摘 要:酒店业迅速发展的今天,酒店英语委婉语的使用能提高酒店服务质量。本文就礼貌原则下,从其策略、慷慨、赞扬、谦逊、赞同和同情六准则分析酒店英语委婉语实例及应用,从而掌握其用法。
英国学者G.Leech1983年在《语用学原则》(Princinles of
Pragmatics)一书中提出了“礼貌原则”(Politeness Principle)。这一原则的六条准则是策略准则(tact maxim);慷慨准则(generosity
maxim);赞扬准则(approbation maxim);谦逊准则(modesty max
im);赞同准则(agreement maxim);同情准则(sympathy maxim)。礼貌原则的核心就是在其他条件相同的情况下,采取合适的表达方式把不礼貌的表达降低到最低限度,即省略些不礼貌的语言或婉转间接地表达出来。
(1)The toilet doesnt flush.(2)What kind of room would you
like, sir We have single rooms, double room, suites and deluxe
suits in Chinese, British, Roman, French and presidential styles.
(1)Im afraid that your suitcase has been put in the wrong
place. I will ask the porter to find it and sent it to your room as
soon as possible. (2)--Shall I pay for that tough one——Certainly
not, sir. Its all free of charge.在顾客抱怨行李运送太慢时,解决客人问题提供帮助和处理牛排太硬等投诉时,给予客人问题的解决和经济上的赔偿体现了一种慷慨原则。“as soon as possi
ble””shall I...””certainly not, sir”等委婉语充分体现这一原则。
——I think we will take the second way:“Open bar on a fixed price.” Its acceptable to both. ---Thats a wise decision, Mr John
son. We look forward to being of service to you.这是咨询200人宴会如何结算饮品的对话。顾客接受第二种结算方法,侍者对他的决定给予赞扬”thats a wise decision”。
Good afternoon, sir. Im sorry for keeping you waiting, but I
must deal with guests by turn.”Im sorry for ...”的句式消除了客人由于等待时间过长而积聚的不满情绪,这种礼貌的表达方式遵守了谦逊准则。
Theres a vacant table in the corner, where we can enjoy the
band pretty well. And maybe its warmer over there.在顾客嫌中央空调太冷的情况下,赞同顺应客人需要与客户一致。“maybe”“how about..”一些建议性语言充分体现这一准则。
——Henry is so careless that he damaged the desk lamp.——Im sorry to hear that. Is Mr Bellow all right?在客人把东西毁坏的情况下,酒店用了sorry to hear that并且问客人有没有伤到,都体现了同情准则。
[1] Leech, G.N. Principles of Pragmatics. London: Longman Group Ltd., 1983
[2] 张丽君. 酒店服务中英语委婉语的语用分析[J]. 中国商贸, 2011, (8).
[3] 诸莉雅. 酒店英语的礼貌性研究[J]. 山东工业技术, 2013, (11)