

世界建筑 2015年1期




1 外景/Exterior view


老挝是一个民族文化非常浓厚和多样的国家,其建筑风格也颇具特色,呈现出丰富多彩的面貌。建筑师在分析了老挝的气候特点及传统建筑的特点后,从空间布局、结构形式、风俗习惯等方面对老挝国际会议中心项目进行了细致、 深入的研究,确立了以老挝民族地域建筑风格为主、同时也融入中国文化元素的设计原则。屋顶的设计采用了典型的老挝建筑风格,而在柱廊、门窗等方面的设计又融合了很多中国的文化元素。簪巴花主题的装饰图案源于当地的传统习俗。室外广场、绿化、喷泉小品及附属设施等与主体建筑相呼应,形成端庄而赋有层次的序列空间。建筑室内装修大量采用生态木,体现老挝建筑传统的木雕室内装饰风格,同时也体现了节能环保理念。

2 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

3 走廊内景/Interior view, corridor

4 剖面/Section

5 南立面/South elevation

The Laos International Conference Center, aided by the Chinese government, was the main venue for the ninth Asia-Europe Summit held in 2012 by the Laotian government. It carries hope of the Laotian people for prosperity, modernization and world peace.

Laos is a country with rich and diverse national culture. Its architectural style is also unique with varied appearance. Based on analysis of the characteristics of the local climate and the traditional architecture, the architects conducted in-depth research on the center's spatial arrangement, structure form, local customs and etc., and established the design principle following Laotian national architectural style fused with Chinese cultural elements. The roof is designed with typical Laotian architectural style, while the colonnade, doors and windows are designed with Chinese cultural elements incorporated. Frangipani-themed decorative pattern is derived from local traditional customs. The outdoor square, green space, fountain and ancillary facilities correspond with the main building, forming an elegant sequential space with multiple layers. The interior is decorated with a large amount of ecological wood, which embodies the interior woodcarving decoration style of in the Laotian architecture tradition, and at the same time represents the concept of energy-efficiency and environmental protection.

项目信息/Credits and Data

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 丁建/DING Jian

项目团队/Project Team: 丁建,雷晓明,张日,王欢,蒋清,张作运,王铁刚,王玉玲,叶冠华,周军/DING Jian, LEI Xiaoming, ZHANG Ri, WANG Huan, JIANG Qing, ZHANG Zuoyun, WANG Tiegang, WANG Yuling, YE Guanhua, ZHOU Jun

用地面积/Site Area: 70000m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 25000m2

高度/Height: 36m

设计时间/Design Period: 2011

6 迎宾大厅内景/Interior view, main hall





ZHANG Lei: The design of the project can be regarded as a reflection of communication between China and Laos. With the traditional Chinese courtyard layout, the design creates a ceremonial experience at the conference centre through symmetrical and dignified spatial sequence. The unique grey space of oriental corridors responds well to the regional natural environment of Laos. Through transformation of the contemporary functional space, structure and materials, new life is brought to the traditional Laos architectural elements, including the roof shape, the vibrant colours, and the plumeria decoration pattern of the traditional wood buildings.

ZHANG Yue: To build a conference centre for Asia-Europe Summit might be a new challenge for Laos, but is not unfamiliar to Chinese architects who have the experience of designing for big events like the Olympic and the World Expo. This building presents a grand gesture of a country who is trying to present a national image to the world. This magnificent gesture, no matter in scale, choice of materials, or cultural expression, fits well to the building's identity and function.

International Conference Center Aided to Laos, Vientiane, Laos, 2012

Architects: DING Jian/China IPPR International Engineering Co., Ltd.


朝发夕至 乘着火车去老挝
2016澳大利亚国家证劵交易所高峰论坛圆满落幕 2016·4·25·上海国际会议中心