

世界建筑 2015年1期




1 设计人员合影/Photo of the project team

2 班达拉奈克夫人(右5)视察工地/Mrs. Bandaranaike at the construction site

1964年春,周恩来总理出访锡兰(即现斯里兰卡) 时,答应总理班达拉奈克夫人,由中国援建一座“纪念班达拉奈克国际会议大厦”,以缅怀1959年遇刺身亡的前总理班达拉奈克先生。









建筑用地面积130000m2,原为高尔夫球场,环境幽美。整个大厦建筑面积 32540m2,由八角形平面的主体建筑和附属办公楼群组成,容纳了一个1500座国际会议大厅、一个208座的讲演厅,以及6个中小会议厅和一个宴会大厅。主体建筑居于用地较高的地方,分为两层,一层为过厅、银行、邮局等服务用房,二层为会议大厅和两侧的休息厅,其他的功能则形成一组建筑群布置在主体建筑一侧。

3 地下层平面/Floor -1 plan4 首层平面/Floor 0 plan5 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

6 外景/Exterior view

7 入口处与班达拉奈克先生墓碑相似的5根石柱/The five pillars at the entrance, similar with those of Mr. Bandaranaike's tombstone8.9 细部/Details




When China's late former Premier ZHOU Enlai visited Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in the spring of 1964, he promised Prime Minister Mrs. Bandaranaike that China would provide assistance in the construction of Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall, in memory of Mr. Bandaranaike, former Prime Minister who was assassinated in 1959.

Experts of Architecture Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction (now China Architecture Design Group), delegated by China's State Council and led by President YUAN Jingshen and Chief Architect DAI Nianci, visited the site in Sri Lanka. Later they drafted three remarks as design basis:

(1) The building size shall adapt to the country's situation and requirements;

(2) The design shall meet the tropical natural conditions, but not simply copy the northern style of the architecture of China;

(3) Advanced technology and modern equipment shall be adopted as much as possible to internal facilities.

The Chinese experts spent four months in investigating, from August to December of 1964. What exerted the greatest impact on later proposals was the Temple of Buddha's Teeth in Kandy wherein a small pavilion preserving the Palm Leaf Manuscript was located on a high platform, with exquisite decoration. Its octagonal shape brought great inspiration to DAI Nianci.

After the inspection, DAI Nianci, YANG Yun and other architects started the design. Among them, DAI Nianci proposed an octagonal plane, an ingenious combination of Sri Lanka's traditional architectural form with characteristics of modernism. As octagon pillar looked lighter than square pillar of the same cross-sectional area, the octagonal plane also made the gigantic conference center less clumsy. Forty 28m-high white marble pillars supported the upswept octagonal roof and formed a high open veranda on the big platform. In the strong tropical sun, the shadows of the pillars intertwined with that of the cornice, forming a strong sense of rhythm. The pillar end, inlaid with golden pattern, appeared more delicate and beautiful. In order to enhance the lightness of the overhanging eave, the pillars were divided into eight groups and were arranged along the eight sides, leaving the eight angles unsupported. At the same time the angle rather than the side was set against the main entrance, eliminating the unwieldiness that might have produced. The five pillars of each group were similar with those of Mr. Bandaranaike's tombstone so that the theme of commemoration was highlighted.

The proposal found favor with Mrs. Bandaranaike and was confirmed as the final plan. She made a remark, "I'd like to thank Premier ZHOU Enlai for this supreme gift, and the Chinese experts for their outstanding contribution! This building is a symbol of friendship between Sri Lanka and China." E.D.Stone, master of Formalism from the United States, and his design of the US Embassy in India had apparently inspired DAI Nianci to some extent. The stable and dignified manner of Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall accorded with its image of a national building. The accurate proportion and scale relation of the tracery walls and pillars appeared so elegant and tranquil. Under repeated careful scrutiny, the design was able to meet the geographical characteristics of tropical regions. Its simplicity and succinctness also intensely highlighted the characteristics of the times.

