

教学考试(高考英语) 2016年6期

河南 庞先庆


河南 庞先庆

Passage 1

新鲜度★★★★☆ 难度 ★★★★☆ 话题 购物 关键词 bargain体裁 记叙文 短文词数 240 建议时间 8分钟 正确率 /10


Many people have experienced bargaining,and have different opinions about it.In some countries,it is common and acceptable, 1 in other counties,it is considered an unpleasant action.In my hometown,bargaining is common,although hard for some people.It was worrying about 2 (look)down upon by others that stopped me from bargaining.But many of my friends helped me get rid of that idea,and they taught me how to do it.3 (gradual),I learned to do it well,and now I love to bargain.I have had many experiences of bargaining.

One day,I went to 4 open-air market with my friend, 5 there were many beautiful things on display.While my friend was busy shopping,I looked around and found a very 6 (beauty)pearl necklace.I secretly admired it for a long time before asking the price.The seller asked for one hundred dollars.It was a very high price,and I knew he was asking 7 much,so I threw up my hands, 8(pretend)to be discouraged.

I started to walk away,but the seller took 9(held)of me and asked how much I wanted to pay.I had heard that when you buy something in an open-air market,you should bargain to get the price down 10 about seventy percent,so I offered a price.He said that he couldn’t sell it for that.After a few minutes of bargaining,we agreed on forty-five dollars.

【文本出处】 bargaining/easier.htm

【New Words】bargain vi.(常与with,for连用)讲价 get rid of 摆脱,去掉




2.being looked。考查非谓语动词。根据空白处前后的“about”和“by”可知,这里应填being looked,构成被动结构。


5.where。考查定语从句。“5 there were many beautiful things on display”是定语从句,所修饰的先行词“market”在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用where。


7.too。考查副词。根据下文可知,这里表示作者嫌货主要价太高。too much意为“太多”。


9.hold。考查动词短语。take hold of是固定词组,意为“抓住”。。考查介词。by与“about seventy percent”连用,表示讨价还价的幅度。


原句:I had heard that when you buy something in an openair market,you should bargain to get the price down by about seventy percent,so I offered a price.


分析:整体上,本句是一个由so连接的有因果关系的并列复合句。其中,第一个分句是一个主从复合句,“I had heard...”是主句,其后面部分是宾语从句;在该宾语从句中,有一个when引导的时间状语从句。

Passage 2

新鲜度 ★★★☆☆ 难度 ★★★☆☆ 话题 学校 关键词 class体裁 说明文 短文词数 200 建议时间 5分钟 正确率 /10


Alice:How was your class today,Tracy?

Tracy:It was quite 1(interest),but I was surprised to see how quiet the students are in class here.

Alice:What do you mean 2 that?

Tracy:Alice,when I was in high school in the States,we were always 3 (noise),and asking a lot of questions.Here,the students are 4 (complete)different.

Alice:Well,maybe it’s because your classmates don’t know each other that well yet.5 they get to know each other,you will see that they also whisper,pass notes,and daydream in class.

Tracy:Is that so?6 students here must really respect their teachers very much,because I see all of them do 7 their teachers say.

Alice:We 8 (teach)that we should respect our teachers as we respect our parents since we were in kindergarten.

Tracy:I see.The situation is quite different in the States.9 (teach)definitely is not a wonderful job there.

Alice:Yes,it seems that I read something like that in Newsweek.

Tracy:It’s true.The current situation is so bad 10 there is a critical shortage of teachers in systems.


【New Words】definitely adv.明确地 current adj.现时的 critical adj.危急的









8.have been taught。考查动词的时态和语态。从后面的时间状语“since we were in kindergarten”可知,前面要用完成时态,而“我们”显然是被教,所以此处要用现在完成时态的被动语态have been taught。




原句:Once they get to know each other,you will see that they also whisper,pass notes,and daydream in class.


