

世界建筑 2016年11期








作为菲特烈堡城市景观的拓展以及深度介入社区的一部分,库比文化与运动中心致力于能成为未来社区发展的孵化器。(黄华青 译)

1 外景/Exterior view

2 夜景/Night view

3 分析图/Diagram

4.5 内景/Interior view

The 3200m2Ku.Be House of Culture and Movement was designed for the municipality of Frederiksberg as a focal point for both the immediate community and also the wider area of Copenhagen; one that the people themselves could take ownership of and that would evolve its program based on the specific wants and needs of its users. The project is a new typology that developed out of the response to a brief solely asking for a building to bring people together and improve the quality of life. In reply MVRDV and ADEPT answered with one that blends theatre, sport and learning into a space where body and mind are activated to promote a more healthy life for everyone, regardless of age, ability or interest; creating links between people that wouldn't otherwise connect with each other.

The six primary volumes which make up Ku.Be, each with their own program, are clad in a unique colour and material, clearly defining them within the building; from outside these shapes are hinted at in the fragmented tile façade. "We designed Ku.Be to encourage the unexpected," explains MVRDV co-founder Jacob van Rijs. "Larger volumes are suited to hold performances or public meetings, smaller ones can be for exhibitions or debates. The fast-pace rooms are perfect for dance, or parkour; and zen rooms presenting the contrast of yoga or meditation. It's between these volumes where the real fun will happen though; spaces where we hint at a use, but which will become entirely user-defined."

The route through the building focuses on developing and encouraging alternate forms of movement. The Labyrinth gets people on their hands and knees climbing through a three dimensional network of cubes from the second to third floors; or alternatively they could take the Mousetrap, a vertical maze. A net which spans several floors throughout the building, lets users climb up from floor to floor – suspended over the voids – and slides and fireman poles offer a fast way to get back down. "In Ku.Be we tried to turn your average experience of a building on its head," tells ADEPT co-founder Martin Krogh. "What would otherwise be a simple, mindless journey through the building turns into an exploration and discovery of movement. Here it's you that defines the route, no matter what you want: climbing, sliding, crawling…jumping." To cater for all cap abilities and ages, both easier and more standard ways of moving around are provided but even then a visual connection is maintained throughout Ku.Be.

The outside urban gardens form the connection between Ku.Be and the urban realm, playing an important role in expressing the eight volumes and the activities happening inside. The diverse landscape – a system of microclimates with changing sounds, lights and scents which blends seamlessly into a hill with integrated slides – reaches out into the gardens and ends in an amphitheatre outside.

By becoming an extension of the urban landscape of Frederiksberg and integrating the community to such an extent, the House of Culture and Movement looks to become an incubator for further development within the neighbourhood.

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Municipality of Frederiksberg, Danish Foundation for Culture and Sport Facilities (LOA) and Realdania Foundation

设计团队/Design Team : Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries with Fokke Moerel, Mette Rasmussen, Julius Kirchert, Klaas Hofman, Francisco Pomares, Armor Gutierrez Rivas, Buster Christensen, Attilio Ranieri, Chris Green, Kate van Heusen, Henryk Struski, Emanuela Gioffreda, Raymond van den Broek, Sanne van der Burgh, Karl Johan Nyquist, Maria Lopez and Kasper Albrektsen.

景观建筑师/Landscape Architect : SLA, Copenhagen

工程与造价/Engineering & Costing: Søren Jensen, Aarhus, Denmark

机电/M & E: Max Fordham, Edinburgh

运动与游戏顾问/Movement and Play Consultant: Jens Ole Jensen

摄影/Photos: Adam Mørk

6.7 内景/Interior view

8 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

9 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

10 三层平面/Floor 2 plan

11 四层平面/Floor 3 plan




GUO Yimin: Though the means of "section surface skin" oftentimes applied by MVRDV is adopted in an aggressive way, the contrast between the appearance and the interior space of the building is still surprising. The primitive actions like climbing, jumping, and sprinting, replace the usual behaviors in buildings, accompanied by the interweaving of non-logical blocks, materials, colors, and stimulations. As a result, a cave or a jungle composed of different masses is formed.


FANG Musheng: One of the abilities required for the new generation to survive in the future is to know how to play well. From this perspective, it is possible to realize the vision of "the Ku.Be House of Culture and Movement to become an incubator for future development within the neighborhood". There are probably many designers who start from the idea of how to play well or how to create something out of nothing. But the difficult point is to achieve this objective and put the fun vision into practice. MVRDV (and ADEPT) architects created a design formed by the spatial juxtaposition of several primary volumes. Variegated and interesting, the architecture becomes a diverse landscape for exploration and discovery of movement. Inspired by landscape design, the complex forms reflect human activities and the growth of plants and animals, showing the brilliant mind of the playful architects. Based on the enough reasonable data, to play well (and to provide the means for doing so) is thus within the realms of architects.

KuBe House of Culture and Movement, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 2016

Architects: MVRDV and ADEPT

12 内景/Interior view

13 垂直迷宫/The vertical maze

14 绳网/The net

15 剖面/Section

