

雪莲 2015年18期


【摘 要】本文简要介绍“语篇关系结构分析框架理论”( the Framework for the Analysis of the Relational Structure of Texts,FARS)的7种修辞结构关系类型,并运用该模型对2段语篇进行分析。比较了两段语篇修辞关系运用的特点,发现语篇一修辞手法运用灵活多样;而语篇二中部分修辞关系重复出现,过度使用某些直观形式标记。


话语分析近年已发展成为二语习得研究领域的一个重点研究方向(戴炜栋,2005)。大多数语言学家通过分析语篇句子层面的关系来研究语篇内部的衔接与连贯。基于不同的结构关系,美国学者Mann 和 Thompson等人( 1989;1987;1992;1988) 于1983年提出一套关于自然语篇结构描写的理论。该理论以语篇修辞结构为视角,分析作者对关系结构类型及其表现形式的选择,故名“修辞结构理论”(Rhetorical Structure Theory,RST)(王伟,1994)。

借鉴了RST理论和早期关于关系结构研究成果,澳大利亚学者Golebiowski (2004)进一步简化和规范该理论,提出了“语篇关系结构分析框架理论”( the Framework for the Analysis of the Relational Structure of Texts,FARS)。该模型描述了语篇结构关系中不同的功能关系,进而分析作者书写该语篇的主要目的。虽然FARS 与RST有相似之处,但是FARS用7种关系替代了RST的23种关系,大大减轻了分析者对关系类型的选择。其次,FARS可运用于各种科研学术论文的语篇研究,也适用于母语为英语或其它语言的作者撰写的语篇分析。与RST相比,FARS对关系定义的说明更清晰明了,便于理解。FARS模型中各关系的定义及区别请参看Golebiowski 相关文献,本文不再赘述。7种基本结构关系类型及说明请参见表1。

表1 FARS结构关系类型及说明

(转引自Golebiowski, 2006, 笔者有改动并翻译)

本文笔者运用FARS模型对两段语篇进行修辞结构关系实例分析。语篇一选自Sulllivan(1996) 学术论文的引言部分,语篇二选自某位EFL学习者的习作。这两段语篇作者分别是英语为母语和英语为外语,本文的另一个目的是比较该两类作者撰写的语篇运用修辞结构关系的特点及对外语写作教学的启发。



(1)An often neglected aspect of working with learning styles and strategies is understanding how students sociocultural backgrounds contribute to the way they approach learning in ESL classrooms. (2)For many reasons, ESL teachers are often unable to base assessments of their students learning styles and strategies on information about the way schooling and classroom interaction is organized in the students home countries.(3)This lack of knowledge may result in teachers making inaccurate judgments about their students classroom interaction behavior. (4)For example, ESL teachers who work with Vietnamese students in North America often assume that silence is a cultural attribute of Vietnamese, (5)particularly if they have observed that these students participate minimally in large- and small-group classroom discussions. (6)I argue here that classroom behavior, such as silence, is tied to a complex interaction of broad social and cultural factors.(7) This article draws upon my ethnographic study of classroom interaction in Vietnam to demonstrate the need for ESL teachers (8)to develop an understanding of the role that sociocultural factors play in the way their students approach classroom learning (Sullivan 1996).

根据FARS模型,语篇一可以划分为8个最小的分析单位(analytical units ),表2直观地展示了语篇一包含的修辞结构关系和其分析过程:


语篇一有5层从属关系, 包含7种修辞结构关系。其核心关系是Level1递进,由框架(units 1-5)及论点(units 6-8)两个结构段构成。units1-5作者对文章主要议题概述,回顾了前人研究成果,并指出其研究填补了以往研究空白,视为框架关系 。这就为读者熟悉文章的主题和研究领域提供了相应的背景信息。而units6-8阐述了作者的目的,视为论点关系,因此units6-8比units1-5具有更重要的篇章功能,视为核心功能。

在Level 2中,unit1与units2-5和unit6与units7-8包含了相同的修辞结构关系:阐述修辞结构关系中的详述(Amplification)。units2-5详细描述了unit1中所说的“the neglected aspect”。同样,units 7-8详细说明了作者在unit6中提到的“a complex interaction of broad social and cultural factors”。

