

计算物理 2015年1期

李付鹏,汪继文,欧 莽

(1.安徽大学计算智能与信号处理教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥 230039;2.安徽大学计算机科学与技术学院,安徽合肥 230039)



李付鹏1,2,汪继文1,2,欧 莽2

(1.安徽大学计算智能与信号处理教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥 230039;
2.安徽大学计算机科学与技术学院,安徽合肥 230039)



0 引言

近年来,光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,简称为SPH)方法[1]逐渐成为解决物理问题的一个有效工具,与传统的基于网格的数值方法,如有限差分、有限元、有限体积方法不同,这是一种典型的无网格拉格朗日数值方法,它利用核函数对物理问题进行近似处理,用离散的粒子来描述宏观连续分布微观仍为粒子的流体,而每个粒子则携带了其所在位置的流体的各种性质,如质量、密度、速度、能量等,算法节点可以任意分布,并非有某种网格联系在一起,这种自适应的特点使得该方法在模拟流体剧烈变形或间断问题时具有显著优势,目前方法的应用已扩展到气体动力学、不可压缩、爆炸、固体力学和弹性体等多个领域.然而,与该算法应用快速发展所不相适应的是,方法的数据后处理技术一直没有太大的发展,甚至可以说是一大难题[2].如果将计算后的结果直接图形化,得到的是大量无组织的离散粒子,无法表现出流体的性态,更无法对流体的等值线(面)、流线图等分析,现有的比较成熟的基于网格的可视化技术也无法直接利用.目前,就我们查阅到的文献而言,有基于Splash、Paraview等软件开发的SPH后处理程序[3],但这类软件较为专业,通用性不好,同时在流体力学方面的处理能力有限.

文献[4-5]提出了一种处理SPH数据后处理的方法,该方法先利用Delaunay三角剖分技术对离散数据三角化,然后根据每个单元中三个节点是否彼此为粒子作用对,决定是否将该单元从单元集中删除,从算例来看,这种方法是可行的.本文根据SPH算法的特点,对上述方法进行了改进,提出了一种更为简便的SPH数据后处理方法,以粒子支持域(影响域)为限定条件进行限定三角剖分(constrained Delaunay triangulation,简称为CDT或conforming Delaunay triangulation,简称为RDT),与文献[4-5]相比,方法减少了所生成的多余的三角形网格的数量,删除的空白的三角形网格也随之减少,提高了算法运算的效率.这样做另一个优点在于三角网格化输出的图形能够清晰地体现各粒子之间的影响关系,凡与某个节点(粒子)相关联的其它节点(粒子)均为数据输出时刻与该粒子有相互影响的粒子,而且方法更加简便易行,一般情况下不需要过滤“虚假”单元,简化了算法流程,增强了算法的适应性,验证结果表明方法稳定性好,凸区域和严重变形的非凸区域上的SPH计算结果都可用该方法处理.


1 SPH粒子支持域和粒子配对



从以上公式可以看出,光滑核函数在SPH近似方法中起着重要作用,它决定了函数表达式的精度和计算效率.在核函数的表达式中有两个参数,分别为粒子的位置矢量和光滑长度,对于某个特定的粒子i而言,其周围粒子与该粒子的距离|xi-x′|>κh时,W(xi-x′,h)=0,式中κ是与点x处光滑函数相关的常数,此时场函数f(x)=0,就是说,粒子i周围的粒子对粒子i没有影响;仅当" |x-x′|≤κh时,W(xi-x′,h)≠0,粒子i周围的粒子对粒子i产生影响.SPH定义| x-x′|≤κh所确定的以粒子i位置为中心的以κh为半径的区域为粒子i支持域.粒子i支持域内的所有点的信息都被用来决定粒子i的信息,支持域外的信息则对该点没有影响.支持域与粒子的光滑长度有关,光滑长度h与因子κ的乘积决定了该粒子的支持域.对于两个光滑长度相同的配对粒子i和j来说,粒子i和j彼此均在对方的支持域内.