The construction site, covering an area of 130,000m2, was originally a golf course set in a beautiful environment. The hall had a building area of 32,540m2. It composed of the main octagonal building with its annex, which included a 1500-seat international conference hall, a 208-seat lecture room, six small conference rooms and a banquet hall. The main building was located at a higher place, divided into two storeys. On the first storey there were a hallway, a bank, a post office and other service rooms, on the second there were the conference hall and lounges on both sides. Other functional rooms were arranged as an architectural complex along the side of the main building.

Just when the construction drawings were almost completed, Mrs. Bandaranaike suffered a setback in the election, which bogged the project down. When Mrs. Bandaranaike was re-elected Prime Minister again in 1970, she put forward the resumption of the construction. It coincided with China's Cultural Revolution. The original staff of Architecture Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction had been decentralized. With the mission, they were recalled to Beijing to continue the design. The leaders of the Ministry of foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation at that time disagreed with the original plan and asked them to build a solid square hall instead. However, Mrs. Bandaranaike preferred the original plan and it was thus preserved. An extra stage was built to the conference hall in accordance with the requirement of the government of Sri Lanka, thereby it became a multifunctional hall for meeting and performance.

The construction of Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall, symbol of the friendship between Sri Lanka and China, was officially started up on November 24, 1970 and was completed on May 17, 1973, with the continuous efforts of more than 400 Chinese engineers for two and a half years. XU Xiangqian, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the NPC, as China's special envoy, attended the opening ceremony of the Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall.

Sri Lanka's Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall is one of the few great works designed by Chinese architects during the chaos of the ten years of Cultural Revolution. It brought a breath of fresh air to China's architectural circle at a time when the social atmosphere was so lacking in creativity.□ (Text by Chinese Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd., partly by reference to Building Precious Friendship between Sri-Lanka & China, written by YOU Baoxian et al. and published by China Building Industry Press in 2012, as well as Architect Dai Nianci, written by WAN Qian and published by Tianjin Science &Technology Press in 2002. )

10 一层休息厅/Lobby, floor 0

11 班达拉奈克先生塑像/Statue of Mr. Bandaranaike

12 二层休息厅/Lobby, floor 1




项目信息/Credits and Data

方案设计/Schematic Design: 戴念慈/DAI Nianci

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 戴念慈/DAI Nianci

建筑设计团队/Project Team: 扬芸/YANG Yun

结构工程师/Structural Engineer: 由宝贤/YOU Baoxian

给排水工程师/Water Supply and Drainage Engineer: 韩鸿钧/HAN Hongjun

暖通工程师/Mechanical Engineer: 刘茂堂/LIU Maotang电气工程师/Electrical Engineer: 范世凯/FAN Shikai

用地面积/Site Area: 130000m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 32540m2

设计时间/Design Period: 1964

13 讲演厅/Lecture room


ZHANG Li: I remembered this building was highly regarded in Professor GUAN Zhaoye's course on Architectural Criticism. Professor Guan even gave a quote of DAI Nianci: "Sometime it's simply easier to do a good design in a foreign project." It is well known that Bandaranaike Convention Hal borrowed a lot from both the octagon pavilion in Sir Lanka temples and the facade of Edward Stone. Yet it is the arrangement of having one corner facing front that has given the building all its liveliness and intimacy, something that can't be achieved through neither the inspiration of temples nor the proportion of Stone. With this building, DAI also made a bold statement in the most closed time of China, predicting the coming of the post-cultural-revolution generation, that Chinese architects also love "corners" although they would hide it for most of the time.

LI Hua: What can a monumental building be like? A lightweight memorial is perhaps the answer. The main building is a combination of two different types: "pavilion" and conference hall. The contradictions between these two types in function, volume and perception are well balanced and tensioned through a series of measures such as slim exterior columns, open corners, overhanging eave with inwardly sloping sections, expanding platform, functional integration and differentiation, and the weakening effect of the grilles on the substantive structure. The appropriateness and restraint of the building reflect the high-level attainments and sophisticated skills of the architects of the older generation. In some degree, this building, together with Guinea City Hall, can be regarded as pioneer and prototype of the public buildings in the first half of the 1980s.

Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1970

Architects: DAI Nianci/Architecture Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction

