

新东方英语·中学版 2016年3期



David's blond hair and blue eyes look strangely out of place as he trains in the ancient Chinese martial art of Kung Fu, but he trains with the passion and dedication that is required of a serious student of the art.

The young Australian man shares a house in Brisbane with three Chinese students and one Korean girl on a working holiday. Even though it is a typical Australian house, there are some distinctly Chinese items in it. There is a wooden martial arts training dummy1) in the dining room, from which hangs a bamboo ring. A framed photograph of Yip Man, the grand master of Wing Chun Kung Fu, hangs on the wall. Two large mirrors stand against the wall reflecting the image of the grand master. All of these Chinese items belong to a young Australian man, David, the only person in the house who is not Asian.

David was born in 1987, in the Chinese year of the rabbit, in Basingstoke, England. His childhood was full of Chinese Kung Fu movies, such as Once Upon a Time in China, Enter the Dragon, Drunken Master and Drunken Tai Chi. Names such as Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan had been in David's mind for a long time, however it was not easy for him to find someone who could teach him the ancient art of Kung Fu. The best that David could do was practice by imitating what he saw in movies. At that time, David considered Kung Fu to be something private, possibly for protection or entertainment, but definitely not for fighting.

After David moved to Australia, when he was 18 years old, the desire to learn Kung Fu became stronger. He researched Kung Fu and discovered Wing Chun which is undoubtedly the best-known Chinese style of Kung Fu in the world today. Wing Chun was created by a woman, as a result of which, it emphasizes technique and strategy rather than strength.

David wanted to become a Wing Chun student, but finding a master who was willing to teach someone who was not Chinese was difficult. David did not stop checking the yellow pages and talking to masters by telephone until he found Ian Protheroe, a man who had 30 years of teaching experience and who was also born in England. The important thing was that the master of Ian's master was grand master Yip Man.

When David had his first class three years ago, the first thing that he wrote in his notebook was: "Kung Fu works over time." Since the day he met his master, every Tuesday and Wednesday at nightfall has become time for David's private classes at Ian's house, even during rain or floods. It takes David 20 minutes to drive there. He never knocks on the door if it is closed. He waits in the yard quietly until Ian is ready to instruct him. The two bow whilst covering their right fist with their left hand. They do warm-up exercises together in front of the mirror, then David practices on the wooden dummy and the bamboo ring. Ian observes and corrects him. The last part of each lesson is sparring2). Ian uses short and long sticks as weapons. "The weapon must be controlled first. The attacker will be confident with the weapon in his hand, however when you grab it to control it he will instinctively lash out3) with his rear hand. Beware and try to avoid a direct strike," says Ian Protheroe. David quickly takes notes, even if he is gasping and sweating.

"When I saw him for the first time three years ago, he was young, skinny and weak. Now, he is still skinny, but stronger than before. His technique is good. He has talent but he needs time, at least 10 years," Ian Protheroe says. David does not question his master's comments. "Chinese culture is amazing," David says. "It does not tell you the importance of constancy directly. Instead, it creates a philosophy that teaches practice, just like Kung Fu."

"Practising Kung Fu is like paddling4) against the current. Once you stop paddling, you no longer stay where you are, you only go backwards." As well as private lessons, David also participates in Ian's public classes on Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Between the two classes on a Wednesday, David and Ian usually have a cup of Chinese tea. "I have learned from my Sifu not only the skills, but also the right attitude for doing daily routine things," says David. "Kung Fu is not a way to fight; it is a path for one's personal development."

With David's encouragement and guidance, his Chinese housemates start to practise some Kung Fu techniques on the wooden dummy at home. Unlike in the fight scenes in Kung Fu movies, they are quiet as they train. One of David's housemates asks why a foreigner understands Chinese culture more thoroughly than some Chinese people do. "Actually, it is not easy for me," says David. "Instead of punching like a boxer, the wooden dummy is more difficult to deal with due to the dozen wooden sticks it has. So, instead of arousing anger and energy without thinking, Wing Chun requires much wisdom. A fighter needs to figure out the next five steps to take, rather than just one, and to consider Game Theory when fighting."

The eight Chinese characters that make up the name of Wing Chun reflect the philosophy of the art. When written individually the characters mean: stay with what comes; follow what goes; if contact is lost, thrust the hand straight forward. David translates into English for his roommates: "Happily engage the task at hand. Should you find it harder than you first imagined or getting harder, don't throw up your hands in despair and say 'I can't deal with this'. Receive or stick to the task at hand and accept the challenge until your goal is achieved."

David left university to devote his life to Kung Fu. "Now, this is my uni." David points to the name on his T-shirt. It says: Queensland Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy. "Stick to one thing, if you truly love it," he says.

Then, there is one thing we must know that that Wing Chun means eternal or praise springtime. It also represents "hope for the future".













1.dummy [?d?mi] n. 人体模型

2.spar [spɑ?(r)] vi. (练习时或试探对手反应时的)轻拳出击

3.lash out: (突然)狠打,痛打。lash [l??] vi. 猛击;狠打

4.paddle [?p?dl] vi. 用桨划

