

世界建筑 2016年11期

建筑设计:C. F. 默勒建筑事务所


建筑设计:C. F. 默勒建筑事务所

如今奥尔胡斯的儿童可在一座不同寻常的场馆里嬉戏玩耍。由 C. F. 默勒建筑事务所设计的奥尔胡斯体操及运动技能馆结合了体育馆和运动场的两大最佳功能,一举成为丹麦(乃至全球)独一无二的体育类场馆。






从外部看,场馆的外观如同一个未经加工的混凝土壳,大型的斜窗和楼梯为建筑表面增添了透明感和动态美。(王单单 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/ Client: VIK Gymnastik

工程师/Engineer: Moe & Brødsgaard A/S

面积/Size: 1600m2(新楼部分1200m2,翻新部分400m2/1200m2new building and 400m2refurbishment)建造时间/Construction Period: 2009-2010

摄影/Photos: Poul Nyholm, Julian Weyer

1 “海贝”成为场馆空间的中心,连接了各个楼层直到屋顶/The so-called "seashell" forms the center of the space, and connects the various levels all the way up to the roof-top lookout.

2 未经加工的外墙可以用作足球训练,只有不同寻常的开窗暴露出部分室内活动/In the raw exterior shell, which can be used for football target practice, only the unusual windowopenings reveal parts of the inner activity.

The children of Aarhus now have a unique hall to romp in. Aarhus Gymnastics and Motor Skills Hall, designed by C. F. Møller Architects, combines the best of the sports hall and playground and is the only one of its kind in Denmark – probably worldwide.

The Motor Skills Hall is an extension of the Aarhus Gymnastics and Trampoline Hall. The idea of the approximately 1.200m2of activity landscape is to invite and motivate children aged three to ten to develop motor skills while having fun playing. Possible future users of the hall are sporting associations, schools, youth centers, kindergartens, families etc.

Normally, when designing a traditional sports hall, the layout is strictly guided by fixed requirements–such as court sizes, heights and widths. Here the challenge has been to creatively re-think the concept of sports and play, to create something completely unique.

A sculpturally-formed climbing frame, called the seashell, rises in the middle of the hall. With its many sloping surfaces, holes and hanging ropes it calls to be investigated by curious boys and girls – the bravest of them can climb all the way to the top, three storeys up right under the ceiling, where a small glass tower discloses a beautiful view of Aarhus Bay and the nearby Mols hills.

The hall also invites movement through its many footbridges and platforms located along the length of the hall, and flexibly furnished zones called kangaroo land with trampolines and jumping equipment, and a so-called monkey land with ropes and jungle-like density. Hanging on the wall they will find a labyrinth designed for crawling several floors up.

The unusual spaces which arise through the extension have also been put to active use; the slanting roof surface of the existing hall has for example been transformed into an indoor climbing wall.

From the outside, the hall has the appearance of a raw concrete shell, with large, slanting windows and stairways which lend transparency and dynamics to the facade.

3-6 设计草图:新场馆如何添加到既有建筑之上/Design development sketches showing how the new hall is added onto the existing.

7 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

8.9 新旧窗场馆横剖面/Cross sections of the new and existing halls




YUAN Ye: This building integrates sports and play together, similar to a three-dimensional labyrinth, and is an abstraction of the natural landscape. A variety of equipment such as climbing frames, ropes, wooden ladders, as well as a variety of playground equipment, blur the lines between architectural elements and gaming devices through a smooth transition between each form . Functionality is reduced, and at the same time, the ability to play is increased. The internal spaces help change people's impression of a traditional sports space. It is also worth mentioning that, in contrast to the internal activity spaces, the expression of the buildings exterior is restrained, and it is only through the changes of roof and windows can we see this echoed in the indoor play areas. This contrast increases the dramatic effect and makes the experience of the architectural spaces more interesting.



Shuhei Aoyama: This is a building likened to putting an outdoor playground into an indoor space. In the open space next to the existing old sports hall, a three-dimensional outdoor playground that is like a park is built, on top of which a roof is added. This building, rather than being called a building, is more like an "abandoned factory that is no longer in use".

For children, a playground created by adults is not as interesting as an "abandoned factory", which allows them to experience the fun of free exploration and play. The interior decoration uses crude and industrial materials, reflecting a kind of improvisations. At the first glance it seems dangerous, but in fact its safety has been carefully considered. In this place, you can see children playing vigorously and happily.

Aarhus Gymnastics and Motor Skills Hall, Aarhus, Denmark, 2010

Architects: C. F. Møller Architects

10 泡沫坑为蹦床上各种刺激性的跳跃提供了防护/A foam-pit allows for dramatic jumps off the trampolines.

11 固定在墙上的攀爬迷宫是探索空间中各个楼层的另一条路径/The wall-mounted climbing-labyrinth is another way to explore several levels in the space.

12 到处都可以发现新的选择和线路/New options and routes can be found everywhere.

13 在运动技能馆里玩耍可以代替传统的体育运动/Playing in the motor skills hall can be an alternative to traditional gymnastics.

14 安全要素各自独立地结合,不会影响到玩耍的乐趣/ Safety features are discretely incorporated, without spoiling the fun.

15 各个年龄段的儿童都可以发现挑战并激发他们的勇气/Children of all ages can find challenges and increase their courage.

16 室内采用简单工业材料,结实耐用,并为以后的改造和扩建留有余地/The interior is crafted from simple, industrial materials that allow for hard wear and possible later changes and additions.


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