



(1.青岛黄海学院 基础教学部,青岛 266427; 2.山东农业大学 外国语学院,泰安 271000)



(1.青岛黄海学院 基础教学部,青岛 266427; 2.山东农业大学 外国语学院,泰安 271000)



毛泽东诗词气势磅礴,意象恢宏,以史诗般的语言,指点江山,激扬文字,不仅在国内家喻户晓,而且在国外也具有深远的影响力。毛泽东诗词先后被译成几十种文字,尤其值得一提的是毛泽东诗词的英译,其翻译版本之多,翻译人员水平之高,令人叹为观止。毛泽东诗词的英译者,不仅包括像袁水拍、钱钟书、乔冠华、叶君健、赵朴初(此五人为毛泽东诗词英译定稿小组成员)[1]、辜正坤、许渊冲、赵甄陶、黄龙、赵恒元、周流溪、李正栓等国内的大家,而且还包括Michael Bullock、Paul Woods、Willis Barnstone、陈志让(Jerome Ch’ên)、郭清波(Ko Ching-po)、聂华苓(Hua-ling Nieh Engle)及其丈夫Paul Engle等华人华侨或国外的名家。所以研究毛泽东诗词的英译,不仅可以领会毛泽东在诗词中所体现的博大的胸襟、丰富的意象,而且还可以提高英语鉴赏水平及汉译英水平。





例1 极目楚天舒。——《水调歌头·游泳》

Looking afar to the open sky of Chu.[2]


And as far as can reach the eye,

I find the wide,wide Southern sky.[3]


As far as the immense skies over Chu I stretch my eyes.[4]


Looking as far as my eyes can reach to the sky of Chu.[5]


Extending my eye to the wide sky of the South.[6]



例2 寥廓江天万里霜。——《采桑子·重阳》

See the endless expanse of frosty sky and water.[2]


Under the clear sky lie Ten Thousand miles of frost and water.[8]


endless river and sky,many thousand miles of frost.[9]

(聂华苓& Paul Engle,1972)

Attired in a myriad-li rime are the far-flung rivers and sky.[4]


Boundless are the sky,water and the rime.[6]


Is a myriad leagues of frosty sky and waters.[10]

(陈志让& Michael Bullock,1965)

The frost drapes heaven and blankets the vast land.[11]

(赵恒元& Paul Woods,1993)

例2中的七位(或组)译者,有六位(或组)将“天”译成sky,只有赵恒元& Paul Woods将“天”译成heaven。笔者认为,赵恒元 & Paul Woods的翻译采用暗喻的修辞手法,形象地描述了“霜”遮蔽了天空,覆盖了大地。但“霜”在《新华字典》上的释义为:“附着在地面或植物上面的微细冰粒,是接近地面的水蒸气冷至摄氏零度以下凝结而成的。”由此可见,赵恒元 & Paul Woods的翻译,一方面疑似将“霜frost”和“雾fog”混淆所致;另一方面也没有很好地再现原诗的意境。原诗“寥廓江天万里霜”描绘了一幅在深秋(重阳节)之时,由寥廓的汀江、天空以及一望无际的秋霜组成的苍茫、高远的图画,抒发了毛泽东高远、博大的胸怀。综上所述,例2中的“天”,翻译成heaven明显不如翻译成sky更能再现原诗中所创设的那种苍茫、寥廓的意境。

例3 天高云淡——《清平乐·六盘山》

The sky is high,the clouds are light[3]


The sky is high,the clouds are thin[12]


The sky is high;the fleecy clouds are bright[13]


The sky is high,the clouds are pale[2]


Sky is high and clouds are light[6]


So high is the crystal vault with clouds clad in light white[4]



例3中的六位(或组)译者,有五位(或组)将“天”译成sky或skies,只有黄龙将其译成vault。笔者认为,黄龙将“天高云淡”译成So high is the crystal vault with clouds clad in light white,描绘了一幅唯美的画面,使人如临其境。但vault是个多义词,用作名词时,在《新英汉词典》中的释义为:1)拱券,拱顶;2)地下室;3)(教堂或坟场的)地下墓室;4)(设于地下的)金库,保险库(尤指银行的);5)拱券状覆盖物,等等。有时用the vault of heaven指苍穹,即天空,但并不常见,只用vault来指天空就越发生僻,不符合原诗中的那种平易的风格。所以笔者认为,黄龙的翻译如果改成So high is the crystal sky with clouds clad in light white会更好。而前五位(或组)译者均使用平易的风格翻译该句诗,将“天”译成sky,较符合原文的意境。

例4 洞庭湘水涨连天——《七古·送纵宇一郎东行》

The lake and river stretching skyward out of view[3]


The water of Lake Dongting and River Xiang surges so high as to scrape the sky without demarcation[4]


The waters of Dongting Lake and Xiang River rise into the sky[5]


From Xiang River to Lake Dongting by boat[11]

(赵恒元& Paul Woods,1993)

在例4中,除赵恒元& Paul Woods外,其他几位译者都将“天”翻译成sky或skyward。笔者认为,赵恒元& Paul Woods的译文意义不够完整,没有译“涨连天”。另外,黄龙的译文中将“洞庭湘水”翻译成The water of Lake Dongting and River Xiang,似有过度翻译之嫌。认为整句可改译为:Lake Dongting and River Xiang surge so high as to scrape the sky without demarcation.而辜正坤的译文中的the waters of 似乎也可以去掉,以免过度翻译。在该句诗中,“涨”和“连天”是一动一静两个意象,应分别译出来,笔者试译如下:Lake Dongting and River Xiangjiang surge and stretch out endless towards the sky line.




例5 人生易老天难老,岁岁重阳。——《采桑子·重阳》

Man ages all too easily,not nature:

Year by year the Double Ninth returns.[2]


Man ages too easily but heaven never gets old,

Double Ninth comes yearly in the same mould.[5]


Nature does not grow old as fast as man;

Each year the Double Ninth comes round.[3]


Everyone but nature must age;

Double Ninth comes every year.[11]

(赵恒元 & Paul Woods,1993)

Mortals are apt to age,while Heaven remains ever livelong,

There are as many returns of the Double Ninth as years are long.[4]


Nature does not grow old as fast as man does;

Yearly the Double Ninth comes around.[6]


Man ages all too soon,but nature not;

Year after year the Double Ninth we’ve got.[13]


Man ages fast;but Nature hardly does—

Year by year Double Ninth comes round.[12]



例6 天生一个仙人洞,无限风光在险峰。——(《七绝·为李进同志题所摄庐山仙人洞照》)

Nature has excelled herself in the Fairy Cave,

On perilous peaks dwells beauty in her infinite variety.[2]


The Fairy Cave’s a wonder wrought by nature’s hand:

The view from perilous peak is sublime and grand.[3]


What an Immortal cavern,a Nature’s creature!

Its sheer peak commands a view of myriad charms superb beyond measure.[4]


The Fairy Cave is a miracle out of Nature’s hand:

The perilous peak reveals scenery boundless and grand.[6]


God created this natural fairy cave;

On its crags reveals the most beautiful scene.[11]

(赵恒元& Paul Woods,1993)

例6中的五位(或组)译者,有四位(或组)将“天”译成nature,只有赵恒元 & Paul Woods将其译成god,但又将“仙人洞”译为natural fairy cave。就“天生一个仙人洞”的翻译而言,笔者认为,黄龙的翻译“What an Immortal cavern,a Nature’s creature”最简洁、传神,并且与后句的译文“Its sheer peak commands a view of myriad charms superb beyond measure”押尾韵。李正栓对本句诗的翻译也很简洁、整齐,且也押尾韵。



毛泽东诗词中的“天”,有时也指具有主宰力的“天公”。例如,“六月天兵征腐恶,万丈长缨要把鲲鹏缚”(《蝶恋花· 从汀州向长沙》),“山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高”(《沁园春·雪》),“人有病,天知否?”(《贺新郎》),等等。

