

城市设计 2015年1期



About the Journal of Urban Design

1 为什么创办《城市设计》期刊






2 中国的《城市设计》期刊




3 《城市设计》期刊第1期组稿



《城市设计》第1期第一篇文章《迈向“零碳”校园》是本期的特约专栏。这是由德国柏林工业大学克劳斯·崔里希(Klaus Zillich)教授等发起并开展的一项“泛欧洲可持续校园联盟研究”。其特点体现在,一是前沿性和实践性并重,将减少碳排放这一迫切议题与大学校园建设紧密结合;二是在研究方法上,整合建筑学和工程技术等领域,搭建多学科交叉的研究平台;三是以整个欧洲不同国家的大学校园为研究对象,汇聚几十位不同专业领域的专家学者,体现了研究课题所具有的开阔视野和普遍价值。特约专栏由8篇紧密相关的论文组成,首次展示了该课题第一阶段的研究成果。柏林工业大学和清华大学建筑学院有着多年的教学和学术合作交流,此次特约专栏体现了崔里希教授及柏林工业大学对《城市设计》期刊创刊的大力支持。在此,表示诚挚的谢意!

国际国内知名专家为《城市设计》期刊第1期提供了不同视角、不同主题的学术论文。他们是:德国著名建筑师、建筑教育家托马斯·赫尔佐格(Tomas Herzog)教授,意大利都灵理工大学米凯利·博尼诺(Michele Bonino)教授,西安交通利物浦大学皮埃尔·艾兰·克罗赛特(Pierre-Alain Croset)教授,以色列建筑师妮莉·波图加里(Nili Portugali),南京大学建筑与城市规划学院院长丁沃沃教授,北京市城市规划设计研究院施卫良院长,沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院院长张伶伶教授,中国城市规划设计研究院邓东所长。他们的文章展现出对当代世界和中国城市问题的关注以及对中国城市设计理论和方法的积极探索。此外,林波荣、张凌云、杨滔、郑晓笛、陈瑾羲、孙昊德等翻译了部分英文稿件;刘志强为期刊网站建设付出了努力。在此感谢他们的大力支持。

4 《城市设计》期刊第1期出版






1 Why to Establish the Journal of Urban Design In 2011, the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council issued a new version of academic disciplines, in which architecture, as the first-level discipline, was adjusted to comprise a new subdisciple of urban design and theory. This paves a new road for developing urban design in China. In 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed a development plan of building a beautiful China. The priority of China’s city development has been changed from an increase in scale and quantity to an improvement in quality and amenity. To focus on and explore spatial quality in cities is becoming a key theme in the contemporary Chinese urban and architectural development. Today, urban design has become a key task of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China.

Urban design emphasizes the enhancement of quality in urban spaces, as well as the wholeness generated in design processes, and this is embodied with the changing features regarding timing, location and designer/user. Thus, the artistic realms of human settlements①, in which a state of harmony but not conformity is achieved, will be pursued. During the 30+ years of reform and opening-up, a miracle of large-scale and rapid development had been achieved in China. A huge number of urban design projects had been completed in a short period of time, and in this way, the idea of urban design had been widely disseminated across China. In this context, Professor WU Liangyong has developed an integrated discipline group of human settlement, comprising architecture, urban-rural planning and landscape architecture, and this offers a way of helping urban design —— as a discipline —— find its own position regarding a more strategic and sound framework for interdisciplinary practice. To some extent, urban design can be thought as a shared platform for theoretical research and innovative practice in the fields of architecture, urban-rural planning, landscape architecture as well as design. The term of urban design —— in the modern sense—— was coined in the West in the 1950s. Until now, it has become an independent and well-defined subject, which is in principle categorized intothe field of design, but with an interdisciplinary nature. In the world, most architecture schools have set up urban design course in the department of architecture, and even some have established the department of urban design or the related programme for graduate students. In spite of the fact that urban design as a subject in China is still at an initial stage, a small number of architecture schools have established various research programmes for urban design and have nurtured a group of architects and planners working on urban design.

Nowadays a theoretical system of urban design, consistent with China’s city development, should be explored and established, due to the specific nature of urban construction at China’s present stage of development. This is not only an urgent task, but also a long-term and robust project. However, in China, there is not a platform for exchanging theoretical and academic ideas regarding urban design in the field of architecture, and this cannot satisfy the needs of Chinese urban development.

In the above contexts, the launch of the journal of Urban Design, focusing the attention on hot topics and themes about urban design across the world and pooling the ideas of scholars and experts in the field of urban design, aims to advance the development of urban design theory and methodology, and to assist in contributing to the Chinese city design theories.

