

现代仪器与医疗 2016年4期

米磊 刘怀勤 高宇

[摘 要] 目的:运用肌电图仪评价错牙合畸形患者正颌手术后咀嚼肌功能变化,了解患者术后咀嚼肌功能的变化规律。方法:选取我院2013年8月—2015年8月收治的31例接受正颌手术的错牙合畸形患者纳入观察组,并选取同期30名正常牙合者纳入对照组。运用肌电图仪检测静息放松时、左右侧方最大运动各咀嚼肌肌电位,以及正中紧咬时、最大开口、正中前伸、咀嚼运动时咀嚼肌肌电位及不对称指数,并分析观察组患者术后咀嚼肌功能变化。结果:除静息放松外,观察组术前咀嚼肌肌电位低于对照组,且以紧咬、咀嚼时差异最为明显(P<0.05);术后3个月时,观察组患者部分咀嚼肌功能有所恢复,但紧咬、咀嚼时肌电位仍显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后6个月时,患者咀嚼肌功能较术前、术后3个月改善明显差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:错牙合畸形患者正颌手术后咬合及肌肉功能均逐渐增强,但功能未达正常水平。

[关键词] 肌电图仪;错牙合畸形;正颌手术;咀嚼肌功能

中图分类号:R 783.5 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095-5200(2016)04-019-04


Application of electromyogram in evaluation of change of masticatory muscle function in malocclusal patients after orthognathic surgery MI Lei,LIU Huaiqin,GAO Yu. (Department of stomatology,The First Hospital of Yulin,Yulin 719000,China)

[Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the use of electromyogram in evaluation of change of masticatory muscle function in malocclusal patients after orthognathic surgery, for understanding of changes of postoperative masticatory muscle function. Methods: 31 patients with malocclusion undergoing orthognathic surgery in our hospital from August 2013 to August 2015 were included in the observation group, and 30 healthy people with normal occlusion were included in the control group. The electromyogram data was detected during rest position, centric clenching, mouth opening, protrusive movement, laterotrusive movement, potentials of the masticatory muscles when chewing and the asymmetric index of masticatory muscle, were used to analyze the masticatory muscle function in malocclusal patients after orthognathic surgery. Results: Except resting relaxation, potentials of masticatory muscles of observation group surgery is lower than that of the control group, and differences were statistically significant when clenching and chewing (P<0.05); 3 months after surgery, some masticatory muscle functions of patients in the observation group have been restored, but potentials of masticatory muscles were still significantly lower than those of the control group when clenching and chewing, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05); at 6 months, masticatory muscle function of patients improved significantly compared with those of pre-operation and post-operative 3 months, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusions: Occlusion and muscle function of malocclusal patients after orthognathic surgery were gradually increased, but the function is less than the normal level.

[Key words] electromyogram;malocclusion;orthognathic surgery;masticatory muscle function

目前临床常见的错牙合畸形以骨性Ⅲ类畸形为主 [1]。正颌手术改善上下颌骨关系,恢复正常咬合关系[2]。通过肌电图测定咀嚼肌功能是评价正颌手术治疗效果的常用方案,但咀嚼肌功能变化是否会对咬合功能产生影响、会产生何种影响,目前临床尚无定论[3]。为分析咀嚼肌功能变化,本文选取31例错牙合畸形患者及30名正常牙合者进行了前瞻性对照研究,现将研究方法与结果总结如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 检测方法

检测设备为M153635-Medelec Synergy二通道肌电图诱发电位仪(英国Oxford公司),检测方法:以75%乙醇消毒皮肤,嘱受试者取息止颌位,即头颈部放松端坐,自然分开上下牙,休息3~5 min后咬紧双侧后牙,安置电极,定位解剖标志,将电极膏涂于电极盘表面,使用胶布固定,记录静息放松、正中紧咬、最大开口、正中前伸、左右侧方最大运动、咀嚼运动时肌电数据(对照组于入组时测定,观察组于正颌手术前、术后3个月、术后6个月各测定1次)[5]。

1.3 评价指标及统计


2 结果

2.1 咀嚼肌肌电位





3 讨论

正颌手术是恢复错牙合畸形患者口颌系统形态与功能协调的首选方案,但由于正颌手术使颅面骨骼结构、肌肉附着关系发生突然改变,此时患者口颌系统咀嚼肌往往无法迅速适应该变化,功能重建过程可能受到一定影响[9]。自上世纪40年代起即有学者将肌电图仪用于口腔医学领域,作为一种客观、定量反映肌肉神经系统技能状态的设备,肌电图仪为口颌系统形态与功能关系的研究、治疗效果评价提供了便利、准确的手段[10]。 本研究结果显示观察组患者术前咀嚼肌肌电图表现与对照组差异明显,主要表现在下颌运动的正中紧咬、开口及咀嚼运动时,与过往研究一致[11-12],其原因考虑为:1)错牙合畸形患者下颌体往往较长,这一解剖构造可导致下颌运动时咀嚼肌阻力臂增长,机械效能受到影响[13];




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