

中国水土保持科学 2016年5期











1 研究区概况

选择水土流失比较严重的陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区作为研究区域,位于E 108°45′~110°25′,N 36°10′~37°55′N之间,总面积17 488 km2,包括延河流域、清涧河流域、汾川河流域和无定河流域中的大理河流域,主要涉及延安、延长、安塞、子长、清涧等县市。研究区气候属于中温带大陆性半干旱季风气候,四季变化明显,干湿分明,年温差大[7]。90%以上的降水集中在5—9月,6—9月为汛期,多暴雨。地表为黄土层,黄土颗粒细,土质松软,在流水侵蚀的作用下极易造成土壤侵蚀。

2 数据与方法

2.1 数据来源


2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 降雨侵蚀力因子计算方法 分析统计8种曾用于估算黄土丘陵沟壑区降雨侵蚀力的计算方法。采用不同方法计算1980—1989年安塞集水区内镰刀湾等7个降水站点的降雨侵蚀力,统计区域平均值得到基于不同算法的安塞集水区年降雨侵蚀力(表1)。各计算公式的单位不一致,本文对各公式的计算结果进行标准化处理之后,将安塞年降雨侵蚀力与安塞水文站的年含沙量、输沙量数据进行相关分析,选择较适合的降雨侵蚀力计算方法。

2.2.2 模型差异分析方法 模型的有效系数Ef越高,表明模型与基准值的差异性越小,准确度越高[16],该指标由J.E.Nash等提出[16]:

图1 安塞集水区降雨站点分布Fig.1 Spatial distribution of rainfall stations in Ansai watershed


3 结果与分析

表1 降雨侵蚀力计算方法Tab.1 Methods of rainfall erosivity

3.1 基于不同算法的降雨侵蚀力计算结果比较


表1 (续)Continued from Tab.1

图2 不同降雨侵蚀力因子计算方法与水文数据的相关性Fig.2 Correlation between different calculation models of rainfall erosivity and hydrological data

3.2 经典算法R7与简易算法R2的差异性分析

以经典算法R7估算的月降雨侵蚀力作为基准值,利用有效系数和相对偏差来分析R2与R7的差异。统计1981—1989年6—9月的月平均降雨量和降雨侵蚀力数据,并分析R2相对R7的有效系数和相对偏差(表2)。1981—1989年期间月平均降雨量为8月>7月>9月>6月。R2相对于R7的有效系数为9月>6月>7月>8月,而研究期间,安塞集水区各月侵蚀性降雨(>12 mm)次数排序为8月>7月>6月>9月,二者排序恰好相反,说明R2的准确度与侵蚀性降雨的次数成反比。另外,R2的相对偏差月份之间相差不大,有效系数越大,相对偏差越小说明模型的模拟精度越高;因此R2对黄土丘陵沟壑区9月份降雨侵蚀的模拟精度相对较高。


3.3 简易算法R2的修正


式中:R为月降雨侵蚀力,MJ·mm/(hm2·h);D为第j日侵蚀性降雨量,mm(降雨量≥12 mm,否则以0计算);K为侵蚀性降雨时间,d。


3.4 黄土丘陵沟壑区降雨侵蚀力的时空分布特征

表2 R2相对于R7的差异比较Tab.2 Comparison of the differences between R2and R7



图3 R2与R7的拟合模型Fig.3 Fitting model of R2and R7

图4 多年降雨侵蚀力均值空间分布(MJ·mm·hm-2·h-1·a-1)Fig.4 Spatial distribution ofmean annual rainfall erosivity

4 结论


图5 降雨侵蚀力年际变化Fig.5 Interannual variation of rainfall erosivity




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Tem poral and spatial distribution characteristics of rainfall erosivity in loess hilly region of Northern Shaanxi based on the modified simplified models

Zhong Lina1,2,Wang Jun2,Zhao Wenwu3

(1.School of Land Science and Technology,China University of Geosciences,100083,Beijing,China;2.Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation,Ministry of Land and Resources,100035,Beijing,China;3.College of Resources Science and Technology,Beijing Normal University,100875,Beijing,China)

[Background]Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE)is an empirical model widely used in the domain of soil erosion by water.And the rainfall erosivity(R factor)is a basic factor in USLE and the revised universal soil loss equation(RUSLE).The soil erosion and rainfall factors are closely related.The accuracy of the calculated results of rainfall erosivity will directly affect the quantitative study of soil erosion.The calculated results by the classical models are accurate,however,the calculation process is cumbersome,and the data used in the calculation is large and difficult to be obtained. Calculation of rainfall erosivity using simplified models is convenient,but the result is not accurate enough.[Methods]The differences of rainfall erosivity calculated by 8 different models were analyzed,then the simplified models generating the closest values with classical models were modified,and then the simplified models after modification were used to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of rainfall erosivity.The main methods used in this process were mathematical statistics and model difference analysis.[Results]1)Compared to the simplified models,classical models were more accurate to estimate the rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly and gully region,the main reasons resulting in this were as,the impact degree of rainfall intensity factor was much higher than the rainfall factor on soil erosion in the loess hilly and gully region,while rainfall intensity was not considered as an impact factor in the simplified models,and the calculation in the simplified models was carried out by daily rainfall and monthly rainfall data.2)The fitting model y=0.849x-29.651 improved the simulation precision of the simplified model of rainfall erosivity by Zhang Wenbo(Goodness of fit was 0.734).The rainfall erosivity of the loess hilly and gully region of Northern Shaanxi Province during 2006- 2012 showed a rising trend.The rainfall erosivity of the upstream of Fenchuan River Basin and Qingjian River Basin was relatively high and the rainfall erosivity of the downstream was in second;the rainfall erosivity of the downstream of Yan he Basin and Dali River Basin was relatively high,and the rainfall erosivity of the upstream was in second.[Conclusions]The simplified rainfall erosivity models after modification may be used to better estimate the rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly and gully region,and by which the manpower,time and costwould be saved;moreover,the favorable simulation accuracy can be obtained,thus they can be used in large scale and provide a scientific basis for the soil and water conservation work in the loess hilly and gully region and even the country-scale investigation of soil erosion.The rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly gully region is calculated better by simplified model after modification,as result,the temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity in the loess hilly and gully region are high and uneven as a whole from 2006 to 2012.

rainfall erosivity;modification of simplified model;temporal and spatial distribution;loess hilly and gully region of Northern Shaanxi





2016- 02- 16

2016- 05- 05





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