

组织工程与重建外科杂志 2015年3期

张 琪 刘李娜 邓景成 曹卫刚


张 琪 刘李娜 邓景成 曹卫刚




1 材料与方法

1.1 主要材料与试剂

新西兰大白兔,体质量2.0~2.5 K g,雌雄不限,(我院实验动物中心提供)。

Ⅰ型胶原酶(Sigma公司,美国);Dil(Invitrogen公司,美国);DAPI(Sigma公司,美国);TRIzol(Invitrogen公司,美国);SYBR Green试剂盒(Takara公司,日本);Nanodrop(Isogen公司,英国);小动物超声测量仪(Esaote公司,意大利);倒置相差显微镜(Nikon公司,日本);电动高速匀浆器(新芝公司,中国);PCR仪(Applied Biosystems公司,美国)。

1.2 兔耳瘢痕模型的建立

12只新西兰大白兔随机平均分成3组。麻醉后,以直径1 cm环转于耳腹侧制备6个相同的创面,去除皮肤全层及软骨膜,按压止血后均匀涂抹一层红霉素眼膏,暴露创面,每日清除创面分泌物(图1)。

1.3 ADSCs培养及ADSCs-CM准备

取4周龄新西兰大白兔腹股沟脂肪,0.075%Ⅰ型胶原酶37℃消化45 min;1 200 g离心10 min;沉淀物用常规细胞培养基(低糖DMEM加10%胎牛血清及1%双抗)置于37℃细胞培养箱。取第三代ADSCs接种于六孔板中(5×104cells/cm2),培养16 h后弃去培养基,换无血清DMEM,孵育48 h,收集上清液,300 g离心5 min后过滤(0.22 μm滤器)备用。

1.4 瘢痕内注射

取第三代ADSCs标记Dil,细胞收集离心后PBS洗涤2次,重悬于5 μL/m L Dil稀释液中(溶剂DMEM),避光,37℃孵育20 min,再次洗涤2遍,重悬于低糖DMEM中(2×107cells/mL)。1 mL注射器吸取细胞悬液或ADSCs-CM,用29 G针头从瘢痕边缘进针至中心处,缓慢推注0.2 mL,对照侧同法推注0.2 mL低糖DMEM。

1.5 瘢痕大体观察


1.6 组织学检测


1.7 ADSCs荧光染色示踪

瘢痕组织取材,4%多聚甲醛固定24 h后,换10%蔗糖溶液,4℃避光脱水12 h,30%蔗糖溶液4℃避光脱水24 h,OCT包埋,置于-80℃保存备用。取OCT包埋组织,冰冻切片10 μm,贴片后PBS洗涤3次,置于空气中干燥10 min,DAPI(1 μg/mL)衬染胞核,荧光显微镜观察拍照。

1.8 实时荧光定量PCR检测

瘢痕组织取材后去除表皮、软骨及下层组织,置于液氮中速冻1 min,电动高速匀浆器匀浆,加入TRIzol(体积比1∶1),按操作说明提取组织总RNA,采用Nanodrop测量其浓度和纯度。用反转录试剂盒生成cDNA,1∶25稀释于去DNase水中备用。实时荧光定量PCR按SYBR Green试剂盒操作,结果采用β-actin为内参,计算2-DDCt及倍数值。引物序列包括α-SMA:F 5’-CAGGGAGTAATGGTTGGAAT-3’,R 5’-TCTCAAACATAATCTGGGTCA-3’;Collagen type Ι:F 5’-CCCAACCAAGGATGCACTA-3’,R 5’-CTTGGCCTTGGAGCTCTTATAC-3’;β-actin:F 5’-GCTATTTGGCGCTGGACTT-3’,R 5’-GCG实验GCTCGTAGCTCTTCTC-3’。

