



(上海交通大学 外国语学院,上海 200240)



(上海交通大学 外国语学院,上海 200240)




由于言语幽默给人们的生活带来了无穷的乐趣,在人们的日常生活中起到越来越重要的作用,因此,随着美剧的引入及美式幽默的大量传播,研究言语幽默能够很好地帮助中国观众理解美式幽默,理解美国文化。本文将研究焦点放在热播美剧《生活大爆炸》第七季中的言语幽默片段上。这部美剧在2007年上映,有6位个性鲜明的主人公,从该剧引入中国开始,便在国内拥有了大量忠实粉丝。这部剧能够如此成功的主要原因就是其中令人捧腹的对话。笔者将《生活大爆炸》第七季中包含的1350个言语幽默片段分成8类,以期研究结果有利于人们加深对情景喜剧中言语幽默的理解,同时希望为情景喜剧中言语幽默的创作以及学习提供有意义的借鉴, 并帮助人们更好地在社会交际中使用言语幽默。

1 言语幽默形成的四种主要原则

1.1 违反合作原则

合作原则(Cooperative Principle)是由格莱斯(H P Grice)于1975年在他的著作《逻辑与对话》(LogicandConversation)中首次提出[2]。他认为,人们为了保证对话的顺利进行,交际双方需要遵守一些共同的基本原则,他把这些基本原则总结为四个准则:量的准则(Maxim of quantity),尽量提供对方所需信息,不提供冗余信息;质的准则(Maxim of quality),讲有把握的真话,不说自己知道是虚假的话;关系准则(Maxim of relation),讲有联系的话;方式准则(Maxim of manner),讲话不应含糊,有歧义,应简洁,有逻辑[10]。


1.2 违反关联原则

在合作原则的基础上,1985年Sperber和Wilson在CommunicationandCognition中提出了关联原则(Relevance Theory)。[4]关联原则认为,交流双方在理解话语时,说话人期待的话语和对其所做的假设存在一种相互作用,而这种相互作用能够产生一种特殊的语境效果,如果一种信息在一种语境下能产生语境效果,那么它就是关联的。若参与交流的双方希望正确理解话语含义,他们会希望用最小的努力获得最大的语境效果,即最佳关联(optimal relevance)。


1.3 违反礼貌原则

作为合作原则的补充,礼貌原则(Politeness Theory)进一步揭示了人们在部分情况下违反合作原则的原因。礼貌原则由著名语言学家Geoffrey Leech在1983年的著作PrinciplesofPragmatics中提出。[3]礼貌原则又可分为6项准则,分别为:策略准则、宽容准则、赞扬准则、谦虚准则、赞同准则和同情准则。礼貌原则的核心是使自身受惠最小,使他人受惠最大;使自身受损最大,使他人受损最小[7]。


1.4 违反预设原则


2 《生活大爆炸》第七季中言语幽默的种类


2.1 违反量的准则


(Sheldon was angry with Leonard for his cheating him)

L: So am I driving you to work or are you still mad at me?

S: I’d like a ride. Assuming you actually take me to work.

L: Where do you think I would take you?

S: Who knows? Uh, you said you’d be home yesterday, but you came home three days ago. You say you’re taking me to work, but for all I know, I’ll end up in a deserted amusement park. Or a cornfield maze. Or a back alley dog fight. You tell me.


(Amy told Sheldon that she would go to his school to do some research which meant that they could have more time staying together, but Sheldon did not realize what Amy meant.)

A: Sheldon, I have some exciting news to tell you. I’ve been invited to consult on an experiment at your university for a few months. Isn’t that great? We could have lunch together. We could carpool.

S: You know, riding with Leonard has gotten a little tedious lately. The only car game he has ever wanted to play is the Quiet Game. And he is terrible at that. I always win.


2.2 违反质的原则


(Leonard did not want to go to watch the football match with Penny because he had no interest in that. But Penny thought that it was she who read Leonard’s mother’s book that made him angry.)

P: I never should have read that book. You know what? You want to just get dinner and watch the game here?

L: That sounds nice.

P: Okay.

L: Or, you know, we could get take-out and watch the Blu-ray extended version of the movieTheHobbitwith commentary track. On account of how sad I am about my mom.


(Raj liked playing different games with women so much,which the other three men did not like.)

R: Okay, let me have it. Let’s hear all the ‘Raj is a girl’ jokes.

H: Nope, Bernadette told me it isn’t nice and I’m not allowed.

R: Thank you.

H: So I won’t be making fun of you, or the things you like. Or the fact that you just want to have fun.


2.3 违反关系准则


(Howard wanted to give a surprise to his wife on their first date anniversary and he asked others to help him.)

H: Look, she’s gonna be back any second, so here’s the deal: I’m writing a song, and I was hoping we could all play it for her together.

L&P&A&R: Oh, I love that. That’s so beautiful.

H: Sheldon?

S: When did we get to the Cheesecake Factory?


(As Amy pointed out some plot holes in Sheldon’s favorite movie, Sheldon tried his best to find some plot holes among things that Amy liked as a revenge. And Leonard was anxious about the football game that he had to go with Penny, which he had no interests in.)

S: You know, why couldn’t she just like Ziggy? That thing’s riddled with plot holes.

L: Sorry, buddy.

S: I think she’s a fan of Garfield as well. Oh, darn it, now so am I.

L: I’ll see you later. I gotta go watch a stupid football game with Penny.

S: Wait—hang on. You’ve spent time with Amy. Can you think of anything she’s fond of that has a bunch of flaws she hasn’t noticed?

L: I gotta go.


2.4 违反行为准则


(One night, Sheldon had a nightmare in which Leonard had been eaten by a kraken, and he was too afraid to sleep alone, which led him into knocking Penny’s door)

S: Penny, Penny, Penny!