分析:本句是一个主从复合句,“you will see...”是主句,“Once they get to know each other”是条件状语从句;在主句中,“they also whisper,pass notes,and daydream in class”是that引导的从句作主句谓语动词see的宾语。

Passage 3

新鲜度★★★★☆ 话题 节日 关键词 International Volunteer Day体裁 说明文短文★☆ 难度★★★词数 230 建议时间 7分钟正确率 /10


International Volunteer Day was founded in 1985.Then the 40th United Nations Generals Assembly approved making December 5th as the International Volunteer Day.

Since then,governments,the UN system and civil society organizations have 1(success)joined volunteers around the world to celebrate the Day on 5 December.Many nations and governments hold various activities in this day,making public and advocating the volunteers ’ 2(contribute)to the society and their strong spirit.

Volunteers are ones 3 make use of their own part-time time,and participate 4 social service for no charge.They contribute a lot in the aspects of rebuilding home,developing economy with promoting social civilization progressing etc.

The Day encourages volunteer deeds to development at the local,national and international levels.Through the years,International Volunteer Day has been well developed to fight poverty,hunger,disease, 5(environment)problems and discrimination against women.

The 6(organize)of International Volunteer Day is generally the result of a partnership between the UN system,governments and volunteers.

The cultural form and explanation of a volunteer may change 7(depend)on circumstances, 8 the basic principle never changes:every individual can make a 9(different)in society.Beyond helping to promote the greater good,volunteers enrich their own lives. As one volunteer recently put 10,“I feel as though I am able to help in the world and use my skills. It allows me to really feel as though I am part of the world community.”


【New Words】approve vt.批准 advocate vt.提倡

participate vi.参与 discrimination n.歧视





3.who/that。考查定语从句。“make use of their own part-time time...”是定语从句,其先行词“ones”表示人,并在从句中作主语。。考查介词。“participate in”是固定词组,意为“参与”。





9.difference。考查名词。make a difference是固定词组,意为“大有作为”。。考查代词。“put it”是固定表达,意为“表明”。


原句:Many nations and governments hold various activities in this day,making public and advocating the volunteers’contributions to the society and their strong spirit.


分析:“making public and advocating the volunteersc’ontributions to the society and their strong spirit”在句中作伴随状语。

Passage 4

新鲜度★★★与周围的人 关键词 Jane Goodall体裁 记叙文 短文★☆ 难度 ★★★★☆ 话题家庭、朋友词数 240 建议时间 7分钟 正确率 /10


Jane Goodall,an English 1(environment),born on 3 April 1934 in London,and well-known for her 45-year study of chimpanzee,has worked to protect animals and change people’s opinions on the natural world.

As a child,Goodall was given a lifelike chimpanzee toy 2(name)Jubilee by her father.Goodall was not very 3(interest)in animals until her father brought her the animal.Today,the toy still sits on her dresser.

Goodall is best known for her study of chimpanzees’social and family life.In 1977,Goodall founded the Jane Goodall Institute, 4 supports the research,and she is a global leader in the effort to protect chimpanzees and their habitats.5 nineteen offices around the world,the JGI is 6(wide)recognized for her development programs in Africa as a global youth program,Roots & Shoots,which currently has over 8 000 groups in over 100 countries.Today,Goodall devotes all of her time to her study for chimpanzees and the environment, 7(travel)nearly 300 days a year.

One of Goodall’s great scientific breakthroughs was the discovery of tool-making among chimpanzees during her study.Many animals had been clearly observed using “tools”, 8 only humans were thought to make tools,and toolmaking was considered the 9(different)between humans and other animals.This discovery made several scientists reconsider their explanation of being human.

Goodall 10(receive)many honors for her environmental work now.In April 2008,Jane was given the Montana State University Medal for Global and Visionary Leadership.


【New Words】chimpanzee n.黑猩猩 institute n.协会 breakthrough n.突破

【文本导读】珍·古德(Jane Goodall),世界首名远赴非洲研究黑猩猩的女学者,一生充满传奇色彩。现在,让我们一起阅读这位积极为环保、动物到处奔走的伟大女性缤纷的生命篇章。





4.which。考查定语从句。which引导非限制性定语从句,空白处前面的“the Jane Goodall Institute”是先行词,在从句中作主语。

5.With。考查介词。with与“nineteen offices around the world”一起构成独立主格结构。





10.has received。考查谓语动词。根据实际情况以及时间状语now可知,这里应该用现在完成时。


原句:With nineteen offices around the world,the JGI is widely recognized for her development programs in Africa as a global youth program,Roots & Shoots,which currentlyhas over 8 000 groups in over 100 countries.