例7 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。——《沁园春·雪》

Mountains,silver snakes dancing,

Plateaus,wax-white elephants running,

Trying to be higher than heaven.[9]

(聂华岺& Paul Engle,1972)

The mountains dance like silver snakes,

And the highlands charge like wax-hued elephants,

Vying with heaven in stature.[2]


Like silver snakes the mountains dance,

Like wax elephants the highlands bounce,

All try to be higher than heaven even once![5]


Mountains like silver serpents dancing,

Highlands like waxy elephants advancing,

All try to match the sky in height.[3]


Like silvery snakes the mountains dance,

And like waxen elephants the highlands prance,

Both trying to outrival and dwarf heavenin height.[4]


Hills dancing just like silver serpents,

On highlands racing wax elephants,

All try to match the skies in height.[13]


在例7中,六位(或组)译者只有两位(或组)将“天”译成sky或skies,其余四位(或组)将其译成heaven。原诗中非常明确地说的是“天公”,而非“天空”,所以笔者认为,将此处的“天公”译成sky或skies,不如译成heaven更能忠实地体现原诗的意思。就例7的翻译而言,辜正坤的翻译三个短句均押尾韵,并且句式工整、简洁,显然更胜一筹。而《毛泽东诗词》翻译组将“欲与天公试比高”翻译为Vying with heaven in stature,内涵最丰富。stature在《21世纪大英汉词典》中的释义为:1)身高,身材;2)(物体的)高度;3)(发展、成长的)水平、程度;4)(道德、精神等达到的)高度境界,等等。通过《毛泽东诗词翻译组》的翻译,人们仿佛看到大山、高原欲与天公比的,不仅仅是物质上的高度,而且是一种精神上的高度、境界上的高度。

例8 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。——《沁园春·雪》

That tough spoiled child of heaven,

Genghis Khan,

Only knew to pull the bow

Shooting eagles.[9]

(聂华岺& Paul Engle,1972)

And Genghis Khan,

Proud Son of Heaven for a day,

Knew only shooting eagles,bow outstretched.[2]


Even the Proud Son of Heaven,for a time,

Called Genghis Khan,in his prime,

Knowing only shooting eagle,over his tent with a bow so bent.[5]


And Genghis Khan,proud son of Heaven for a day,

Knew only shooting eagles by bending his bows.[3]


Genghis Khan,

The proud son of Heaven,

Knew only shooting hawks with his bows.[6]


The great monarch,

Genghis Kham was

Only capable of shooting the big eagles with his bow.[11]

(赵恒元& Paul Woods,1993)

在例8中,六位(或组)译者有五位(或组)将“天”译成heaven,只有赵恒元& Paul Woods将“一代天骄”的翻译采用意译法,译成了the great monarch,此译法只部分体现了“一代天骄”的意思,因为在古时候,成吉思汗被称为“一代天骄”,不仅仅指成吉思汗是伟大的君王,而且还暗含成吉思汗是“天之骄子”的意思。




例9 万类霜天竞自由。——《沁园春·长沙》

For freedom all creatures with each other vie,

Under the frosty and vaulted sky.[5]


Liberally all creatures vying under freezing skies.[12]


In the freezing air a million creatures compete

For freedom.[14]

(Willis Barnstone &郭清波,1972)

All creatures demonstrate their freedom in autumn.[11]

(赵恒元& Paul Woods,1993)

All things in frosts for freedom vie.[13]



例9中的五位(或组)作者,有二位译者采用直译法,将“霜天”译成the frosty and vaulted sky或freezing skies,该译法显然没有很好地考虑到此处的“霜天”是“深秋的天气”的意思。Willis Barnstone &郭清波将“霜天”译成the freezing air,赵恒元& Paul Woods将“霜天”译成autumn,赵甄陶将“霜天”直接译成frosts,这三种翻译均采用意译法,将“霜天”在此处的意思(深秋的天气)准确地翻译出来。笔者认为,该句诗也可以这样翻译:All creatures strive for freedom in the frosty weather.