P: What’s the matter?

S: Um….I was worried that you might be missing Leonard and that might be causing you to have bad dreams, like the king you’d get if you watched Clash of the Titans right before you went to bed.

P: Sweetie, did you have a bad dream?

S:To be honest, I did. Back to the Future II was put in the Back to the Future III case. Leonard did it.


(Leonard found that Sheldon had created a new way to synthesize a new element.)

L: Holy crap, Sheldon, did you just figure out a method for synthesizing a new stable super-heavy element?

S: Did I? Well, that can’t be right. No one’s ever done that before. Except me, because I just did it! Sheldon and his brain—yeah!


2.5 违反策略和宽容准则


(Amy and Bernadette were discussing the subject of a lecture in the meeting they attended in a bar)

B:I am going to the lecture on posterior cingulated cortex lesions in the formation of autobiographical memory

A:Oh, brain lesions are fascinating. Unless they’re yours, they’re a drag

B:To the advancement of science.

A: And to the sick and dying who make it possible.


(Sheldon and Penny were going upstairs together with heavy things in their hands)

S: And there’s another interesting weather fact.

P: Another? Great!

S: Changes in jet streams can affect the speed at which the Earth rotates on its axis, so bad weather can actually make the day longer.

P: Well, there must be a hell of a storm somewhere.


2.6 违反赞扬和谦虚准则


(Raj decided to organize a scavenger hunt, and he was introducing this game to others.)

R: I am going to make you guys a scavenger hunt like they have at M.I.T.

H: I loved those. I did them every year there.

L: We did them at Princeton, too.

H: Oh, that’s cute. Like it’s a real college.

S: That’s amusing—I was going to say that about M.I.T.but it works for Princeton, too.


(Sheldon was immersed in his own world to solve a serious problem, which made him keep silent for hours.)

L: Please say something.

S: Leonard, prepare to be humbled and weep at the glory of my genius.

L: Nope, it was better before.


2.7 违反赞同和同情准则


(Leonard wanted to live with Penny secretly, so he did not tell Sheldon that he came back from his experimental station, which annoyed Sheldon.)

S: Oh, no, I should apologize. Uh, I never realized to what extent our friendship was a burden to you.

L: That is not fair. I complain about what a burden it is at least once a month.

S: Oh, no, no, let’s not sugarcoat this. You find me finicky, pedantic and annoying.

P: No, he doesn’t.

L: I actually have used those exact words before. In that order.


(Raj always organized some boring games, and none of others wanted to join in.)

R: None of you RSVP’d to my murder mystery dinner party.

L: Oh, yeah. We were meaning to do that.

R: No, you weren’t, because it was a week ago and nobody came! So, if you want to solve the mystery of who stabbed Koothrappali in the back with the weapon of indifference, it was all of you.

S: I don’t think that qualifies as a mystery. We all knew what we were doing.

A: We are sorry, Raj.

B: May be we can have it next week.

H: Whoa, whoa, we’re not that sorry.


2.8 违反预设


(Leonard was tidying up his old things in a box, and suddenly he found a red sweater which was sent by his aunt as a gift when he was in university.)

L: Oh, I forgot about this. My aunt made it for me when I started college.

P: Aw, did she hate you?


(Leonard and Howard paid a lot of money to get a ticket of the comic book convention, and Penny, Any and Bernadette was discussing about it)

B: Oh, while they’re acting like teenagers, we could do something grown-up.

A: Oh. You mean like a museum?

P: Yes, like a museum, but anything else.


3 《生活大爆炸》第七季中言语幽默的分类


表1 《生活大爆炸》第七季的言语幽默分类






4 结语


[1] FREGE G.On sense and Reference[M].London:Routledge,1949.

[2] GRICE H.Logic and Conversation [M].New York:Academic,1975.

[3] LEEH G.Principles of Pragmatics[M].London:Longman,1983.

[4] SPERBER D,WILSON D.Relevance:Communication and Cognition[M].Oxford:Oxford Blackwell,1985.

[5] 俸振海.语用预设理论及其在《生活大爆炸》中的运用[J].武汉纺织大学学报,2014,27(4):91-94.

[6] 蒋冰清.预设理论与言语幽默的生成机制阐释[J].外语与外语教学,2009(3):14-18.

[7] 李洪.礼貌原则的违背与《生活大爆炸》中的言语幽默[J].才智, 2013(27):210-211.

[8] 刘乃实,熊学亮.浅析言语幽默的维护面子功能[J].外语教学,2003,24(6):10-13.

[9] 史岩.从关联理论角度解释话语幽默——以美剧《生活大爆炸》为例[J].黑龙江教育学院学报,2015,34(7):138-139.

[10] 张翼.“合作原则” 的违反与幽默的产生[J].海外英语,2015 (3):238-239.


ZHANG Chenxia


The paper uses the seventh season ofTheBigBangTheoryas a corpus of studying verbal humor and conducts a multi-angled and leveled analysis of the 1350 verbal humor episodes in it from such 4 main verbal humor theories as the principles of cooperation,relevance,politeness and presupposition.The 1350 verbal humor episodes are classified into 8 categories based on the following theories:violating the maxim of quantity,violating the maxim of quality,violating the maxim of relation,violating the maxim of manner,violating the maxim of tact and generosity,violating the maxim of approbation and modesty,violating the maxim of agreement and sympathy,and violating the maxim of presupposition.Then the article further describes the statistical results of the verbal humor episodes in the seventh season ofTheBigBangTheory.The results show that violating the maxim of presupposition is used most frequently and violating the maxim of tact and generosity is in the second place.The paper analyzes the possible potential factors behind the results.

verbal humor;classification;the seventh season ofTheBigBangTheory;pragmatics




H03, H087



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礼貌举止大家学 !