The livelihood of each species in the vast and intricate assemblage of living things depends on the existence of other organisms.
Q: The word "intricate" is closet in meaning to which of the following?
A. difficult B. widespread
C. critical D. complex
这是一道托福阅读题。Intricate一词在英国作家George Orwell的小说《1984》中就出现过:Winston's greatest pleasure in life was in his work. Most of it was a tedious routine, but included in it there were also jobs so difficult and intricate that you could lose yourself in them as in the depths of a mathematical problem—delicate pieces of forgery in which you had nothing to guide you except your knowledge of the principles of Ingsoc (英国式社会主义) and your estimate of what the Party wanted you to say. 如果大家阅读过小说,就知道intricate意为“复杂的”,也就可以轻而易举地选出同样具有“复杂的”之意的complex。值得一提的是,除了intricate,这段话中还有很多托福考试中常会碰到的词,比如tedious (乏味的)、routine (惯例)、delicate (微妙的;精致的;脆弱的)等。
我上学那会儿背了不少SAT单词,但因为很多单词在平时的写作和口语中很少用到,所以印象并不深。等到后来我读Charles Dickens的小说《远大前程》(Great Expectations)时,没想到却把许多之前背过的单词又自动复习了一遍。小说一开头写道:“I (指故事主人公Pip) give Pirrip as my father's family name, on the authority of his tombstone and my sister—Mrs. Joe Gargery, who married the blacksmith (指Pip的姐夫Joe).”看到blacksmith,感觉它就像是最熟悉的陌生人,背过却想不起来它的含义,当看到下文说他工作的地方是一个forge (锻铁的地方)时,我马上就知道了blacksmith指的是“铁匠”。再比如,读到“When I was old enough, I was to be apprenticed to Joe.”时,我又将apprentice (使当学徒)巩固了一遍。书中还提到Pip受邀到村里的怪女人Miss. Havisham家时,Joe担心“Pip was not received with cordiality.”,读到这里,我把cordiality (热诚)又复习了一遍。这本书除了让我巩固了之前记过的单词外,还让我学到了SAT考试中会遇到的很多单词。比如:
Kate's impulsive nature and sudden whims led her friends to label her ____.
A. capricious B. bombastic
C. loquacious D. dispassionate
E. decorous
这道题是《SAT官方指南》中的一道填空题,题干意思是“Kate的冲动本性和突发奇想使她的朋友给她打上了____标签”,五个选项都是不太常见的词语,如果不知道意思,根本无法下手。可如果你读过《远大前程》,记得里面的“I had known that my sister, in her capricious and violent coercion (威压), was unjust to me.”,你就可以轻松选出答案A。题目和小说中的capricious都是“任性的”意思。