例10 刺破青天锷未残。——《十六字令三首》(其三)

Piercing the blue without blunting the blade.[3]


Piercing the blue of heaven,your barbs unblunted![2]


You stab the blue sky with your blade unbroken.[11]

(赵恒元& Paul Woods,1993)

Pierces the azure without blunting the blade.[6]


例10将“刺破青天”译成Piercing the blue给人的感觉是意犹未尽;译成Piercing the blue of heaven,虽也达意,但气势稍弱;译成You stab the blue sky简洁明快,气势如虹;而李正栓的译文Pierces the azure,更是令人眼前一亮,拍案叫绝!因为azure在《21世纪大英汉词典》中作为名词时的释义为:1)(晴空的)蔚蓝色,天蓝色;2)[诗歌用语]碧空,苍穹,苍天,等等。所以将“青天”译成azure,非常贴切地再现了诗人所创设的意境。

所以,在翻译含有“天”字的词语时,应联系上下文,很好地考虑作者创设的意境,不能硬译,应以最大限度再现作者所创设的意境为准则,可以灵活地将“青天”译成“azure”;将“霜天”译成the freezing air,the freezing weather,autumn,frosts,the frosty weather,等等。



[1] 荣天玙.袁水拍与毛泽东诗词英译定稿小组[J].百年潮,1999(7):62-64.

[2] 《毛泽东诗词》翻译组.毛泽东诗词(汉英对照)[M].北京:外文出版社,2003.

[3] 许渊冲.精选毛泽东诗词与诗意画(英汉对照)[M].北京:五洲传播出版社,2006.

[4] 黄龙.毛泽东诗词英译[M].南京:江苏教育出版社,1993.

[5] 辜正坤.毛泽东诗词:英汉对照韵译[M].北京:北京大学出版社,1995.

[6] 李正栓.毛泽东诗词精选(汉英对照读本)[M].石家庄:河北人民出版社,2010.

[7] 张智中.毛泽东诗词英译比较研究[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,2008:228.

[8] Wang H M.Ten Poems and Lyrics by Mao Tze-tung[M].London:Jonathan Cape Ltd.,1975.

[9] Engle H L,Engle P.Poems of Mao Tse-tung[M].New York:Simon and Schuster,1972.

[10] Bullock M,Chen J.Mao and the Chinese Revolution:With Thirty-seven Poems by Mao Tse-tung[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1967.

[11] 赵恒元,Woods P.毛泽东诗词(英汉对照)[M].天津:天津人民出版,1993.

[12] 周流溪.流溪诗外编[M].香港:华人出版社有限公司,2003.

[13] 赵甄陶.汉英对照毛泽东诗词[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社,1992.

[14] Mao Z D.The Poems of Mao Tse-tung[M].Translated by Barnstone W,Ko C P.New York:Harper & Row Publishers Inc.,1972.

(编辑: 朱渭波)

On the Translation of“Tian” in Mao Zedong’s Poems

Gong Huiying1,Zhai Honghua2


The study of English versions ofPoemsofMaoZedongis not only highly beneficial to our aesthetic appreciation of the tremendous momentum and magnificent scene but also to our appreciation of the English language and to translate Chinese into English.By means of comparing and analyzing a variety of translation versions,we draw the following conclusion:Most of the Chinese character “Tian” in the poems of Mao Zedong can be used to convey three different implications,and their translations are supposed to vary according to the various meanings.The authors commented on these translation versions,and put forward their own opinions:When it refers to “Tiankong”,it is mostly translated as “sky”;when it refers to “Ziran”,it is rendered into “nature”;when it implies the sense of “Tiangong”,it is usually transformed into “heaven”.There are also a very few Chinese character “Tian” in the poems of Mao Zedong should be translated according to the context,conforming to the principle of maximally reproducing the artistic conception of the original poem.




宫慧英(1970-),女,副教授。研究方向: 英语教学、英汉互译。

H 315.9





元 日
特约撰稿专家 黄龙光 编审
盛世瑰宝黄龙玉 天公作美水草花