

新东方英语·中学版 2016年3期


Read this now (not later!) to end the last-minute panic. For good.

You know the people who walk confidently into a math test without trying to burn last-minute formulas2) into their brains? They may seem like homework cyborgs3), but they're real, and you can become one of them—once you learn to keep procrastination under control.

The first step: understanding that procrastination isn't caused by laziness! Most of us put things off to avoid negative emotions—from awkwardness to boredom to anxiety. But the truth is, you'll save yourself tons of stress if you outsmart those sneaky feelings that get in your way—and it's easier than you think.




Find Your Procrastination Style and Fix It ... Not When You "Feel Like It"—Right Now!


01 The Busy Bee


Sure, you'll study for tomorrow's Spanish test! Right after you walk the dog, call your grandma, go for a run, eat a snack, brush your teeth ...

The Fix: You may have tricked yourself into thinking you're being productive, but you can't fool us. You're simply postponing4) that one big, terrifying task! To tackle it, break your studying into smaller chunks (think: "memorize 10 vocab words") and put each piece on your to-do list. You'll get to cross more items off (best feeling ever!) plus you'll start thinking of the test material as many manageable pieces—rather than one huge hunk5).

1.procrastinate [pr???kr?st??ne?t] vi. 拖延;耽搁

2.formula [?f??mj?l?] n. 公式;方程式;计算式

3.cyborg [?sa?b??ɡ] n. (科幻故事中)半人半机器的生物



02 The Multitasker


You're great at getting started—if by that you mean opening a textbook and highlighting6) while also watching cat videos and eating fruits.

The Fix: It's normal to be bored or hungry, but your diversions7) don't need to derail8) you. To stay on track, turn your distractions into your rewards: Do work for 20 minutes, and then watch a video of a cute kitten flushing a toilet. Dying to replay? Get another 20 minutes of research or writing in first. Once the tough part (getting focused!) is over, you'll be barreling9) through that textbook before you can say "meow".



03 The Avoider


You open your backpack when—Slam! You're hit by an anxiety blackout10). You can't ever imagine finishing your work ... so you don't even start.

The Fix: The panicky part of your mind is having a tantrum11) so the decision-making side can't get a word in edgewise12). To put your rational brain back in the driver's seat13), try meditating—which sounds a lot harder than it is. Simply sit with your eyes closed and slowly breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Repeat 10 times, and then tackle your work. You'll feel more motivated—promise!


如何搞定:你大脑中恐慌的那部分正在发脾气,因此负责做决策的那部分就插不上嘴了。为了让你的理性大脑重新掌控大局,试着冥想吧——这听起来要难得多,但其实不然。你只需闭上双眼坐下来, 慢慢地用鼻子吸气,再慢慢地用嘴巴呼气。这样重复十次,然后去做作业。你将会觉得更有动力,我保证!

04 The Thrill Seeker


You know you always work better "under pressure". So why would you waste time on your assignments before the heat14) is on?

The Fix: The heart-pounding pressure of working on a deadline can be exhilarating15) ... until you meet the soul-crushing crash that follows. To recreate that adrenaline16) rush in a productive way, give yourself tiny deadlines as you go, or squeeze in work at random times. Got a 25-minute bus ride home from school? Pick a of a big task (like reading just one chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird), and only give yourself those 25 minutes to do it. By the time you're two streets away, you'll be speed-reading to reach your goal.



The Secret Science Behind Why You Put Stuff Off (and Brag About It!)


Psychologists share two of the deep-seated17) sources of procrastination. They sound different—but are surprisingly similar!

1. Fear of Failure

It sounds backward, but many students set themselves up for18) disappointment by (you guessed it!) procrastinating. Doing an assignment under extreme conditions—no sleep, no time, no research—gives them a built-in excuse if everything doesn't turn out perfectly.

2. Fear of Success

On the flip side19), others put off tasks because they're afraid they'll do well. Sound crazy? Think of it this way: When you're used to getting Bs, procrastination helps you maintain the system so you never have to find out your true potential—and live up to high expectations.


1. 害怕失败


2. 害怕成功


The Bottom Line?


Next time you feel like brushing off20) work, don't worry about succeeding or failing. Focus on the task—and you'll be done before you can psych yourself out21).


4.postpone [p??sp??n] vt. (使事件、行动等)延迟;延期

5.hunk [h??k] n. 一大块;一大片

6.highlight [?ha?la?t] vi. 将(文本的某部分)用彩笔做标记

7.diversion [da??v???n] n. 转移视线(或注意力)的事物

8.derail [d??re?l] vt. 使离开正常进程

9.barrel [?b?r?l] vi. 高速行驶;飞奔

10.blackout [?bl?ka?t] n. 暂时性失去知觉(或记忆力);暂时性眼前昏黑

11.tantrum [?t?ntr?m] n. (尤指孩子突然无理的)脾气发作

12.not get a word in edgewise: (因别人说话太多)插不上嘴 the driver's seat: 处于统领地位;处于控制地位

14.heat [hi?t] n. <口>压力

15.exhilarating [?ɡ?z?l?re?t??] adj. 令人高兴的;使人兴奋的

16.adrenaline [??dren?l?n] n.【医】肾上腺素

17.deep-seated [?di?p?si?t?d] adj. 根深蒂固的;难以改变的

18.set ... up for ...: 使……处于某种位置;把……置于某种境地

19.flip side: (想法、论点或行动的)另一面,反面

20.brush off: <美口>对……不重视;对……充耳不闻

21.psych ... out: 使……在心理上感到不安(或恐惧)

