由不同长度柔性双咪唑配体构筑的镍( II)配位聚合物


化学研究 2016年1期

屠长征,缪娇娇,李俊莉,陈 广,杨玉亭


由不同长度柔性双咪唑配体构筑的镍( II)配位聚合物



摘要:利用2,5-吡啶二酸分别与两种具有不同长度的柔性双咪唑配体,在同样的水热条件下合成了两例结构完全不同的镍( II)配位聚合物Ni2( 2,5-pdc)2( L1)2( H2O)2·6H2O ( 1),Ni( 2,5-pdc) ( L2) ( H2O)·H2O [2,5-pdc = 2,5-吡啶二酸,L1= 1,4-二( 1-咪唑基)丁烷,L2= 1,6-二( 1-咪唑基)己烷]( 2).配合物1是三维4-连Cd-SO4拓扑网格,Schläfli符号为( 65·8).而配合物2是由一维螺旋链[Ni( L2) ]n和一维[Ni( 2,5-pdc) ]n链构筑而成的环-环相扣的一维链状结构.

关键词:镍( II)配合物;配位聚合物;晶体结构;拓扑;双咪唑配体

The construction and synthesis of coordination polymers ( CPs) has recently attracted considerable attention,owing to their versatile framework topologies as well as their potential applications as functional materials in molecular magnetism,catalysis,gas sorption and fluorescent sensing[1-5].It is well known that the factors,such as temperature,solvent,reactant concentration,pH value,coordination geometries of the central metals,configurations and flexibility of the organic ligands,all play important roles in the progress of constructing coordination polymers[6-7].Therefore,in order to obtain the target frameworks with specific structures and functions,it is important to regulate the synthesis conditions and design the organic ligands.The flexible bis-imidazole ligands with different -( CH2)n-( n = 1,2,4,5,6,8) spacers have been proven to be suitable N-containing ligands for generating novel CPs[8-18].Furthermore,recent studies have shown that the flexibility and length of the N-donor ligands play an significant role in the assembling of CPs withcharming structure[19].To date,a large number of CPs based on flexible bis-( imidazole) ligands have been constructed.Our group has prepared several transition metal CPs based on the flexible bis-imidazole ligands with various -( CH2)n-spacers and different polycarboxylates,whichexhibit significant properties[11-17].However,in the literature,the counter anions usually focus on the carboxylate-containing ligands,such as 1,3-benzenedicarboxylate,1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate,1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylate,and so on[18].In contrast,the N-donor aromatic multicarboxylate ligands,such as pyridine-2,3-dicarbox-ylic acid ( 2,3-pdc),pyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic acid ( 3,5-pdc),and pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid ( 2,5-pdc),have rarely been reported[10-11].

In this context,we chose pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate ( 2,5-pdc) as the organic counter anion and two bis-( imidazole) -containing ligands,1,1'-( 1,4-butanediyl) bis ( imidazole) ( L1),1,1'-( 1,6-hexanediyl) bis( imidazole) ( L2),as the auxiliary ligands to combine with the metal ions.Fortunately,two new complexes namely,Ni2( 2,5-pdc)2( L1)2( H2O)2· 6H2O ( 1),Ni( 2,5-pdc) ( L2) ( H2O)·H2O ( 2) were successfully obtained and characterized.Notably,1 and 2 are stable in the solid state upon extended exposure to air,and they have poor solubility in common organic solvents at room temperature,such as alcohol,acetonitrile,DMF,DMA and DMSO.Both 1 and 2 have been characterized by infrared spectroscopy,elemental analysis and thermogravimetric analysis.

1 Experimental

1.1 Materials and instruments

All the chemical reagents were purchased commercially and were used as received without further purification.The ligands L1and L2were synthesized according to the literature procedures[20].The IR spectra were recorded as KBr pellets with a Nicolet Magna-FTIR 560 spectrometer in the 4 000-400 cm-1region.Elemental analyses for C,H and N were performed with a Perkin-Elmer 240 analyzer.Thermogravimetric analyses ( TGA) were performed with a Shimadzu TGA-50H TG analyzer in the range of 24-800℃under a nitrogen flow at a heating rate of 5℃/min for all measurements.

