摘 要:在测定120 位中国女性消费者对雄烯酮和粪臭素的嗅觉敏感性基础上,评定其对公猪肉的接受程度。公猪肉根据雄烯酮和粪臭素水平分为两组,即高膻味肉(LH)和低膻味肉(LL)。嗅觉敏感性测试结果表明:与雄烯酮相比,女性消费者对粪臭素更敏感;随着对雄烯酮敏感性的增加,其对雄烯酮纯品气味的接受程度显著降低(χ2=22.41,P<0.001);对粪臭素气味的接受度高于雄烯酮。公猪肉品尝测试结果显示:对雄烯酮高敏感且喜欢雄烯酮气味的消费者更喜欢LH组公猪肉的气味(χ2=3.75,P<0.05)和口感,对LL组和LH组公猪肉的整体感官评分高于对去势公猪肉的感官评分。
Investigation of Female Consumers Acceptability of Entire Male Pork in China
ZHOU Zhenjin1,2, ZHANG Feng1, YAO Wen1,3,*
(1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;
2.Shandong Baolai-Leelai Bioengineering Co. Ltd., Taian 271000, China; 3.Key Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
Abstract: Acceptance of boar meat by 120 Chinese females depending on their age, education level, and sensitivity to androstenone and skatole was evaluated by smelling the pure compound and testing cooked pork samples. Pork samples were classified as ‘barrow meat, ‘LL boar meat (boar meat with low levels of androstenone and skatole) and ‘LH boar meat (boar meat with high levels of androstenone and skatole). Results showed that 60.9% of the consumers were highly sensitive to skatole and 18.2% were highly sensitive to androstenone. As sensitivity to androstenone increased, consumer acceptability of pure androstenone odor significantly reduced (χ2 = 22.41, P < 0.001). In addition, 47.8% of the consumers were fond/neutral of pure skatole odor, and 15.0% disliked pure androstenone odor. Consumers acceptability of the odor (χ2 = 3.75, P < 0.05) and taste of LH meat was higher than that of LL meat. Consumers who are highly sensitive to androstenone and like its odor gave higher score to boar meat than barrow meat. Chinese women can accept entire male pork, and this is the first survey on consumer acceptability of entire male pork in China, which is of great significance to evaluate the possibility of using entire male pig for pork production.
Key words: consumer acceptability; sensitivity; boar taint; androstenone; skatole
中图分类号:S815.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8123(2016)03-0010-05
周振金, 张峰, 姚文. 中国女性消费者公猪肉感官接受度调查[J]. 肉类研究, 2016, 30(3): 10-14. DOI:10.15922/j.cnki.rlyj.2016.03.003.
ZHOU Zhenjin, ZHANG Feng, YAO Wen. Investigation of female consumers acceptability of entire male pork in China[J]. Meat Research, 2016, 30(3): 10-14. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.15922/j.cnki.rlyj.2016.03.003.