2 SPH数据后处理




3 SPH粒子三角化算法











4 网格的质量



5 算例

5.1 算例1


图1 初始时刻粒子分布和网格曲面Fig.1 At t=0.0s particle distributions and element sets derived by Delaunay triangulation

图2 2.5×10-3s时刻粒子分布和网格曲面Fig.2 At t=2.5×10-3s particle distributions and element sets derived by Delaunay triangulation

图3 5.0×10-3s时刻粒子分布和网格曲面Fig.3 At t=5.0×10-3s particle distributions and element sets derived by Delaunay triangulation

图4 12.5×10-3s时刻粒子分布和网格曲面Fig.4 At t=12.5×10-3s particle distributions and element sets derived by Delaunay triangulation

5.2 算例2

二维圆溃坝问题.问题的求解区域是一个(0,50 m)×(0,50 m)的正方形,在正方形的中心是一个半径为11 m的圆柱面形坝体.初始时,坝内水深10 m,坝外水深1 m,且水是静止的.研究在坝体突然溃决(完全消失)后水的径向运动的规律.这一问题可以用来检验方法保持对称性的性能.SPH方法输出的数据进行网格化处理后再导入TECPLOT软件,得到时间为0.69 s时的水流自由表面图和水深等高线图,分别如图5和图6所示.从图5可知,本文所使用的SPH方法具有较好的对称性,也较好地显示了坝决后0.69 s时的水流形态,但对图6做进一步分析可知,在流场的局部区域,水深等高线与基于网格的方法[9-10]相比略显杂乱,这说明本文所使用的SPH方法还需要进一步改进.

图5 水流自由表面Fig.5 Water surface profile after breaking of a circular dam

图6 水深等高线Fig.6 Contours ofwater height after breaking of a circular dam

5.3 算例3



图7 二维部分溃坝问题Fig.7 Problem domain for partial dam break test

图8 二维部分溃坝问题的粒子分布Fig.8 Particle distributions in partial dam break test

图9 水流自由表面Fig.9 Water surface profile after breaking of dam

图10 水深等高线Fig.10 Contours ofwater elevation in partial dam break test


6 结论


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Article ID:1001⁃246X(2015)01⁃0040⁃11

Abstract: A numerical model,which solves equations with spectral element method and resolves atmospheric near space,is developed.Model validations are performed.The spectral element model with atmospheric near space resolved(SEMANS)is integrated for 10 years under configuration of81 local elements in each projected face of cubed spherewith spectral approximation of8⁃th degree Gauss⁃Lobatto⁃Legendre interpolation polynomial and 66 vertical layers with top layer pressure 4.5×10-6hPa.Through verification against ERA⁃Interim reanalysis dataset from ECMWF(European Center for Medium⁃Range Weather Forecasts)and COSPAR(Committee on Space Research)international reference atmosphere 1986,it is found that SEMANS reproduces features of 2 wave⁃lengths pattern along zonal circle in the northern hemisphere and 1 wave⁃length pattern along zonal circle in the southern hemisphere at30 hPa;SEMANS reproduces zones of low temperature at about 100 hPa,0.001 hPa and high temperature at about 1 hPa,above0.000 1 hPa;SEMANSalso reproducesmain features of zonalmean zonalwind in January and July below 0.001 hPa level. Key words: spectral element;near space;atmospheric model;numerical simulation

