park sloping towards both the sun and the centre of the square. The second phase consisted of workshops with youth groups. Here, the functions of the sedimentary layers were programmed for activities such as biking, climbing, exhibition, concerts, jumping, ball play and chilling-out. The layer containing the oil, including its drilling wells, became a skating park, while geological folds were used as exhibition walls for graffiti and street art.

In the third phase, the surfaces and installations were created using recycled and reshaped elements from petroleum installations, the abandoned Frigg oil platform, offshore bases, equipment suppliers and scrap heaps. The selection of elements and materials was done together with youth groups visiting the industrial sites outside the city center. Some installations are borrowed from companies, some were given and other were bought cheap as scrap. The park is extensively used by kids, parents and youths at all hours, turning the formerly abandoned site into a humming social meeting point. The park was originally planned for a temporary period of one year, but it is still there 8 years after and there is an ongoing discussion to make the park permanent.

5 储层的顶部和底部(油水接触层)成为公园上下标高层的起始点/The top and base (oil/water contact) of the reservoir provide the starting points for the park's upper and lower levels.

6 通过清理各个沉积层的截面而将其暴露出来,创造出具有不同材质表面的类似于运动场的景观/The various sedimentary layers have been exposed by removing sections of them. This creates a stadium-like landscape with different material surfaces. Faults are represented by concrete walls.

7 许多装置和物体被融合到景观中得到再利用,成为各种活动和科学实验的基地/A number of installations and objects have been re-used and integrated in the landscape as the basis for various activities and science center experiments.

8.9 剖面/Sections

10 可以进行滑板运动的井眼轨迹/Well paths for skateboarding

11 地质公园/Geopark

12 带有防撞垫和蹦床的跳跃景观区/Jumping landscape with fenders and trampoline

13 天线罩做成的阳光晒台/Sun trap from antenna covers




CHEN Yifeng: From the bird's view angle, the look of the Geopark is very close to a model: the landform seems to be placed on site, and most of the facilities in the park be directly put on the plot. The relationships between the park and the site, and between the various elements of the park are overlapped or in parallel, so they are inconsecutive, creating a strong powerful sense of temporariness and at the same time highlighting the park with distinct visual characteristics. Moreover, the land surface materials and all the facilities in the park are made from recycled industrial wastes, which further strengthen the characteristics of the park. As a response to the theme of the Geopark, the park is shaped into a miniature geographic landscape, another interesting point about the design. Given that the open space lacks clues at the site, this design is considered as a delicate cutting point.


QING Feng: Proportion is an important instrument for human beings to embrace the world. No matter how big a thing is, proportion can scale it down to the dimension to be handled, without losing its inherent structure and essence. The ancient Greeks used this tool to connect the universe with human beings. Vitruvius put architecture in the middle. Since then, there emerged the trinity of human being, architecture and the universe. Geopark gave this ancient strategy a new life. To turn the mega structure of geological layers into a tangible toy is definitely a fun. Actually, even without scaling, oil platforms have already made the geological strata obedient to human wills. The cold machines are the greatest toys ever invented by man. This is not a metaphor, but a fact. It indicates a rethinking of the idiom, "a house is a machine for living".

Geopark, Stavanger, Norway, 2008

Landscape Architects: Helen & Hard


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