1 材料与方法
1.1 消费者的选择
根据南京市第六次人口普查(结果中不同年龄段及各年龄段不同学历水平女性所占的比例,共选择了120 位女性消费者,所选消费者年龄与学历分布具体情况如表1所示。120 位消费者分为12 组,每组10 人,每天进行2 组消费者的嗅觉和猪肉感官评定。
1.2 消费者的雄烯酮、粪臭素嗅觉测试与分类
1.无色无味试纸;2~4. 0.5 ?g/g雄烯酮试纸;5~7、A. 5 ?g/g雄烯酮试纸;8~10、B.1 ?g/g粪臭素试纸。
Fig.1 Design of olfactory sensitivity test for consumers
由图1可知,在试管架上排放11 对洁净的试管,第1对试管内置无色无味试纸条(对照);第2~4对试管内分别置0.5 ?g/g雄烯酮和对照试纸条。第5~7对试管内分别置5 ?g/g雄烯酮和对照试纸条;第8~10对试管内分别置1 ?g/g粪臭素和对照试纸条;第11对试管内分别置雄烯酮(5 ?g/g)和粪臭素(1 ?g/g)试纸条。
1.3 公猪肉的消费者感官评定
1.3.1 肉样的采集、膻味物质测定与分组
用高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)测定脂肪中粪臭素的水平[12],
用酶联免疫(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)法测定脂肪中雄烯酮的水平。粪臭素和雄烯酮的水平用每克纯脂肪的含量表示。所有样品中粪臭素的平均水平为24 ng/g(0~152 ng/g),雄烯酮的平均水平为33 ng/g(6~161 ng/g),根据猪的性别和脂肪中膻味物质的水平对猪肉分组。具体分组如下:对照组:去势公猪肉;LL组:粪臭素含量≤10 ng/g、雄烯酮含量≤
20 ng/g的公猪肉;LH组:粪臭素含量≥40 ng/g或雄烯酮含量≥40 ng/g的公猪肉。
1.3.2 肉饼加工与烹饪
分别将对照组、LL组、LH组猪的前腿肌肉和脂肪按一定比例(82∶18,m/m)绞碎混匀后,取110 g肉沫做成大小一致的肉饼。取3 个平底锅并标记组别,每个锅内加入少量的色拉油并放入两块同组肉饼,用电磁炉加热至肉饼中心温度达到80 ℃(油温控制在120 ℃)。烹饪结束后,将肉饼置于盘中,稍冷却后(约60 ℃)每块肉饼切成5 份(两块肉饼共分成10 份),分别送给消费者品尝。烹饪肉饼所用的平底锅、铲子和测试肉饼温度与油温的金属温度计不同组不可混淆。
1.3.3 肉样的感官评定
消费者进行嗅觉测试和猪肉品尝的房间在评定之前已进行通风换气,以排除房间残留气味的影响。每位消费者评定两对肉样(对照组和LH组,对照组和LL组),开始评定前和每评定完一对肉样后,消费者必须吃原味苏打饼干并饮用少许水,再开始下一对的评定。每一对的评定均分3 步进行,消费者首先闻一闻肉块的气味,选出更喜欢的肉块,记录其编号;第二步,吃一口肉块,对其口味进行评定,记下更喜欢肉块的编号;最后对每一个肉块进行整体打分,按喜好程度分成9等(1~9等表示:极其不喜欢~极其喜欢)。
1.4 数据处理
首先根据调查问卷的结果,剔除有感冒或鼻炎消费者的相关数据,最终共得到110 个有效数据。然后将筛选后的数据在Excel中进行整理,利用IBM SPSS statistics 20进行非参数性分析,采用Kruskal-Wallis检验。用SAS软件进行卡方检验。P<0.05表示差异显著。
2 结果与分析
2.1 消费者雄烯酮和粪臭素敏感性和接受度的关系
比较雄烯酮和粪臭素不同敏感度消费者对雄烯酮和粪臭素的接受度显示,随着消费者对两种膻味物质敏感度的增加,其对这两种物质的接受程度均逐渐降低。而且,消费者的雄烯酮敏感性对其雄烯酮的接受度产生了显著的影响(χ2=22.41,P<0.001)。粪臭素高敏感的消费者接受粪臭素纯品气味的比例为47.8%(32 人),而雄烯酮高敏感的消费者接受雄烯酮纯品气味的比例仅有15%(5 人)。可见,女性消费者对粪臭素的接受度要高于对雄烯酮的接受度。
2.2 消费者对不同膻味水平公猪肉的接受度
H+L. 对膻味物质高度敏感且喜欢的消费者;H+D. 对膻味物质高度敏感但不喜欢的消费者;L&M+L. 对膻味物质中低度敏感且喜欢的消费者;L&M+D. 对膻味物质中低度敏感但不喜欢的消费者。下同。
Fig.3 Means for meat sensory attributes assessed by consumers depending on type of animal and consumer sensitivity to androstenone (A) and skatole (B)
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