0 Introduction

The atmosphere is divided into a number of layers associated with different features in temperature structure.The structure is determined primarily by the absorption of solar radiation[1]. Actions from military and commerce have extended greatly their scope in atmosphere in the vertical. Tomeet the demand for exploration and application,scientists proposed the concept of near space. Near space is the region of Earth′s atmosphere that lies between 20 and 100 km above sea level,encompassing the stratosphere,mesosphere,and the lower thermosphere.It is above where airliners fly in the sky but below orbiting satellites in the space.Satellites in the space cost high with long deployment cycles and are difficult to replenish after damage.Airliners in the sky can be attacked easily,have a low ability for survival and are also difficult to replenish after damage.Flight vehicles in the near space have high efficiency⁃cost ratio,goodmobility,little difficulty in payload technique and are easy for replenishment and maintenance.Since the distance from flight vehicles in the near space to earth surface is only about 1/20 to 1/10 of that from low orbit satellites to earth surface,sensors on those near space flight vehicles can detect low power transmissions that cannot be caught by satellites and it is easier to implementhigh resolution earth observation.Near space craft provides a rare air carrier for military applications such as airborne early warning,reconnaissance and monitoring.Itwill be an inevitable trend for early warning and tracking of cruisemissile to use near space craft.In addition,fighter air craft can fly up to 20 km;strategic ballistic missile flight canreach height of dozens of km;space airplanes can fly with a speed of12~25 Mach in an altitude of 30~100 km.These actions in near space demand meteorological supportwhich cannot be supplied by traditional numericalmodels and it becomes urgent and necessary to develop atmosphericmodels with the near space resolved.Under the context of global environment change,the atmospheric near space is subject to long⁃term changes due to bothman⁃made and solar variability effects.Man⁃made changes in the ozone layer and in the concentrations of other trace gases are expected to causemajor changes in the temperature structure within these regions,which will be most noticeable at high altitudes.These changes influence the atmospheric circulation,including possible effects on tropospheric climate,and may influence space operations and radio⁃wave communications[1].Since much remains to be learned about this region,models that include many of the important effects related to dynamics,chemistry,and energetics,are important tools for carrying out related researches.

In community of geophysical computation,three numerical methods,finite difference method (FDM),spectral method(SM),and finite element method(FEM)are most frequently used. FDM,which is implemented through approximating differential quotientwith difference quotient,is efficient regard to programming and computational cost.The weakness of FDM is its low speed of convergence.SM,which ismore efficient than FDM[2],is a high order,p⁃type weighted residual method.Since the basis functions of SM are global,it is usually applied to regular geometrical problem with smooth solutions.FEM,which is flexible for geometry and converges slowly as the number of the elements increased,is a low order,h⁃type weighted residual method.Spectral elementmethod(SEM),proposed by Patera,combine advantages of Galerkin spectralmethodswith those of finite elementmethods[3].In SEM physical domain is broken up into several elements,which is usually triangular or quadrilateral[4-5].Within each elementa spectral representation based on high order interpolation polynomials is used.Convergence is either obtained by increasing the degree of polynomials or by increasing the number of elements.A shallow water equation case showed that SEM provides not only good spational resolution and geometrical flexibity,but also affordability for long⁃range simulations[6].SEM had been used for atmospheric dynamic core to perform three⁃dimensional climate modeling for low and middle atmosphere[7].There have been many works on stratosphere simulation with numericalmodels discretized by FDM and SM.And it has been found that results from low⁃top models(model top below the stratopause)have very weak stratospheric variability on daily and interannual time scales,which leads to strongly underestimated frequency ofmajor sudden stratospheric warming events[8-9].There are few atmosphericmodelswith model top above 100 km.Of which,the whole atmosphere community atmosphere model (WACCM)[10]and the whole atmospheremodel(WAM)[11]are themost popular ones.WACCM is an extension,upward through the thermosphere,of the national Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)community atmosphere model(CAM),which is an atmospheric component of the community earth system model(CESM).WAM is also an extension,upward through the thermosphere,of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)global forecast system(GFS)model as partof the integrated dynamics in the Earth's atmosphere(IDEA)project. TheWACCM and WAM are discretized with finite volumemethod(FVM)and SM,respectively.

In this work,we develop a spectral element model with atmospheric near space resolved (SEMANS).A brief description of themodel is given in Section 1.Design of numerical experiment and datasets used for model validation are given in Section 2.Analysis on simulation results and model validation are shown in Section 3.In the last section,conclusions and discussions are given.

1 M odel discretization and physical processes

1.1 M odel equations

With static approximation,the control equations of SEAMNS are composed of a set of equations,which can be derived from their common forms appeared in text books of atmospheric dynamic.We have equation ofmomentum

equation of continuity

equation of temperature

and equation of constituent related towater(water vapor,cloud water,rain water,icewater and so on)

With appropriate choices for A and B,s is identical toσat the lowestmodel layer and p at high model layers.s is a hybrid ofσand p formiddlemodel layers.

The diagnostic equation for the geopotential is

whereφsurfis surface geopotential.

Tomake the equations complete,two diagnostic equations forandω

are added.Eqs.(1)-(8)make up themodel equations.

