

海洋渔业 2016年3期


(上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,农业部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室,上海 201306)




(上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,农业部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室,上海 201306)





1 海洋无脊椎动物补体成分分析



1.1 C1q

C1q蛋白分子在文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)[9]、玻璃海鞘(Ciona intestinalis)[10]、紫海胆(Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)[11]、霸王莲花青螺(Lottia gigantean)[12]、海蠕虫(Capitella teleta)[12]、佛罗里达海牛(Trichechus manatus latirostris)[13]、栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)[14]、海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradias)[15]、紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)[16]、文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)[17]、近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)[18]和堡礁海绵(Amphimedon queenslandica)[19]等海洋无脊椎动物中被报道。研究发现作为补体经典途径的启动分子Clq,在海洋无脊椎动物中存在大量的含有Clq结构域的ClqDC分子[20]。在长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)中发现了321个亚型[21]。


1.2 M BL和ficolin

海洋无脊椎动物中MBL蛋白分子在文昌鱼[23]和玻璃海鞘[24]中被发现并存在数量较多的亚型。ficolin蛋白分子在文昌鱼[25]、真海鞘(Halocynthia roretai)[26]、玻璃海鞘[24]、紫海胆[11]、长牡蛎[27]和堡礁海绵[19]等海洋无脊椎动物中都有发现,与MBL不同的是亚型数量有所减少。


1.3 MASP


1.4 B因子

B因子在文昌鱼[33]、玻璃海鞘[34]、紫海胆[35]、圆尾鲎(Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)[36]和欧洲沟纹蛤仔(Ruditapes decussatus)[37]等海洋无脊椎动物中被报道,并且存在一定数量的亚型。

B因子结构与MASP分子相似,均为含丝氨酸结构域分子,主要包括相同短序列重复(SCR)、A型血管性血友病因子(VWA)和丝氨酸蛋白结构域。与脊椎动物相比,在海洋无脊椎动物中B因子的分子结构同源性较高,但是仍然具有差异。海鞘的B因子在N端另外具有2个A类低浓度脂蛋白受体(LDLR)结构域和1个CCP结构域,中国鲎(Tachyplens tridentatus)B因子在N端另外具有2个CCP结构域[38],其它海洋无脊椎动物B因子的N端均有不同程度结构域的增加。

1.5 C3

C3是补体系统的中心成分,已在文昌鱼[39]、真海鞘[40]、玻璃海鞘[10]、日本刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)[41]、纵条矶海葵(Haliplanella lineate)[42]、圆尾鲎[36]、刺柳珊蝴(Swiftia exserta)[43]、堡礁海绵[19]、欧洲沟纹蛤仔[37]、霸王莲花青螺[12]、紫海胆[35]、长牡蛎[27]和夏威夷短尾鱿鱼(Euprymna scolopes)[44]等海洋无脊椎动物中被报道。C3分子与大部分补体分子一样在海洋无脊椎动物中存在多种亚型。

C3是一种β2糖蛋白,由α和β两条肽链组成,属于硫酯蛋白(TEP)超家族。这类分子在结构上都含有高度保守的α2巨球蛋白结合蛋白酶区域的一个硫酯键位点(thioester site)[45]。在已发现的海洋无脊椎动物C3分子的研究表明,其结构与脊椎动物高度同源。

1.6 C6


2 海洋无脊椎动物补体成分功能的研究


2.1 C1q


2.2 MBL和ficolin


2.3 MASP


2.4 B因子


2.5 C3


3 海洋无脊椎动物补体激活途径的研究



4 海洋无脊椎动物中的补体系统进化研究




图1 补体系统的进化[55]Fig.1 Evolution of com p lem ent system

5 结语

综上所述,补体系统在海洋无脊椎动物中的研究尚处于初级阶段,研究主要集中在补体系统的固有成分,而且较脊椎动物而言补体成分不全,存在单一成分多亚型的现象。另外,补体受体成分和补体结合蛋白在海洋无脊椎动物中的研究报道较少,仅有真海鞘中与CR3受体分子功能相似的整合素α和β亚单位分子[61-62]、玻璃海鞘中 C3aR受体分子[63]以及斑节对虾中C1qBP的研究[48]。在脊椎动物中补体活性片段成分的研究常常伴随深入的功能研究,在海洋无脊椎动物中这方面的研究较缺乏,仅见于海鞘C3裂解片段的报道。海洋无脊椎动物补体成分的功能研究基本处于与高等脊椎动物补体成分功能的模拟验证阶段,未深入研究其在生命过程中的作用及其自身特有的途径。但是,随着越来越多的动物全基因组测序的完成,以及高通量测序技术的大规模应用,海洋无脊椎动物中补体成分基因将逐渐被发现,随之补体在海洋无脊椎动物中的功能和途径研究也将更加完善,为我们解决养殖病害、生长抗逆问题提供了可观的前景。

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Complement system in marine invertebrate

PENG Mao-xiao,NIU Dong-hong,LIJia-le
(Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources,Shanghai Ocean University,Ministry of Education,Shanghai201306,China)

The complement system is an important part of innate immunity and plays a vital role in immune responses.This study can provide theoretical basis for disease control of the economic farming of marine invertebrates.This article described the ingredients including C1q,MBL,ficolin,MASP,B factor,C3,and C6 etc.,which had been found in the complement system ofmarine invertebrates.The inherent component of the complement system in marine invertebrates is a major study subject requiring deep research.Though our understanding of complement receptor,active fragment and binding protein is growing,it is still limited in mammalian vertebrates.The complement component of marine invertebrates is less than that in the vertebrates,there are different subtypes in terms of the amount in a single component,in most case,the number of subtypes is large.Different individuals vary greatly in the complement components and they have different expression in differet periods of developmental stage.We compared the function of complement component in marine invertebrate,finding that each complement component was presented in a variety of subtypes and there were differences between the functions of various subtypes.We also described some of the primary actors and pathways of the complement system inmarine invertebrates.Lectin pathway and alternative pathway potentially existed in marine invertebrates,but the classic pathway and terminal pathway were not found yet.After comparison of the vertebrate and invertebrate complement pathway,we found thatmarine invertebratesmay have their special features in terms of these pathways.The research on complement pathway in marine invertebrates is relatively limited.No systematic theoretical model has been developed to fully display the development ofmarine invertebrate complement pathway.This article also described the evolution ofmarine invertebrate complement system and compared with vertebrate the invertebrate features of evolution of complement component obviously.In the pathway there was not only the trace of evolution but also the existence of significant differences.At present,the state of research of complement system in invertebrates is primary.The development ofmarine invertebrates complement is fast,but short of basic research,failing to establish a large-scale system of theoreticalmodels.With more finished full sequence of gene from different species,and the use of technology of height sequence in study,gradually,complement gene will be found,and the function and pathway will be improved in marine invertebrates.The exploratory study of complement system in marine invertebrate will offer a critical framework for better understanding of immune system and stress resistance in the growth ofmarine invertebrates.

marine invertebrate;complement system;complement pathway;evolution

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