1.2Synthesis of Ni2( 2,5-pdc)2( L1)2( H2O)2· 6H2O( 1)

A mixture of Ni( NO3)26H2O ( 0.15 g,0.5 mmol),2,5-pdc ( 0.084 g,0.5 mmol),L1( 0.10 g,0.5 mmol) and water ( 6 mL) was placed in a Teflon-lined stainless steel vessel and the pH was adjusted to 6-6.5 by addition of dilute NaOH solution ( 1.0 mol/L).The mixture was sealed and heated at 140℃for 72 h and then cooled to room temperature at a rate of 5℃/h.Green crystals were obtained in 68% yield based on Ni.Elemental analysis ( %) : calcd.C 42.00,H 5.18,N 14.41; found: C 42.04,H 5.14,N 14.50.Selected IR data ( KBr,ν) : 3 453 ( m),2 950 ( vs),1 611 ( s),1 525( vs),1 378 ( s),1 359 ( s),1 279 ( vs),1 107 ( s),1 086 ( s),941 ( m),766 ( m),622 ( m) cm-1.

1.3 Synthesis of Ni( 2,5-pdc) ( L2) ( H2O)·H2O

The reaction conditions are similar to those described for 1 except that L2was used instead of L1.Green crystals were obtained in 62% yield based on Ni.Elemental analysis ( %) : calcd.C 47.73,H 5.27,N 14.65,found: C 47.78,H 5.21,N 14.63.Selected ( KBr,ν) : 3 509 ( m),3 385 ( m),1 634 ( s),1 603 ( s),1 560 ( vs),1 524 ( vs),1 465 ( vs),1 448 ( s),1 243 ( vs),1 175( s),1 109 ( vs),1 084 ( s),1 036 ( s),946 ( s),842 ( m),815 ( m),773 ( m) cm-1.

1.4 Crystal structure determination

Suitable single crystal of the title adduct was selected and mounted in air onto thin glass fibers.Accurate unit cell parameters of complexes 1 and 2 were determined by a least-squares fit of 2θ values,and intensity data were measured on a Bruker SMART area detector with Mo-Kαradiation (λ= 0.071 073 nm).The intensity was corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects as well as for empirical absorption based on multi-scan technique[21].The structure was solved by direct method and refined by full-matrix least-squares fitting on F2by SHELX-97[22].All non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically,the hydrogen atoms of organic ligand were located by geometrically.Table 1 shows the crystallographic crystal data of 1 and 2.Selected bond distances and angles are listed in Tables 2 and 3.CCDC 1061878 and 1061879 contain the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper.The data can be obtained free of charge from the CambridgeCrytallographic Data Centre via request/cif.

Table 1 Crystallographic data for 1 and 2

Table 2 Selected bond lengths and bond angles for 1

Table 3 Selected bond lengths and bond angles for 2

2 Results and discussion

2.1 Structural description of Ni2( 2,5-pdc)2( L1)2( H2O)2·6H2O ( 1)

Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that complex 1 crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system and space group P1.The asymmetric unit of 1 contains two crystallographic independent Ni( II) ions,two fully deprotonated 2,5-pdc ligands,two ancillary L1ligands,two coordinated water molecules and six lattice water molecules( Fig.1a).The Ni( 1) ion shows distorted octahedral geometry formed by two imidazole N atoms of two L1ligands ( Ni( 1)-N( 6) = 0.207 5( 4) nm,Ni( 1)-N( 7) = 0.207 4( 4) nm),two carboxyl O atoms of two 2,5-pdc ligands ( Ni( 1)-O( 4) = 0.205 7( 3) nm,Ni( 1)-O( 8) = 0.206 3( 3) nm),and two coordinated water molecules ( Ni( 1)-O( 9) = 0.208 4( 3) nm,Ni( 1)-O( 10) = 0.211 7( 3) nm).The Ni( 2) ion is also six-coordinated by two O atoms and two N atoms from two 2,5-pdc anions,and two N atoms of two L1ligands to give a { NiN4O2} distorted octahedron.The bond distances for Ni( 2)-N and Ni ( 2)-O are in the ranges of 0.208 2( 3)-0.210 6( 4) nm and 0.206 4( 3)-0.206 7( 3) nm,respectively.The Ni-O/N bond lengths are comparable to other related Ni-based complexes[23].

The completely deprotonated 2,5-pdc anion in 1 adopts only one kind of coordination mode,in which one oxygen atom of the 2-position carboxylate participates in chelating one Ni( II) ions with pyridyl nitrogen atom and the other 2-position oxygen atom is uncoordinated.The 5-position carboxylate adopts monodentate bridging (μ1-η1∶η0) mode,bridging two Ni( II) ions with a Ni…Ni separation of 0.723 4 nm.Thus,the Ni( II) ions are connected by 2,5-pdc anions to form 1D wavelike [Ni( 2,5-pdc) ]nchains running along the c axis ( Fig.S1).The L1ligand displays a trans configuration with a dihedral angle of 8.90°between the two imidazole rings.The trans-L1ligands link the neighboring Ni( 1) ions and Ni( 2) ions,respectively,to form the 1D [Ni( L1) ]nchains with the Ni…Ni distance of 1.181 9 nm ( Fig.1b),which are further linked by the 1D chains built from the 2,5-pdc anions,generating a complicated 3D framework ( Fig.1c).And the void space is occupied by free water molecules,which are stabilized by typical O-H…O hydrogen bonds.