1.2 Spatial discretization

Themodel equations are discretized with SEM in the horizontal.To solve the polar problem inspherical coordinate,the earth sphere surface is projected onto its inner contact cubic and numerical computations are implemented in the projected local coordinates on elements of six faces.A 2⁃step projection(denoted by P)is needed to transform from spherical coordinate to projected local coordinates on elements(Step 1:From spherical coordinate to projected coordinates on six faces;Step 2:From projected coordinates on six faces to local coordinates on elements of six faces).

Fig.1 A cubed sphere(There are 81 elements on each projected face.)

The projected faces are divided into quadrilateral elements (Fig.1).The quadrilateral element has been broadly used in such works of Taylor et al[12],Giraldo et al[13]and Dennis et al[14]. Similar to that in Refs.[12-14], Gauss⁃Lobatto⁃Legendre(GLL)gridding scheme is applied with SEMANS to facilitate the integration satisfying the Gaussian quadrature rule. Differences between these works lie in that,the configuration of the order of polynomial and the number of elements is different;themodel equations are different;the physics in thesemodels are different.Works of Refs.[12-14]deal with problems of single layer or multi⁃layers mainly within troposphere with simple physical process parameterization schemes adopted,whereas SEMANS can simulate the atmosphere up to the low thermosphere with complicated physical process parameterization schemes used.

The SEM is a kind of weighted residualmethod.Themodel equations are written in Galerkin form and then transformed to formula expressed in local coordinates on elements whose domain of definition is[-1:1;-1:1].

The variables are interpolated as

Here,αaremodel variable such as u,v,T and qi,αijare expansion coefficients ofαand they vary with time,x and y are local coordinates on elements.The interpolation functions hiare Legendre cardinal functions.

In SEMANS,the spatial integrations are approximated by Gauss⁃Lobatto integration.Choosing Legendre cardinal functions as weight functions,the integration equations are discretized to equations of expansion coefficients of∂α/∂t.The solutions can be expressed with projection operator P as

where RHS means other items on the right hand side of equation.If we exchange the sequence of projection and temporal integration,the computation can be divided into 2 steps:

The first step is implemented within local elements and no data exchange between elements is needed.The computation in the second step needs data exchange between elements.

Themodel equations are discretized with FDM in the vertical.stop=s1/2and sK+1/2=1.Thediscretization operator of∂/∂s isδs(X)k=(Xk+1/2-Xk-1/2)/(sk+1/2-sk-1/2)and∂/∂s isδs(X)k=(2πkΔsk)-1[(π)k+1/2(Xk+1-Xk)+(π)k-1/2(Xk-Xk-1)]whereΔsk=sk+1/2-sk-1/2.

1.3 Physical processes

Zhang and McFarlane scheme[15]is used for deep convection.Park and Bretherton scheme[16]is used for shallow convection.A nonlocal diffusion scheme[17]is used for boundary layer parameterization.The near surface constant flux over land is calculated with Monin⁃Obukhov similarity theory and those over ocean water and sea ice are calculated with bulk formula.Below 60 km in altitude,solar radiation is computed withδ⁃Eddington approximation[18]and thermal radiation is computed with Ramanathan et al scheme[19].Over 100 km,radiation heating rates from TIME⁃GCM(thermosphere ionospheremesosphere electrodynamics general circulationmodel)[20]are used. For height between 60 km and 100 km,weighted average of TIME⁃GCM results and radiation transfer output is used and weight coefficients are dependent onmodel layer.No chemical processes are considered at present.

1.4 Temporal integration scheme and boundary conditions

Leap⁃frog scheme is used for temperal integration.At boundaries of top and bottom,no flux conditions in which(π)1/2=(π)K+1/2=0,are adopted.

2 Numerical experiments and datasets

Themodel atmosphere is divided into 66 layers with a pressure at the top 4.5×10-6hPa (Fig.2).Each projected face is divided into 81 local elements and GLL interpolation polynomial of degree 8 is used to discretize the equation in each local element(Fig.3).

