

广东教育·高中 2016年10期


Think是英语中使用频率较高的动词,也是中学英语中的重点词汇之一,其用法与suppose, imagine, expect等词有许多相似之处,现将其特殊用法归纳如下:

1. 动词时态


(1) I think the driver is to blame for the accident. 我认为司机应该为这起事故负责。

(2)I was thinking about the situation whenthe telephone rang. 我正在考虑当时的情景,电话突然响了。

有时为了使语气更委婉或更带有试探性,可用一般过去时或过去进行时(但并不表示过去意义)。如:I thought you might like something to read. 我想你也许想要点什么读物。

2. 否定转移

think表示“认为”,一般现在时,且主语是第一人称(I, we)时,如果其后跟一个表示否定意义的宾语从句时,通常将否定转移到主句谓语动词之前。如:

(1) I dont think shes really fit for the job. 我认为她并不真正适合这份工作。

(2) We dont believe that Jim is getting along well with his classmates. 我们认为吉姆和他的同学相处得不够融洽。



I think that it doesnt make any difference. 我认为那没任何作用。

(2) 当本意是要否定主句时,尤其是不表示“认为”时。

We didnt think we would lose the game. 我们没想到会输掉比赛。

We cant believe that he makes a living by begging. 我们无法相信他是通过乞讨谋生的。

(3)当 think前有副词修饰语时。

I really think you neednt worry about his safety. 我真的以为你没必要担心他的安全。

(4)当 think前有助动词do 表强调时。

I do think that you should not let your teachers down. 我的确认为你不应该让老师们失望。


I think and hope Im not disturbing you too much. 我认为同时也希望我没有太打扰你。


Why do you think I cant change your note? 你为什么认为我破不开这张钞票呢?


We must think the talk between the two countries wont come to an agreement. 我们肯定认为两国之间的对话不会达成任何协议。

(8)当宾语从句有no, never, hardly等否定词时。

I believe John never tells a lie. 我相信约翰从来都不撒谎。


I think that you cannot do the work well enough. 我认为这项工作你干得越出色越好。

3. 附加问句

如主句的主语为第一人称(I, we),在think等动词后接有宾语从句时,疑问的重心应是宾语从句,所以,反意疑问句的主语应与宾语从句的主语和助动词保持一致;但当主句的主语是第二或第三人称时,反意疑问句则与主句的主语和助动词保持一致。如:

(1)I think that you will make it, wont you? 我认为你会成功的,对吗?

(2)I dont think it is possible to master a foreign language without much memory work, is it? 我觉得不花大量的工夫来记忆要想掌握一门外语是不可能的,是吗?

(3)They believe its a waste of time to try to persuade him to change his mind, dont they ? 他们认为让他回心转意纯属浪费时间,是这样吗?

(4)Kate didnt think that her parents would leave her alone, did she? 凯特没想到她父母会把她单独留下,是不是?

4. 双重问句

当do you think / suppose接what, who, why, how等连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句时,do you think /suppose要放在连接代词或连接副词之后。注意:宾语从句中必须使用陈述句语序。如:

(1)What do you think we should do to solve the problem? 你认为我们怎样才能解决这个问题?

(2)Why do you think he is not an honest man? 你为什么认为他不诚实?

(3)How long do you think they will stay here? 你认为他们在这里会呆多久?

(4) 你料想她会上哪儿去呢?

正:Where do you supposeshe has gone?

误:Where do you supposehas she gone?

(5) 你认为谁是最佳选手?

正:Who do you think is the best player?

误:Do you think who is the best player?

误:Whom do you think is the best player?

5. 事与愿违

用于过去完成时态,表示过去未曾实现的愿望、预料和打算,可译为“原以为”“本来认为”,类似的动词还有hope, plan, want, mean, intend等。如:

(1) I had thought that he would lend us a hand. 我原以为他会助我们一臂之力的。

(2)I hadnt expected that I should get the first prize.我没想到自己会拿一等奖。

(3)The scientist had hoped that his son would become a spaceman.科学家原希望他的儿子能成为一名航天员。

6. 简单答语

在口语中,think, hope, expect, suppose, imagine, believe 等后面的宾语从句在上下文指代明确的情况下,常用代词so 代替前文已讲到的内容,其否定式用 not 或 not ... so,如:

(1)---Its been announced that the plane takes off on time. 据广播通知,飞机将按点起飞。

---I hope so. 但愿如此。

(2)Its a small world. Dont you think so? 这世界真小。难道你不这样认为吗?

(3)---Do you think the computer will take the place of humans? 你认为电脑会取代人脑吗?

---Yes, I think so. 是的,我想会。

No, I think not.=I dont think so. 不,我想不会。

但是,hope的否定形式通常只有一种,即:I hope not. 我希望情况不是这样。

责任编辑 蒋小青


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