摘 要:小说阅读是牛津教材高二学段单元话题。教师指导学生阅读小说,除了阅读课本素材,更要把阅读方式和思维方式迁移到课外小说阅读。文章从诗意与实意的结合、灵性与灵魂的融合、作品和作者的契合三方面研究陆燕蕾老师的授课,指出她的设计为小说阅读教学提供了一种学习模式,丰富了小说教学的课堂研究。
中图分类号:G633.41 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-3561(2016)24-0024-02
2016年4月15日,在苏州学科带头人考核现场,江苏省常熟中学陆燕蕾老师为学生和所有的听课教师带来了一场思维盛宴。授课对象是常熟外国语学校高二(1)史政文科班,授课课题是A Days Wait。
阅读经典是一个无须论证的话题,但对于经典小说阅读,在高中课堂已鲜有老师或学生有感情地朗读。在陆老师的课堂,作者享受了一种久违的感动和温暖。诵读诗歌散文小说最能刺激感官,更带来心灵的享受。一上来,陆老师柔美的朗诵一下就抓住了所有师生的心灵。当然,这是课堂,不是朗诵大赛,所以在朗诵的过程中,陆老师还不断地讲解一些词汇的意思,帮助学生理解每一句话的意思。例如:“He was shivering.”means“He is shaking.”,“Whats the matter,Schatz?”means“ Darling”,I thought perhaps he was a little lightheaded.”means“He cant think clearly.”同时,陆老师让学生通过“Whats the matter,Schatz”“Ive got a headache”“Youd better go back to bed”等要求学生判断对话双方可能的关系,并在“You dont have to stay in here with me,Papa,if it bothers you”中确认父子关系。引导学生通过语言来预测人物关系,并在阅读不断深入的过程中修正自己的猜测。阅读的过程其实也是读者不断猜测并修正猜测的过程。在第26段“I thought perhaps he was a little headed and after giving him the prescribed capsules at eleven oclock I went out for a while.”中,让学生猜测作者为什么要出去,并在第27段、第28段的阅读中修正自己的猜测。在第29段,故事没有结束,陆老师又设计了猜测结局,最后又下发小说结局材料。通过“Back in the room I wrote the boys temperature down and made a note of the time to give the various capsules”来引导学生判断人物的性格。而通过“行为或语言”来判断“人物性格或态度”是高考考纲对于阅读能力的要求之一。研读第13段“Downstairs,the doctor left three different medicines in different colored capsules with instruction for giving them.One was to bring down the fever, another a purgative,the third to overcome an acid condition. The germs of influenza can only exist in an acid condition, he explained.He seemed to know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about if the fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees.This was a light epidemic of flu and there was no danger if you avoided pneumonia.”通过几个关键词的逻辑关系,陆老师引导学生在阅读有生词的长难段落的处理方法,并通过“He seemed to know all about influenza.”中定位he 是doctor,来猜测influenza是一种疾病,并通过下文判断出influenza就是flu.这样,能训练学生通过逻辑关系或上下文来猜测词意。第27段、第28段也属于词汇较难的段落,陆老师就让学生用在第13段中学到的技能理解文本意思。
标题往往是文章的中心大意,也是小说的灵魂所在。拟标题是高中阅读理解考查一个重点,陆老师反其道而行之,让学生读了整篇小说,再品味标题,使他们能够理解得更加深刻。在理解过程中,学生的理解往往比较狭窄,不够丰满。于是,陆老师首先让学生定位a day的长度,再来看wait.Wait:Father waits for sons recovery.Wait:Son waits for death.对于wait 的双向内涵,陆老师更进一步引导:导致不同的等待源于misunderstanding,表面上是男孩对华摄氏和摄氏度的误解“At school in France the boys told me you cant live with forty-four degrees.Ive got a hundred and two”…同时,陆老师呈现了几组语言,说明误解在字里行间就展示出来了。组一:“Downstairs.the doctor left three different medicines in different capsules with instructions for giving them.”“Back in the room, I wrote the boys temperature down and made a note of the time to give the various capsules.”(医生没有当着男孩的面说他的病情不严重。)组二:“You dont have to stay in here with me,Papa,if it bothers you.”“It doesnt bother me.”(父亲和儿子对于it 的理解不同。)组三:“It was a hundred and two.”“Your temperature is all right. Its nothing to worry about.”组四:“I dont worry,but I cant keep from thinking.”“Dont think Just take it easy.”“Im taking it easy.”本来在写作时,作者一般都会用不同的词来避免重复,但这里却有不断重复的话,用以分析和引导学生要透过语言去赏析研读语言背后深刻的内涵。