在Level 3中,units2-5可以细分为unit2和units3-5,由因果修辞结构关系中的原因(Cause)关系连接。在该关系中,units3-5作者分析了ESL教师因为(unable to base assessments……)而导致的后果(may result in……),因此units3-5从属于unit2。在同一层级,unit7和unit8也由因果关系连接,但是unit8中作者明确指出研究目的要通过unit7中所描述的方法实现,故该处视为方法(Means)关系。由该文小标题可以看出,unit7和unit8具有相同的篇章突现(textual prominence)地位。

在Level 4中,units3-5包含阐述修辞结构中的实例(Instantiation)关系,units4-5为unit3的论点提供了实例,FARS模型认为,实例部分的篇章功能较弱。最低层级中,unit4和unit5由因果关系的环境(Circumstance)关系连接。从句unit5中虽然包含连词“if”,但该句为真实条件句,且“if”能用“after”或“when”替换。因此,该处视为环境修辞结构关系更恰当。由此可见,连词、介词虽然象征某种连贯关系,但不是判断该关系的唯一依据。


(1)The PPP method is a variation on Audio-lingualism, (2)which stands for Presentation, Practice and Production.(3) First the teacher presents a language form using a picture or other objects. (4)And then the students practice the language by repeating after the teacher. (5)Finally, the students are asked to use the language in their own sentences. (6)Obviously, it is a very teacher-centered teaching method. (7)Therefore, its alternatives come out:(8) A. Jim Scrivener (1994) puts forward ARC which stands for Authentic use, Restricted use, and Clarification and focus.(9)B. Michael Lewis (1996) offers OHE that allows students to Observe the language, provoke them to Hypothesise about the language and Experiment on the basis of that hypothesis. (10)It is more learner-based than the old PPP method. (11)C. Harmer (1998) suggests an ESA model which stands for Engage, Study and Activate. (12)It follows a more task-based approach.



语篇二包含较多的连接词,故其修辞结构关系容易辨识。比如,在Level1,该语篇核心修辞结构关系为因果关系,作者使用“therefore”连接units1-6和units 7-12明确了该修辞关系。又如,在Level 3, 根据“First”、“then”、“Finally”可以确定units3-5之间为列举关系(Listing)。语篇二另一个特点是某些修辞结构关系的重复使用。比如:评估关系中的评价关系(Evaluation)出现三次,分别在Level 2 (1-5 Ev 6)和Level 4 (9 EV 10, 11 Ev 12); 阐述关系(Elaboration)出现两次,分别在Level 2和Level 3; 而序列关系(Sequencing)的使用多达4次,分别在Level 3和Level 4。

总的来说,语篇一修辞手法运用灵活多样,而语篇二中部分修辞关系重复出现,修辞手法略显单一、生硬。语篇二作者过度使用某些直观形式标记(explicit linguistic signaling),这与ESL写作教学相关研究的发现相吻合(Study guide: 17):形式标记(如连接词,句法特征等)往往比隐含的修辞关系更容易传授给外语学习者。实际教学中,教师往往对形式标记过分强调,作为语言规则传授给学生。





[1] Mann, W. C., Matthiessen, C. M. I. M., & Thompson, S. A. (1992). Rhetorical structure theory and text analysis. In William C. Mann & Sandra A. Thompson (Eds), Discourse Description: Diverse Linguistic Analyses of a Fund-raising Text pp.39-78.

[2] Mann, W. C., & Thompson, S. A. (1988). Rhetorical structure theory: Toward a functional theory of text organization. Text, 8(3), 243-281.

[3] Golebiowski, Z. 2004. ECL 756 Text Analysis for Language Teaching: Study Guide, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic.

[4] Golebiowski, Z. 2006. The distribution of discoursal salience in research papers: relational hypotaxis and parataxis. Discourse Studies, 8(2), 259-278.

[5] Golebiowski, Z. 2009. Prominent messages in education and applied linguistic abstracts : how do authors appeal to their prospective readers,?Journal of pragmatics, 41 (4), pp. 753-769, Elsevier BV, Amsterdam , The Netherlands.

[6] Golebiowski, Z. 2011. Scholarly criticism across discourse communities, in Salager-Meyer, Fran?oise and Lewin, Beverly A (Eds), Crossed words : criticism in scholarly writing, pp. 203-224, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Berlin, Germany.

[7] 王伟.“修辞结构理论”评介(上)[J].国外语言学,1994.4:8-13.

[8] 王伟.“修辞结构理论”评介(下)[J].国外语言学,1995.2:10-16.

[9] 戴炜栋,周大军.中国的二语习得研究:回顾、现状与前瞻[J].外国语,2005.160(6):62-70.