1.9 统计分析

数据统计分析采用GraphPad Prism 6软件,Student’s-t检验比较实验组及其自身对照的SEI值及基因表达。P<0.05为差异有显著性。

2 实验结果

2.1 ADSCs及ADSCs-CM注射均可抑制瘢痕增生




计算并比较SEI值,ADSCs及ADSCs-CM注射组的SEI值均显著低于其自身对照(1.08±0.05 vs 1.93±0.09,**:P<0.01,n=24;1.33±0.10 vs 1.97±0.11,**:P<0.01,n=24)。而未处理组双侧SEI值无明显差异(1.90±0.12 vs 1.94±0.06,P>0.05,n=24)。另外,ADSCs注射组瘢痕的SEI值低于ADSCs-CM注射组(△:P<0.01)(图5)。


2.2 ADSCs及ADSCs-CM抑制基因表达


2.3 荧光染色示踪结果


图1 兔耳增生性瘢痕模型Fig.1 Hypertrophic scar model of rabbit ear

图2 各组兔耳增生性瘢痕注射前后照片Fig.2 Photos of the hypertrophic scar of rabbit ear before and after injection in each group

图3 各组兔耳增生性瘢痕注射前后B超检测Fig.3 Utrasonography of the hypertrophic scar of rabbit ear before and after injection in each group

图4 不同处理组术后5周HE染色结果Fig.4 H istological observation in each group 5 weeks after operation

图5 各组瘢痕增生指数Fig.5 Calculation of scar elevated index in each group

图6 不同处理组术后5周M asson染色结果Fig.6 Histological observation in each group by M asson staining 5 weeks after operation

图7 各组α-SMA及Ι型胶原基因表达Fig.7 Gene expression of α-SMA and collagen Ι in each group

图8 ADSCs的Dil荧光染色Fig.8 Dil staining of ADSCs

3 讨论






4 结论



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The Inhibition Effect of Intra-cicatrix Injection of ADSCs on Ear Hypertrophic Scar of Rabbit

ZHANG QI,LIU Lina,DENG Jingcheng,CAO Weigang.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Shanghai Ninth peop le's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200011,China.Corresponding author:CAO Weigang(E-mail:

Objective To investigate the inhibition effect and mechanism of intra-cicatrix injection of adipose derived stem cells on hypertrophic scar in rabbit ear.M ethods Twelve New Zealand white rabbits were used for establishing scar model and were random ly divided into 3 groups.Two weeks after the operation,all the right ears were injected DMEM as internal control while left ears of group 1,2 were injected ADSCs,ADSCs-CM respectively.Left ears in the third group were remained untouched.Photos and ultrasonography were taken before and 1,2,3 weeks after injection.Histochemical and genetic detection were used 3 weeks after the rabbits were sacrificed for offering scar tissue.Results All wounds were reepithelized 2 weeks after the injection.Wounds injected DMEM and untouched gradually grew thick,red and stiff which are the symptoms of hypertrophic scars,while ADSCs and ADSCs-CM injected ones showed no sign of growing hypertrophic.HE and Masson's staining showed collagen deposit and irregularly arrangement in the DMEM injection and untouched scars, while much less and better arranged collagen deposit were shown in both ADSCs and ADSCs-CM treated ones.Genetic detection showed lower expression of α-SMA,CollagenⅠin ADSCs and ADSCs-CM injection scars,compared with DMEM treated and untreated ones.Dil label staining showed a larger amount of ADSCs in the scar tissue of ADSCs treated group. Conclusion Intra-cicatrix injection of ADSCs can inhibit hypertrophic scar through ameliorating collagen deposit by down regulate the expression of α-SMA,CollagenⅠ.

Adipose derived stem cells;Hypertrophic scar;Intra-cicatrix injection增生性瘢痕的发生是由于真皮组织损伤导致细胞外基质,尤其是胶原组织的异常堆积及重塑[1]。其典型表现是增厚、变红、变硬及伴痒感,影响美观,甚至造成功能障碍[2]。目前,瘢痕的治疗方法很多,包括切除、皮内激素注射、加压、激光等,但尚未有一种方法可单独持久有效地抑制或治疗瘢痕增生[3-4]。









