

教学考试(高考英语) 2016年6期

湖北 杨 武


湖北 杨 武



1.with+宾语(名词/代词/名词性结构/名词性句子) 例如:

1-1(2015广东卷,短文填空)He sold or exchanged some of the milk in the towns nearby for other food and made cheese and butter for the family with what was left.他在附近的一些镇上卖牛奶或是用牛奶换一些别的食物,然后用剩下的牛奶给家里做一些奶酪和黄油。

1-2(2015江苏卷,任务阅读)Readers will associate themselves closely with what happens in the news stories and share similar feelings with those involved.读者会把自己与新闻故事中所发生的事紧密联系起来,并与相关的人分享类似的感受。


2-1(北京市东城区2014—2015学年度第二学期高三综合练习)Is this an age where famous professional cooks have turned cooking into a sort of show,with dishes far too difficult for the beginner to copy?难道这是一个著名的职业厨师把做菜变成了艺术,从而使菜艺让新手无法模仿的时代吗?


3-1(2014湖南卷,Section B)As for technique,Mom taught me to begin with the flat spaces outward,always pushing the iron forward into wrinkled parts.至于技术方面,妈妈教我从外在的平面空间开始,一直将熨斗向前推到有褶皱的部分。


4-1(2015陕西卷,短文改错)At the party,my coach,with a biscuit in his mouth,asked surprisingly who made them and joked,...在聚会上,我的教练嘴里含着一块儿饼干,惊奇地问是谁制作了它们并且玩笑道,……

4-2(2015广东卷,完形填空)With long lives ahead of them,they need to stay active and devoted.因为他们前面生活的路还很长,所以他们必须保持积极专注的状态。

5.with+宾语(名词/代词)+v.-ing 例如:

5-1(2015重庆卷,阅读D)With rainbows forming in the splashing water around you and the sound of huge drops of water bouncing off your body and face,it is truly exciting.你身边飞溅的水珠形成了彩虹,大滴的水珠在你的身体和脸上弹起,那景象真是让人感觉爽快。

5-2(2015湖北卷,阅读D) Unlike most of the Netherlands,Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the soil mostly consisting of sand.希尔弗瑟姆不同于荷兰的大部分地方,它真正处于一个多丘陵的地区,其土壤的主要成分是沙子。

6.with+宾语(名词/代词)+v.-ed 例如:

6-1(2015浙江卷,7) Body language can give away a lot about your mood,so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.肢体语言可以透露很多心情,所以如果你把手折叠起来站着就表明你是处于防范状态的。

6-2(2015新课标卷Ⅱ,阅读C)The gap-year phenomenon originated with the months left over to Oxbridge applicants between entrance exams in November and the start of the next academic year.间隔学年现象起源于牛津和剑桥大学申请人11月份的入学考试和下一学年开学之间的那几个月份。

7.with+宾语(名词/代词)+to do 例如:

7-1(2013 浙江卷,阅读A)With only two weeks to go before Christmas,buying presents is a high priority for a lot of people.鉴于离圣诞节只有两周了,购物成了许多人首选的事情。

7-2(2010浙江卷,阅读E)With so many models to choose from,it seemed that I would have to spend hoursweighing X against Y,...鉴于有如此多的模板可供选择,看来我要花一定的时间将X与Y进行对比了……




2-1中的“with复合结构”意义大致相当于“in the way that dishes are far too difficult”;

3-1中的“with复合结构”意义大致相当于“in the way that the flat spaces was outward”;

4-1中的“with复合结构”意义大致相当于“in the way that he had a biscuit in his mouth”;

5-1中的“with复合结构”意义大致相当于“in the condition that rainbow formed”;

6-1中的“with复合结构”意义大致相当于“in the way that your arms are folded”;

7-1中的“with复合结构”意义大致相当于“since there are two weeks to go”。


(1)(2013天津卷,阅读A)The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading,...上一层(楼)是一个有一千默读座位的安静区,……

(2)(2015安徽卷,阅读C)According to Sparrow,we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet.依据Sparrow(的观点),我们并没有因为互联网而变成一群健忘的人。



在“with复合结构”中,不定式、现在分词作宾补,表示主动,但是不定式表示将要发生的动作,而现在分词表示正在发生或发生了的动作(不用having done,如5-1,5-2);过去分词表示被动或完成(不用having been done,如6-1,6-2);不定式表被动意义时,通常用to do来代替to be done,如7-2。例如:

With the guide leading the way,we found the hidden cave easily.(向导已领过路)

With the guide to lead the way,we will find the hidden cave easily tomorrow.(向导明天将领路)



(1)With the college Entrance Examination draw near,I was filled with great anxiety.

(2)With no arrangements reached,the leaders in the six-side talks will spend another two hours,locked in the hotel,discussing the nuclear problem of North Korea.

(3)With Philly at my side,armed with a sharp branch,we walked into the forest on the island together.

(4)But have you thought about a co-promotion with the retailers to drive sales in store?

(5)He then asked me in Spanish if I was embarrassed.“Si,unpoco(Yes,a little)”,I replied with my face was red.

(6)I think you would mind too if you had to talk to a crowd of strangers with almost no clothes on.

(7)With many employers looking for students with already-developed skill sets,on-the-job training while in college can be the best way to ensure a job later on.

(8)The kid who used to look at you with his eyes closed during a test had the idea.

(9)For those with family members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying connected.

(10)With several problems remained to be solved,we still need to hold another meeting as soon as possible.


(1)With more and more forests cut down,some animals are facing the danger of dying out.

(2)Instead,we are diurnal creatures,with eyes adapted to living in the sun’s light.

(3)With its focus divided,the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next.

(4)With English words getting popular in both media and daily life,a Chinese dictionary has included 239 of them,...

(5)In fact,according to Wilk,the car and the elevator have been locked in a “secret war”for over a century,with cars making it possible for people to spread horizontally.


(1)________,the newly-elected chairman couldn’t sleep well at night.


(2)Tom looked at Jenny, ______,and shouted out the words hidden in his heart for years.


(3) ______,however,my love of de-cluttering(清理) still stands and it doesn’t belong only to wardrobes.

然而,带着这一想法,我对清理的喜好依旧存在,而且它还不仅仅局限于衣柜。(mind n.)

(4) ______,the argument that mail is a natural monopoly that needs government protection is weaker than ever.

随着互联网的崛起,关于邮政是自然的垄断行业且需要政府的保护这一争论再也没有以前那样激烈了。(rise n.)

(5)The employee,Ishmael Gilbert,remained calm and accommodating,helping the woman________.



1.(1)draw→drawing;随着高考的临近 (2)正确;鉴于没有达成任何协议 (3)正确;有菲利在我的身边 (4)正确;由零售商推进的 (5)去掉斜体部分中的was;红着脸 (6)正确;几乎是一丝不挂 (7)正确;在许多雇主寻找学生(的情况下)(8)正确;闭着眼睛 (9)正确;家人在远方的(10)remained→remaining;有好些问题遗留下来要解决

2.(1)Since more and more forests are cut down(2)and we have eyes that have been adapted to living in the sun’s light (3)Since(In the condition that) its focus was divided (4)As English words are getting popular(5)in the way that car have made it possible

3.(1)With many problems to settle /be settled(2) with tears filling his eyes (3)With this in mind(4) With the rise of the Internet (5)with whatever assistance she needed


“Finally spoke to her.Left flowers.”终于跟她搭上话了,并给她留下了一束花。(在坟墓前)

“Introduced myself to mother again today.”今天我又一次向妈妈介绍了自己。(阿尔茨海默病)