2 The Journal of Urban Design in China

In general, an exploration on urban design theories in China is taking off in a big way, but an inventory of the theories is still under developed. Therefore, it is urgent to set up an exchange platform for the researches relating to urban design. For the western countries, a synthesis of urban design theories, with half a century relentless pursue, has been made, and meanwhile, various academic journals and e-journals on urban design have been published to concentrate on academic movements and hot topics.①However, all of these academic studies in the main investigate the issues facing the western countries, which have cast strong light on Chinese urban development due to the fact that some common rules and/or laws can be found in the evolvement of human settlements all over the world. And however, Chinese cities have also their own orders and laws. As a result, besides borrowing successful experiences in the western cities, it is necessary to investigate the specific mechanisms associated with the Chinese cities, and this is a long-term, formidable and explorable work. In China, the past 30-year of large-scale development provided us a powerhouse of professional practice and an opportunity of theoretical exploration. The journal of Urban Design, grounded on cutting-edge theories, both keeps the whole world in the view and focuses on Chinese development. It seeks to explore much further for hot issues about urban design across the world in a more systematic way, and meanwhile, it strives to encourage theoretical and critical thinking as well as professional practice in China. The journal of Urban Design comprises the sections of theory, review, method, design and specific column, which gives the priority to innovative theories and methods and meanwhile focuses on urban design practices in China.

As the first periodic publication on urban design in China, the journal of Urban Design combines advanced researches with explorative tests, and reconciles theoretical accuracy and readability. By inviting famous scholars in China and overseas to write articles and news, the journal of Urban Design discovers hot issues and reports classic interpretations. In principle, the journal of Urban Design is intended for the Chinese scholars and students who are engaged in the fields of architecture and urban design as well as architects, planners and landscape architects, but meanwhile aims at international readers by publishing some articles in English as well. Therefore, this journal aims to offer an international exchange platform focusing on urban design.

3 Manuscript Collations for the First Issue of Urban Design

Professor WU Liangyong, a member of both Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, serves as the advisor of the journal of Urban Design and wrote the Chinese calligraphy of “Urban Design” on the cover. It is not only an ardent expectation he has placed on this journal, but also a full support he has provided to the development of urban design in China. And the journal of Urban Design cannot be successfully published without the serious and generous supports from Chinese and overseas scholars. Various Chinese scholars have kindly accepted invitation to serve as editorial board member, which of course ensures continuable development and high quality this journal pursues.

And gladly, a group of Chinese and overseas authors actively offered their high-quality articles to the first issue, which have laid a solid foundation for launching and advancing the journal of Urban Design.

The first article, Towards a Carbon Free Campus, written by Professor Klaus Zillich and his colleagues for the Guest Column of the first issue, introduced a research project of a Pan-European Campus Network led by the Technische Universität Berlin. This article demonstrated three points. First, it incorporated carbon emission reduction task as an urgent theme into university campus construction, and therefore gave the priority to both the cuttingedge researches and practices. Second, from a point of view of research methodology, it established an interdisciplinary research platform to integrate architecture and engineering as well as other subjects. Third, it studied university campuses selected from different countries across the whole Europe and gathered dozens of scholars specified in different disciplines, and in this way the project offered a broad view of campus design with universal insight. The article for the Guest Column is essentially composed of eight related reports that showed the first stage results produced by the research project. In fact, the Technische Universität Berlin and School of Architecture School, Tsinghua University have decades of collaboration and exchange in education and research. The Guest Column expresses full support to the journal of Urban Design by Professor Zillich, his colleagues and the Technische Universität Berlin. My warmest acknowledgements and deep thanks are due to their contributions.

The famous Chinese and overseas scholars provided the journal of Urban Design with various academic articles from the different perspectives. They are Professor Tomas Herzog, famous German architect and educator, Professor Michele Bonino at Politecnico di Torino of Italy, Professor Pierre-Alain Croset at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Nili Portugali at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design of Israel, as well as Professor DING Wowo, the Dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning ofNanjing University; SHI Weiliang, the President of Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design; Professor ZHANG Lingling, the Dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shenyang Jianzhu University; Director DENG Dong, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design. Their articles have demonstrated the increasing focus on contemporary city issues across the world and in China, as well as the active exploration on the urban design theories and practices in China. In addition, English articles were translated by LIN Borong, ZHANG Lingyun, YANG Tao, ZHENG Xiaodi, CHEN Jinxi and SUN Haode, and the website of this journal was contributed by LIU Zhiqiang. My sincere acknowledgements and cordial thanks are also due to them for their strong supports.