Fig.2 Vertical coordinate and model layers

Fig.3 Gauss⁃Legendre⁃Lobatto interpolation polynomialswith degree 8

The data used for low boundary conditions andmodel initial values are all from the ERA⁃Interim dataset[21].Dataset used for model validation are ERA⁃Interim dataset(from 1985 to 1994)and COSPAR(Committee on Space Research)International Reference Atmosphere1986(CIRA⁃86)[22].

Initial values are from the atmospheric state at0 hour,0 minute,0 second of GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)on January 1st1989.Formodel layers above 1 hPa,values of variables such as zonal wind,meridional wind and temperature are identical to those of the highest model layer below 1hPa.Digital filter initialization[23]is used to reduce the initial imbalances and spurious gravity wave amplitude.The sea surface temperature,sea ice concentration,soil temperature and soilmoisture are all 12 monthly means of 1989,which are interpolated to model time needed within a year and used as bottom conditions.Land cover fraction and model terrain are interpolated from U.S. Geological Survey(USGS)dataset.

SEMANS has been integrated for 10 years and monthly mean model results are saved for analysis.During the integration,globalmean total energy(sum of sensible heat,potential energy,latent heat for phase change between cloud water and cloud ice,latent heat for phase change between vapor and cloud ice)and airmass(represented by surface air pressure)aremonitored every step.There is no obvious strange value found in theses variables.The globalmeanmonthly averaged surface air pressure is shown in Fig.4.It can be seen that the simulated seasonal variation of global mean airmass is reasonable and there is no obvious trend longer than a year.

Fig.4 Globalmean monthly averaged surface air pressure(Unit of vertical axis is Pa and unit of horizontal axis is year.)

3 Simulation results

Since atmospheric data of observation is scarce above altitude of 10 hPa level,simulation results are verified for stratosphere below altitude of 10 hPa level only.SEMANS can reproduce the features of 2 wave⁃lengths pattern along zonal circle in the northern hemisphere and 1 wave⁃length pattern along zonal circle in the southern hemisphere(Fig.5).The simulated strength of disturbance in the northern hemisphere is weaker than that of ERA⁃Interim and the simulated strength of disturbence in the southern hemisphere is similar to that of ERA⁃Interim.Compared to result from ERA⁃Interim,the simulated extent of lower value area near the equator enclosed by 23 800 gpm is smaller.

SEMANS reproduced main features of zonal mean zonal wind in January.The positions of westerly belt,easterly belt and large wind speed centers in January simulated by themodel coincide with those of ERA⁃Interim well.The simulated intensity ofwesterly jet in northern hemisphere below 100 hPa level and above 30 hPa level isweaker than those of ERA⁃Interim.The simulated intensity of easterly near the equator is also weaker than those of ERA⁃Interim(Figs.6(a),6(b)).

SEMANS also reproduced main features of zonalmean zonal wind in July.The positions of westerly belt,easterly beltand largewind speed centers in July simulated by themodel coincidewiththose of ERA⁃Interim well.The simulated intensity ofwesterly jet in southern hemisphere above 30 hPa level is stronger than that of ERA⁃Interim.The span of simulated easterly belt below 100 hPa near the equator is smaller than that of ERA⁃Interim(Figs.6(c),6(d)).

Fig.5 Distribution of geopotential height at30 hPa from(a)SEMANSand(b)ERA⁃Interim for 10⁃year average (Contour interval is 200 gpm.)

Fig.6 Distribution of zonalmean zonal wind from SEMANS(left)and ERA⁃Interim(right)in January(upper)and July (lower)for 10⁃year average(Contour intervals are 5 m·s-1for(a),(b)and 10 m·s-1for(c),(d).)

The lower part(0~120 km)of CIRA⁃86,consisting of themonthlymean values of temperature and zonalwind with almost global coverage(80°N~80°S),is used for evaluation of SEMANS.As illustrated in Fig.7,SEMANS reproduces the zones of low temperature atabout100 hPa,0.001 hPa and high temperature atabout1 hPa;the characteristic ofhigh temperature above0.0001 hPa is alsoreproduced.But the simulated temperature at about 0.001 hPa is higher than that of CIRA⁃86 in January(Figs.7(b),7(a)).The high temperature center of 1 hPa level at North Pole is not reproduced by SEMANS in July(Figs.7(d),7(c)).

