Commutator of Marcinkiewicz Integrals Associated with Schrødinger Operators on Variable Exponent Spaces
(Department of Economic and Trade, Anhui Business College Vocational Technology, Wuhu 241002, China)
Commutator of Marcinkiewicz Integrals Associated with Schrødinger Operators on Variable Exponent Spaces
(Department of Economic and Trade, Anhui Business College Vocational Technology, Wuhu 241002, China)
In this paper, we prove the boundedness of commutator of Marcinkiewicz integrals associated with Schrødinger operators on variable exponent spaces.
Marcinkiewicz integrals; commutator; Schrødinger operator; variable exponent; Morrey spaces
Classification code:O174.3 Document code: A Paper No:1001-2443(2016)06-0535-07
0 Introduction
In this paper, we consider the Schrødinger differential operator onRn(n≥3).
AnonnegativelocallyLqintegrablefunctionV(x)onRnis said to belong toBq(q>1)ifthereexistsaconstantC>0suchthatthereverseHølderinequality
holdsforeveryballinRn, see [1].
The commutator of Marcinkiewicz integral operatorμbisdefinedby
It is well known that function spaces with variable exponents were intensively studied during the past 20 years, due to their applications to PDE with non-standard growth conditions and so on, we mention e.g. ([8, 9]). A great deal of work has been done to extend the theory of maximal, potential, singular and Marcinkiewicz integrals operators on the classical spaces to the variable exponent case, see([10]-[15]). It will be an interesting problem whether we can establish the boundedness of commutator of Marcinkiewicz integrals associated with Schrødinger operators on variable exponent spaces. The main purpose of this paper is to answer the above problem.
To meet the requirements in the following sections, here, the basic elements of the theory of the Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent are briefly presented.
Letp(·):Rn→[1,∞) be a measurable function. The variable exponent Lebesgue spaceLp(·)(Rn) is defined by
LetP(Rn)bethesetofmeasurablefunctionp(·)onRnwith value in [1,∞) such that 1 andonedefines B(Rn)isthesetofp(·)∈P(Rn)satisfyingtheconditionthatMisboundedonLp(·)(Rn). Forx∈Rn,thefunctionmV(x)isdefinedby Forbrevity,inthispaper,Calwaysmeansapositiveconstantindependentofthemainparametersandmaychangefromoneoccurrencetoanother.B(x,r)={y∈Rn:|x-y| Definition 1.1[12]For anyp(·)∈B(Rn),letkp(·)denotethesupremumofthoseq>1suchthatp(·)/q∈B(Rn).Letep(·)betheconjugateofkp′(·). Definition 1.2[12]Letp(·)∈L∞(Rn)and1 0suchthatforanyx∈Rnandr>0,ufulfills (1) WedenotetheclassofMorreyweightfunctionsbyWp(·). NextwedefinetheMorreyspaceswithvariableexponentrelatedtothenonnegativepotentialV. Nowitisinthispositiontostateourresults. Theorem 1.1 SupposeV∈Bqwithq>1andp(x)∈B(Rn),then Theorem 1.2 SupposeV∈Bqwithq>1,b∈BMO,-∞<α<∞andp(x)∈B(Rn).If (2) then Remark 1 We can easily show thatufulfills(2)impliesu∈Wp(·),see[16]. Inordertoproveourresult,weneedsomeconclusionsasfollows. Lemma 1.1[18]Letp(·)∈P(Rn):Thenthefollowingconditionsareequivalent: (1)p(·)∈B(Rn). (2)p′(·)∈B(Rn). (3) (p(·)/q∈B(Rn)forsome1 (4) (p(·)/q)′∈B(Rn)forsome1 Lemma1.1ensuresthatkp(·)iswell-definedandsatisfies1 Lemma 1.2[19]Ifp(·)∈P(Rn),thenforallf∈Lp(·)(Rn)andallg∈Lp′(·)(Rn)wehave ∫Rn|f(x)g(x)|dx≤rp‖f‖Lp(·)(Rn)‖g‖Lp′(·)(Rn), whererp:=1+1/p--1/p+. Lemma 1.3[10]Ifp(·)∈B(Rn),thenthereexistsC>0suchthatforallballsBinRn, C-1|B|≤‖χB‖Lp(·)(Rn)‖χB‖Lp′(·)(Rn)≤C|B|. Lemma 1.4[12]Letp(x)∈B(Rn).Forany1 Lemma 1.6[21]LetΩ∈Lipγ(Sn-1),b(x)∈BMOandp(·)∈B(Rn),wehave ‖μbf‖Lp(·)(Rn)≤C‖f‖Lp(·)(Rn). Lemma 1.7[1]For everyN>0thereexistsaconstantCsuchthat and Lemma 1.8[1]SupposeV∈Bqwithq≥n/2.ThenthereexistpositiveconstantsCandk0suchthat Lemma 1.9[22]Letkbeapositiveinteger.Thenwehavethatforallb∈BMO(Rn) and alli,j∈Zwithi>j, Proof of Theorem 1.1 Fixx∈Rnand letr=ρ(x).Usingthesameideain[5]and[4],wehave ForA1,byLemma1.7,wehave Obviously, ForA3,byLemma1.7,wehave ItremainstoestimateA4.FromLemma1.7,takeN=1,weobtain Thus,usingLemma1.5andLemma1.6,wearrivethefollowinginequality andhencetheproofofTheorem1.1iscomplete. wheref0=fχB(z,2r),fi=fχB(z,2i+1r)B(z,2ir)fori≥1.Hence,wehave ByTheorem1.1,weobtain Becauseinequality(1)andLemma1.4implythatu(x,r)≥Cu(x,2r).Therefore,weobtain Furthermore,foranyi≥1,x∈B(z,r)andy∈B(z,2i+1r)B(z,2ir),wenotethat|x-y|≥|y-z|-|x-z|>C2ir.ByLemma1.7andMinkowski'sinequality,wehave UsingLemma1.8,wederivetheestimate (3) ApplyingLemma1.2andinequality(3),wegetthat Subsequently,takingthenorm‖·‖Lp(·)(Rn)andusingLemma1.9,wehave ×‖b‖BMO‖fχB(z,2i+1r)‖Lp(·)(Rn)‖χB(z,r)‖Lp(·)(Rn)‖χB(z,2i+1r)‖Lp′(·)(Rn). 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2 Proof of Theorems