At the sight of topology,the final framework can be defined as a uninodal 4-connected CdSO4net with the Schläfli symbol of ( 65·8),by denoting the Ni( 1) and Ni( 2) atoms to four-connected nodes and 2,5-pdc and L1ligands as spacers.( Fig.1d).

2.2Structural description of Ni( 2,5-pdc) ( L2) ( H2O)·H2O ( 2)

When the L2ligand was incorporated into the reaction system instead of the L1ligand,an infinite 1D complex was obtained.Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that 2 crystallizes in monoclinic crystal system and P21/c space group.The asymmetric unit contains one Ni( II) ion,one 2,5-pdc anion,one L2ligand,as well as one lattice water molecule.The crystallographically independent Ni( II) ion is six-coordinated by one pyridine N1 atom from 2,5-pdc anion ( Ni ( 1)-N( 1) = 0.206 2( 2) nm),two imidazole nitrogen atoms from two L2ligands ( Ni ( 1)-N ( 2) = 0.207 9( 2) nm,Ni( 1)-N( 4) = 0.208 7( 2) nm),two carboxyl oxygen atoms from two 2,5-pdc anions ( Ni( 1)-O( 1) = 0.206 44( 18) nm,Ni( 1)-O( 4) = 0.210 17( 19) nm),and one coordination water molecule ( Ni( 1)-O( 5) = 0.208 24( 19) nm),exhibiting a distorted octahedral geometry { NiN3O3} ( Fig.2a).

In 2,the 2,5-pdc ligand adopts the same coordination mode with complex 1.The neighboring Ni( II) ions were linked by the carboxyl groups of 2,5-pdc to construct a 1D [Ni( 2,5-pdc) ]wavelike chain with the Ni…Ni distance of 0.855 1 nm ( Fig.S2).The bidentate L2ligands display a cis configuration with the dihedral angle of 80.18°between the two imidazole rings.It is notable that the cis-L2ligand links Ni( II) ions,generating 1D [Ni( L2) ]nhelical chains along the b direction ( Fig.2b).The [Ni( 2,5-pdc) ]nchains and [Ni( L2) ]nchains are combined by Ni ( II) ions to give the 1D circle-connecting-circle chain ( Fig.2c).

As shown in Fig.S3,the adjacent 1D double chains are extended to a 2D supramolecular network by the weak hydrogen bonds between lattice water molecules,coordinated-water molecules and carboxyl oxygen atoms ( O( 6)-H( 6A)…O( 3),O( 6)-H( 6B) …O( 2),O( 5)-H( 5A)…O( 1),O( 5)-H( 5B) …O( 3) ).

Fig.1 ( a) Coordination environment of Ni( 1) and Ni( 2) ions in 1.The hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity,( b) View of 1D wavelike chain formed by L1ligands and Ni( 1) ( or Ni( 2) ) ions,( c) View of the 3D network,( d) ( 4,4) -connected topological net of complex 1

Fig.2 ( a) Coordination environments of Ni( II) ions in 2 ( symmetry codes: #1-x+1,y-1/2,-z+1/2; #2-x+1,y+1/2,-z+1/2),( b) View of the 1D [Ni( L2) ]nhelical chain in 2,( c) The 1D circle-connecting-circle chain of 2

2.3 Thermogravimetric analysis

Complexes 1 and 2 are stable at ambient conditions,and thermogravimetric experiments were performed to explore their thermal stabilities ( Fig.3).For 1,the first weight loss occurs in the range 160 to 270℃,which is attributed to the loss of six free water molecules per formula ( obsd 11.16%,calcd 11.11%),followed by a plateau region ranging from 270 to 360℃,and consecutive decompositions suggest the total destruction of the framework.The TGA of 2 shows the loss of free water and coordinated molecules at 80-170 ℃( obsd 7.48%,calcd 7.53%) and after that,the further weight loss is attributed to the decomposition of complex 2.

Fig.3 The TGA diagram of 1 and 2

3 Conclusion

In summary,we have successfully isolated two new Ni( II) complexes with distinct structural features based on the assembly of flexible bis-imidazole ligands and pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid.Complex 1 exhibits 3D 4-connected CdSO4type topology with the Schläflisymbol of ( 65·8),while complex 2 possesses a 1D circle-connecting-circle chain structure.The structural analysis indicates that the spacer of flexible bis-imidazole ligands can greatly affect the motif of complex.


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