4 Publication for the First Issue of Urban Design

The original idea and the steering procedure of Urban Design are further explained here. I started to enter the field of urban design, when I, supervised by Professor WU Liangyong, studied the master and PhD courses in the 1980s. And meanwhile, I had conducted various researches on urban space from the point of view of culture, and had completed the PhD dissertation with a title of Space · Symbol · City: A Theory of Urban Design, which had been published in 1993, 1995 (in traditional Chinese at Taipei) and 2010. During the 20-year work at Tsinghua University, I have been extensively involved in research projects, curriculum designs and professional practices regarding urban design, and have made the staged achievements on the prototype of Sino-Western urban space and the disadvantaged spaces in cities. I have tutored postgraduate students to investigate the disadvantaged spaces in the contemporary Beijing for 20 years, and meanwhile have supervised PhD students to study urban space of Beijing for 15 years. As the cocaller of Architecture Panel of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, I presided over drafting an introduction of architecture as a discipline in 2011. By giving a full review of architecture as a field, I have achieved a better understanding of urban design from a perspective of subject development. In February 2013, Urban Design Institute has been founded by School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, and I have been appointed to be the director. With strong supports by Dean/Professor ZHUANG Weimin and Chair/Professor BIAN Lanchun of the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University, as well as Director ZHANG Zhankui of Tsinghua University Press, Urban Design —— a collection of articles contributed by famous scholars across the world —— was published in December 2014 and warmly appreciated by the colleagues and architectural industry.

In January 2015, the application procedure of the journal of Urban Design was formally initiated. With the direct support by former President CHEN Jining, Chairwoman CHEN Xu of the University Council, and President QIU Yong, as well as the promotion by Tsinghua University Press and the Journal Publishing Centre, the establishment of the journal of Urban Design —— supervised by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, sponsored by Tsinghua University, and published by Tsinghua University Press —— was officially approved in August 2015. The editorial board was then founded. Professor WU Liangyong has been invited to be the advisor of the editorial board composed of 7 standing members and 61 members, which offers a solid ground for publishing highquality professional journal. ZHANG Zhankui has been appointed as the publishing consultant of the Journal; Professor ZHU Wenyi appointed as editorin-chief, and YANG Tao as deputy editor-in-chief; ZHAO Jiantong as director of editorial office ——responsible for peer review and editing —— founded in School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; and SUN Yiming as publishing editor. After hard work conducted in the past several months, the first issue will be published in October 2015; and meanwhile, the website of the journal of Urban Design will be simultaneously announced on-line with the address of

The establishment of the journal of Urban Design has made a pioneer work in the field of the publication on urban design in China. Wishing the Journal will make a solid contribution to building an academic exchange platform for Chinese urban design theories and practices.

ZHU Wenyi

Editor-in-chief of Urban Design

October 19, 2015

Translated by YANG Tao



① 2014年8月29日至9月9日,“人居艺境——吴良镛绘画、书法、建筑艺术展”在中国美术馆展出,吴良镛先生为此展特别创作巨幅榜书《人居艺境》。阎彤. 中国美术馆展建筑大师吴良镛作品[N]. 北京晚报, 2014-08-31(10).

From 29th August to 9th September in 2014, The Artistic Realms of Human Settlement, Drawing, Calligraphy and Architecture Works by WU Liangyong, were exhibited in the National Art Museum of China. For this, Professor WU has written a huge scale of Chinese calligraphy of The Artistic Realms of Human Settlement. YAN Tong. Architecture Exhibition in the National Art Museum of China: The Works by Master WU Liangyong [N]. Beijing Evening, 2014-08-31(10).

② 根据美国哈佛大学、麻省理工学院和英国伦敦大学学院图书馆及其他开放网站的检索,目前西方国家由大学创办、以城市设计为标题、专门发表城市设计领域文章和作品的期刊共有6种,分别是:《城市设计期刊》(The Journal of Urban Design)、《国际城市设计》(Urban Design International)、《城市设计与规划》(Urban Design & Planning)、《城市设计季刊》(Urban Design Quarterly)、《城市设计指南》(Urban Design Directory)和《城市设计机构》(Institute for Urban Design)。经考察,《城市设计期刊》《国际城市设计》《城市设计与规划》3种属于传统型的学术刊物,特别是前两种侧重于理论研究,是国际城市设计理论界引用度最高的刊物;《城市设计季刊》《城市设计指南》《城市设计机构》3种属于网络型刊物,可在网络上公开获得,偏向于工程介绍和评价,并推介城市设计教育和培训。

According to the on-line searching at the libraries at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and University College London as well as the other open-access-website, there exist six journals– established by universities – whose titles include the words of “urban design”, with aims of disseminating articles and practice works about urban design and focusing on academic orientation and hot issues. They are The Journal of Urban Design, Urban Design International, Urban Design & Planning, Urban Design Quarterly, Urban Design Directory, and Institute for Urban Design. The first three are classic and academic journals, and in particular, The Journal of Urban Design and Urban Design International, more focusing on theoretical studies, are most frequently quoted in the field of urban design. The last three are the online magazines and publicly accessed. They more concentrate on project introduction and review, as well as introduction programme of urban design education and training.

