

新东方英语·中学版 2016年3期


If I wasn't an actress, I'd probably do something with food. Finding seeds, planting seeds, watching them grow, harvesting the fruits, cooking the fruits, eating them, seeing how my body react and even digesting. I'm fascinated with the entire process. I would open a place like Moon Juice1) and have an elixir2) bar where people could come in and say "My tooth aches" and I would be able to help them. I've been an avid environmentalist since high school, and through that, I learned about agriculture, and about how corrupt the food system is in America. I thought, "Well, if this is unhealthy, and that is unhealthy, and if organics are depleting3) the soil just as much as GMO4) crops are, what can I do?" I started studying the lifestyles of indigenous5) cultures, and through that, herbalism. That empowered me to make my own beauty products—how could I make my own lotion with medicinal properties?

For example, clay is one of the best things you can put in your body. One of my friends was making a kind of clay toothpaste that you swallow instead of spit out. I've discovered that clay is great for you because your body doesn't absorb it, and it apparently provides a negative charge, so it bonds to negative isotopes6). And, this is crazy: It also helps clean heavy metals out of your body. However, you should obviously be careful about your source. Bentonite7) clay is good.

I love a natural way to heal. You can do something called "oil pulling" where you swish8) coconut or sesame oil in your mouth when you wake up and spit it out. It's amazing! It really makes your teeth whiter, because the plaque9) on your teeth is not water-soluble10), it's fat-soluble. So the lipids11) have to dissolve in fats, which is why oil works in your mouth. I prefer sesame oil, but they're both good. Another thing I like to do is give my body a little vitamin D. If you're feeling depleted, go in the sun for an hour and see how much energy you get. Or, if you live in a place that has heavy winters, when the sun finally comes out, spread your legs and get some sunshine.

Hair-wise12), I'm very lucky. My mom is 45 and she doesn't have a single grey hair on her head. It's the most beautiful, thick, strawberry blond13). I basically have horse hair. It's so low-maintenance14). The less I put in it, the better. I only shampoo it like once a month—the oilier, the better.





1.Moon Juice: 月亮果汁,美国一家冷榨果汁店,其销售的果汁均用有机果蔬制作而成。

2.elixir [??l?ks?(r)] n. 炼金药,长生不老药

3.deplete [d??pli?t] vt. 耗尽……的资源;大大减少;使枯竭

4.GMO: (= genetically modified organism)转基因生物

5.indigenous [?n?d?d??n?s] adj. 当地的;本土的;土生土长的

6.isotope [?a?s?t??p] n. 同位素

7.bentonite [?bent?na?t] n. 膨润土,皂土(由火山灰分解而成,因吸水性强而极易膨胀,用于造纸及制药)

8.swish [sw??] vt. 哗哗地搅动

9.plaque [pl?k] n. 牙斑;牙菌斑

10.soluble [?s?lj?bl] adj. 可溶的

11.lipid [?l?p?d] n. 【生化】脂,脂质(如脂肪、油或蜡)

12.-wise: <口>在……方面;关于……

13.strawberry blond: 略带金黄的红色,草莓红


[?l???me?nt?n?ns] adj. 无需多少维护的