阅读的过程其实也是读者不断猜测并修正猜测的过程。在第26段“I thought perhaps he was a little headed and after giving him the prescribed capsules at eleven oclock I went out for a while”中,让学生猜测作者为什么要出去,并在第27段、第28段的阅读中修正自己的猜测。在第29段,故事没有结束,陆老师又设计了猜测结局,最后又下发小说结局材料。通过“Back in the room I wrote the boys temperature down and made a note of the time to give the various capsules”来引导学生判断人物的性格。而通过“行为或语言”来判断“人物性格或态度”是高考考纲对于阅读能力的要求之一。研读第13段“Downstairs,the doctor left three different medicines in different colored capsules with instruction for giving them.One was to bring down the fever, another a purgative,the third to overcome an acid condition. The germs of influenza can only exist in an acid condition, he explained.He seemed to know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about if the fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees.This was a light epidemic of flu and there was no danger if you avoided pneumonia.”通过几个关键词的逻辑关系,陆老师引导学生在阅读有生词的长难段落的处理方法,并通过“He seemed to know all about influenza”中定位he 是doctor,来猜测influenza是一种疾病,并通过下文判断出influenza就是flu。这样,能训练学生通过逻辑关系或上下文来猜测词意。第27段、第28段也属于词汇较难的段落,陆老师就让学生用在第13段中学到的技能理解文本意思。
标题往往是文章的中心大意,也是小说的灵魂所在。拟标题是高中阅读理解考查一个重点,陆老师反其道而行之,让学生读了整篇小说,再品味标题,使他们能够理解得更加深刻。在理解过程中,学生的理解往往比较狭窄,不够丰满。于是,陆老师首先让学生定位a day的长度,再来看wait.Wait:Father waits for sons recovery.Wait:Son waits for death.对于wait 的双向内涵,陆老师更进一步引导:导致不同的等待源于misunderstanding,表面上是男孩对华摄氏和摄氏度的误解“At school in France the boys told me you cant live with forty-four degrees.Ive got a hundred and two”同时,陆老师呈现了几组语言,说明误解在字里行间就展示出来了。组一:“Downstairs.the doctor left three different medicines in different capsules with instructions for giving them.”“Back in the room, I wrote the boys temperature down and made a note of the time to give the various capsules.”(医生没有当着男孩的面说他的病情不严重。)组二:“You dont have to stay in here with me,Papa,if it bothers you.”“It doesnt bother me.”(父亲和儿子对于it 的理解不同。)组三:“It was a hundred and two.”“Your temperature is all right. Its nothing to worry about.”组四:“I dont worry,but I cant keep from thinking.”“Dont think Just take it easy.”“Im taking it easy.”本来在写作时,作者一般都会用不同的词来避免重复,但这里却有不断重复的话,用以分析和引导学生要透过语言去赏析研读语言背后深刻的内涵。
这个小说的结局是那么出人意料,陆老师让学生思考:用华摄氏来计算体温的是美国,说明作者是美国人,而以出人意料结局为特色的是哪个作家?在学生猜不出来时,陆老师又提醒语言简单,甚至没有the father said,the boy said. 学生猜出是海明威。这是透过作品来分析作者。同时,学生对于海明威还是有一定了解的,知道海明威以惜墨如金且轻描淡写而著称,以“冰山理论”写作手法见长,塑造了“Hemingways character”的人物形象,如《老人与海》等。一般的授课也许就到此为止。根据维果斯基的“最近发展区理论”,认为学生的发展有两种水平:一种是学生的现有水平,指独立活动时所能达到的解决问题的水平;另一种是学生可能的发展水平,也就是通过教学所获得的潜力。两者之间的差异就是最近发展区。教学应着眼于学生的最近发展区,为学生提供带有难度的内容,调动学生的积极性,发挥其潜能,超越其最近发展区而达到下一发展阶段的水平,然后在此基础上进行下一个发展区的发展。从本堂课到了解作者,都符合了学生现有的认知水平,但是陆老师又进了一步:在这篇小说里是如何体现海明威硬汉式的形象的?这充分说明,陆老师的课堂一直着眼于平均学生的“最近发展区”。
海明威硬汉式形象语言表现如下:组一:“Youd better go back to bed.”“No,Im all right.”“You go up to bed. Youre sick.”“Im all right.”“Do you want me to read to you?”“All right.If you want to.”“Why dont you try to go to sleep?Ill wake you up for the medicine.”“Id rather stay awake.”说明男孩坚持不承认自己要死了。组二:He was looking at the foot of the bed,looking very strangely.Staring still,as he had stared,at the foot of the bed.But his gaze at the foot of the bed relaxed slowly.说明男孩勇敢地面对死亡。组三:His face is white.His face is very white.I went up to him and found him in exactly the position I left him, white-faced.作者用white想要表明男孩的pure innocent,而没有用pale,应为它使weak的代名词。