Fig.7 Distribution of zonalmean temperature from CIRA⁃86(left)and SEMANS(right)in January(upper)and July(lower)(Unit of vertical axis is hPa and contour interval is 20 K.)

Compared to CIRA⁃86,SEMANS reproduces the main features of distribution of zonal mean zonal wind below 0.001 hPa level,whereas there are much more discrepancies above that level (Figs.8(b),8(a)and 8(d),8(c)).These discrepancies are at least partly due to effect of exclusion of gravity wave in SEMANS.

4 Conclusion and discussion

A spectral elementmodel with atmospheric near space resolved was developed and preliminary work onmodel validation was done.Due to scarcity of observation data over10 hPa level,simulation results are verified against ERA⁃Interim reanalysis dataset for atmospheric stratosphere below 10 hPa level and reference atmosphere CIRA⁃86 for high levels.SEMANS reproduced the features of 2 wave⁃lengths pattern along zonal circle in the northern hemisphere and 1 wave⁃length pattern along zonal circle in the southern hemisphere at 30 hPa.SEMANS also reproduced themain features of zonalmean zonalwind in January and July.There areminute discrepancies between model results and ERA⁃Interim reanalysis dataset.Since there are differences even between reanalysis datasets from different sources,the discrepancies found here is thought to be acceptable.SEMANS reproduces the zones of low temperature at about100 hPa,0.001 hPa and high temperature at about 1 hPa and above 0.0001 hPa.But there is a spurious high temperature band around 0.2 hPa level.SEMANS reproduces the main features of distribution of zonalmean zonal wind below 0.001 hPa level,whereas there aremuch more discrepancies above that level.

Fig.8 Distribution of zonalmean zonalwind from CIRA⁃86(left)and SEMANS(right)in January(upper)and July(lower)(Unit of vertical axis is hPa and contour interval is 20 m·s-1.)

The chemical processes and gravity wave drag effects are not considered in SEMANSatpresent. To improve the performance of SEMANS,morework such as consideration of chemical processes and gravity wave drag effects and fine tuning ofmodel parameters needs to be done.

The advantage of SEM over FEM and FDM is in the exponential convergence.In practice,to improvemodel resolution,one can either keep the order of polynomial(denoted by N)fixed and increase the number of elements(denoted by K),or keep K fixed and increase N.In addition,one can reposition elements,keeping both N and K fixed,or change N in different elements.In simulation with spectralmodel,such cases as negative terrain height and negative specific humidity may occur due to discontinuity.This is ameliorated but can notbe avoided in SEM.In recent years,numerical model with FDM attracts many researchers'attention again due to advantages in implementation of parallelization and computation property(The amount of computation doesn't increase dramatically with enhancement of resolution).

Acknowledgments:The work is sponsored by the Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41276190).The ERA⁃Interim reanalysis datasets are downloaded from the ECMWF data server website.We thank the two anonymous reviews for their suggestions.

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A Post⁃processing M ethod for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynam ics Data

LIFupeng1,2,WANG Jiwen1,2,OU Mang2
(1.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing&Signal Processing,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China;
2.Department ofComputer Science and Engineering,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China)

A post processing method for smoothed particle hydrodynamics data is presented on basis of Delaunay triangulation. Pairing particle set in scope of each particle in flow field is confirmed,and then discretized by Delaunay triangulation on condition of present pairing particle set,which leads to a set of triangle elements with particles as nodes.At last non material units are filtered. Examples indicate that SPH resultwith complex boundary conditions and severe deformation of fluid region can be treated.

smoothed particlemethod;non convex region;Delaunay triangulation;post processing

A Spectral Element M odel w ith Atmospheric Near Space Resolved(SEMANS)

LIU Xiying,LIU Chunyan,YAO Shanshan

(College ofMeteorology and Oceanography,PLAUniversity ofScience and Technology,Nanjing 211101,China)

P435 Document code:A







Received date: 2014-01-24;Revised date: 2014-06-18

Received date:2013-10-21;Revised date:2014-08-29

Foundation item s:Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41276190)

Biography:Liu Xiying(1970-),male,PhD,associate professor,major in atmospheric dynamics and numerical simulation,E⁃