译文:世界各地有19个办事处,因为她在非洲推动的一项全球青少年计划——根与芽计划(The Roots and Shoots Program),国际珍古德协会(the Jane Goodall Institute)得到广泛认可。目前全世界各地100多个国家中,有八千多个“根与芽”小组。

分析:“the JGI is widely recognized for her development programs in Africa as a global youth program,Roots & Shoots”是主句,“which currently has over 8 000 groups in over 100 countries”是定语从句,“With nineteen offices around the world”是独立主格结构作原因状语。

Passage 5

新鲜度 ★★★★☆ 难度 ★★★★☆ 话题 科普知识 关键词 whirlpool体裁 说明文 短文词数 216 建议时间 7分钟 正确率 /10


Whirlpool in a bottle

A watery twister that’s actually a whirlpool!

Things you’ll need:

● two empty plastic bottles

● water

● tape

How to do it:

● 1(fill)one bottle 3/4 full with water.

●Tape the other bottle on top of the one with water in it.Make 2 the spouts are lined up.

●Turn the bottles over 3 that the one with water is on top.See how the water has a hard time 4(go)down.

●To make the water go down into the other bottle,swirl the bottles in a circular motion really fast.Don’t shake it up and 5 or it won’t work.The water should swirl into the bottom bottle.

●This is why it works: When you swirl the bottle,the water starts to move 6 a circle.When the water moves fast enough,it pushes out against the bottle and leaves a hole in the middle.7(there)no water in the hole,only air.The hole allows the air from the bottom bottle to come up to the top bottle.When the air moves,there’s then space in the bottom bottle, 8 makes room for the water from the top to flow into the bottom.

●Usually,this sort of water movement,with the special hole in the middle 9(call)a whirlpool.A tornado happens in air and a whirlpool happens in water.So,it is 10(real)a “whirlpool in a bottle”.

【文本出处】 tornadoinabottle.html

【New Words】twister n.旋风 line sth.up (with sth.)使……对齐 swirl v.(使)打旋 spout n.瓶口 tornado n.龙卷风




2.sure。考查动词固定搭配。句意:确保瓶口对齐。“make sure”是固定搭配,意为“确保”。。考查连词。句意:把瓶子反过来,好让装有水的瓶子处于上面。本句为主从复合句,空白处后面的是目的状语从句。故空白处应填so。

4.going。考查非谓语动词。“have a hard time (in)doing sth.”是固定句式,意为“做某事有困难”,相当于“have trouble (in)doing sth.”。 故此处应填going。

5.down。考查副词。句意:不要上下摇动瓶子,否则(实验)就没效了。“up and down”是副词短语,意为“上上下下”。故此处应填down。。考查介词。句意:当你旋转瓶子,水就开始转圈移动了。介词in表示事情进行或发生的方式,与a circle连用意为“转圈圈”。 故此处应填in。

7.There’s。考查句式。句意:中间洞里没有水,只有空气。这里是there be 句式。根据短文的整体时态和主谓一致,该句谓语应使用一般现在时的单数形式。故此处应填There’s。

8.which。考查非限制性定语从句。空白处后面的是非限制性定语从句,其先行词为前面句子所表示的情况,故此处应填关系代词which。 called。考查谓语时态和语态。句意:这种中间空洞的水的运动通常称为漩涡。本句讲的是客观真理,所以句子时态应是一般现在时,call是复合宾语动词,其后应接复合宾语结构,或用于被动语态结构。故此处应填is called。

10.really。考查副词。句意:这真的是一个瓶子中的漩涡。副词really 意为“真正地,实在地”。


原句:When the air moves,there’s then space in the bottom bottle,which makes room for the water from the top to flow into the bottom.


分析:这是一个主从复合句。“there’s then space in the bottom bottle”是主句,“when the air moves”是时间状语从句,关系代词which引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的句子。


