降雨形成的径流是产生坡面土壤侵蚀的主要动力来源,径流流速是土壤侵蚀模型的重要参数之一。为研究电解质示踪法测量坡面水流流速过程中电解质优势流速和水流流速的关系,本研究利用实验水槽,在坡度4°、8°、12°,流量12、24、48 L/min条件下,于距离电解质注入位置0.3、0.6、0.9、1.2、1.5m处放置探针测量电解质传递过程,计算不同工况下各测量断面的电解质优势流速。结果表明:流量对电解质优势流速的影响大于坡度对其影响,电解质优势流速随距离增加而增大,采用指数函数拟合计算得到的电解质优势流速随距离的变化过程,得到稳定的电解质优势流速,即水流优势流速,其范围在0.241~0.568m/s之间。随坡度和流量的增大,水流优势流速均增大。流量对水流优势流速增长的影响大于坡度对其的影响。不同坡度和流量条件下,水流优势流速与平均流速基本一致,二者的比值为1.007,水流优势流速与最大流速的比值为0.774,平均流速与最大流速的比值为0.776,符合坡面薄层水流的流态。结果可为研究坡面薄层水流动力过程提供新的计算方法和参考数据。
1 研究方法
1.1 坡面薄层水流溶质迁移模型
1.2 优势流速、最大流速以及平均流速的计算方法
1.2.1 电解质示踪法 采用薄层水流流速测量仪测量不同工况下水槽中各断面的电导率随时间变化,根据测量断面电导率变化对应的时间计算该断面的流速。测量断面电导率随时间变化如图1所示。
图1 测量断面电导率随时间的变化Fig.1 Measured electronic conductivity as a function of time
1.2.2 最大流速的计算
试验采用漂浮物法测量水流的最大流速。漂浮物法是将可视性及跟随性较好的粒子加入到流动的水体中,让它跟随流体流动,从而测定流体流动情况。示踪物有液体、悬浮物、漂浮物或沉淀物[27],本试验选择直径5 mm的泡沫粒子作为示踪物,试验中将若干粒子同时快速加入水流中,记录泡沫粒子从第2组探针到最后一组探针的时间,从而计算得到水流的最大流速ue。计算公式为
1.2.3 平均流速的计算
2 试验材料、仪器与方法
试验采用有机玻璃制作的长4 m,宽14.7 cm,高50 cm的水槽,底部粘接粒砂纸,模拟土壤下垫面。水槽前端设有水流注入系统,模拟径流。依据马氏瓶原理设计而成的恒压水箱控制水槽上方来水流量,流量通过板阀控制。
试验坡度为4°、8°、12°,流量设置为12、24、48 L/min,试验重复3次。
3 结果与分析
3.1 电解质优势流速
图2 薄层水流流速测量系统示意图Fig.2 Schematic diagram for themeasurement system of shallow water flow velocity
表1 平均流速和各断面的电解质优势流速Tab.1 Mean velocity and electrolyte peak velocity at different section m/s
3.2 稳定电解质优势流速及水流优势流速
3.3 坡度和流量对水流优势流速变化的影响
不同工况下,水流优势流速随流量、坡度的增大而增大,变化范围在0.241~0.568 m/s之间。坡度固定时,流量从12 L/min增大到24 L/min时,水流优势流速的增大程度较流量从24 L/min增大到48 L/min时大,最大可达54.2%;但随着坡度增大,流量从12 L/min增大到24 L/min时增大程度递减,从54.2%减小到29.4%,流量从24 L/min到48 L/min时增大程度递增,从16.2%增大到30%。流量固定时,坡度从4°增加到8°时水流优势流速增大较明显,在16.2~29.2%之间,坡度从8°增加到12°时,水流优势流速的增大程度明显减小,在2.3%~3.6%之间。流量对水流优势流速的影响在16.4%~54.2%之间,坡度对优势流速的影响在2.3%~29.4%之间;因此流量对水流流速的影响大于坡度的影响。
图3 不同试验条件下各测量断面的电解质优势流速Fig.3 Electrolyte peak velocities at different distance under different experimental conditions
表2 流量和坡度对水流优势流速的影响Tab.2 The impact of flow rate and slope on flow peak velocities
3.4 优势流速与平均流速的关系
3.5 优势流速与最大流速的关系
图4 不同坡度与流量条件下拟合电解质优势流速Fig.4 Fitting electrolyte peak velocities under different slopes and different flow rates
图5 优势流速与平均流速的关系Fig.5 Relationship between peak velocities and mean velocities
图6 平均流速与最大流速的关系Fig.6 Relationship between mean velocities and leading edge velocities
图7 优势流速与最大流速的关系Fig.7 Relationship between peak velocities and leading edge velocities
4 结论
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Studies on peak velocity of shallow water flow on slopes
Chen Liyan1,Lei Tingwu1,Chuo Ruiyuan2
(1.College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering,China Agricultural University,100083,Beijing,China;2.Tianjin Lon win Technology,300181,Tianjin,China)
[Background]Rainfall runoff is the major dynamic source for hill-slope erosion,runoff velocity is one of the important parameters in soil erosion model.The accurate measurement of shallow water flow velocity is critical in hydrological process.Lei et al.proposed an electrolyte pulse method for measuring the velocity by fitting the solute transport process with time using the least square method and improved the system with a Normal Model and a Sine Model.This laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the relationship between electrolyte peak velocity and water flow peak velocity during the electrolyte transport process and verify the new computational method.[Methods]The experimental devices include a flume,4m long and 15 cm wide,a solute injector,a data logger for control and data acquisition and a computer with specially designed software for data measurement and storage.The experiments involved three flow rates(12,24 and 48 L/min)and three slope gradients(4°,8°and 12°).Five sensors were used to measure the electrolyte transport processes at 0.3 m,0.6 m,0.9 m,1.2m,and 1.5m from the location where the salt solute was injected into the water flow.During each experiment,five complete curves of electrolyte changes with time were recorded,which can be used tocalculate electrolyte peak velocity with the distance from the injection to the measuring sensor and the time used for the peak of the electrolyte to travel through the distance.The leading edge velocities were measured by floating objects method and mean velocities by volumetric method.[Results]The electrolyte peak velocity was between 0.15 to 0.54 m/s,increased with distance and tended to stable,and the flow rates caused greater effect on electrolyte peak velocity than slope gradient under different conditions.The steady electrolyte peak velocity,regarded as the water flow peak velocity,were computed through fitting the electrolyte peak velocity at different distances from the salt solution injector with exponential function,ranging from 0.241 to 0.568 m/s.The exponential function fitted the electrolyte peak velocities very well for all the experimental conditions.The flow rate had greater effect on flow peak velocity growth rate than that of slope gradient.The water flow peak velocity were 1.007 times of mean velocity,0.774 times of leading edge velocity,and mean velocity was 0.776 times of leading edge velocity.[Conclusions]The flow peak velocity agreed well with leading edge velocity and mean velocity.These demonstrated that the new computational method for measuring shallow water flow velocity was reasonable and valid.The results provide a new method for computing the mean velocity of sheet flow and relevant data for the dynamic process of sheet flow,which will be useful for the investigation of soil erosion.
shallow water flow;electrolyte tracer method;flow method;peak velocity;mean velocity
2015- 10- 28
2016- 09- 21
†通信作者简介:雷廷武(1958—),男,博士,博士生导师。主要研究方向:土壤侵蚀与旱地农业。E-mail:leitingwu@cau.edu. cn