Introduction to "MaShi WenTong"
Abstract As the first works of Chinese grammar, "MaShi WenTong" has epoch-making significance in the history of Chinese grammar. It marks that Chinese grammar study has become an independent science. This research intends to generalize "WenTong".
Key words grammar; MaShi WenTong
中图分类号:H146 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkx.2015.10.012
1 Introduction
As the first Chinese grammar studies by our Chinese, "MaShi WenTong"("WenTong", forshort) marks the formal birth of Chinese grammar studies. Ma Jianzhong, the author of "WenTong", assisted Li Hongzhong① in the activities of "YangWu"② after study abroad in France. He has a good command of western languages, such as English, French, ancient Greek and Latin, etc, as well as our Chinese ancient books and records.
"WenTong", well-organized and with its grand scope, deserves to called a linguistic classical works.(Gong Qianyan,2000:232) As a result, domestic scholars have done much research about "WenTong". For instance, Lv Shuxiang, Wang Li, Gong Qianyan(2000), Zhang Wanqi(1987), Wang HaiFen(1991), Chen Changlai(2002), Song Shaonian、Shao Yonghai、Zhang Meng, Lu Jianming、Shen Yang、Yuan Yulin、Li Zuofeng(2003), etc. Large number of books and articles about "WenTong" spread throughout our country. Those researches of "WenTong" touches upon all aspects, including its era background, the purpose of writing, research objectives, method of analysis, research of words, research of sentences, and also its limitations, achievements, historical position, etc. In spite of these abundant achievements, the research, related "WenTong" to some western discourse analysis studies, is rare.
2 Gist Of Its Contents
There are ten volumes in "WenTong". Volume One is named "ZhengMing", which MaShi also calls "definition". Here, the total number is 23 definitions. This volum accounts for defining the 26 noun terminology, including word, sentence element, status, sentence, phrase and clause, pause, etc. Then it talks about word from Volume Two to Volume Nine, among which notional word from Volume Two to Volume Six, and the left are about function word.
MaShi divides notional word into five categories, that is, noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb. Also, the function word has its four classification, preposition, conjunction, modal particle, interjection.
All the eight volumes, covering from Volume Two to Volume Nine, discuss the function and role of words in phrases, clauses or sentences. The last volume, Volume Ten, is about phrase, clause and sentence. This volume has summarized and complemented the previous nine volumes by making a further discussion about all the sentence elements and the classifications of pause, phrase, clause and sentence.endprint
3Source Of Academic Thinking; Research Objectives and Method Of Analysis
MaShi's research on Chinese grammar, on one hand, builds its theoretical foundation on Latin grammar, which is based on Indo-European traditional grammar. On the other hand, "WenTong" inherits our forefathers" achievements.
MaShi's research objectives are writings in classical Chinese from pre-Qin dynasty, Western Han dynasty and Easter Han dynasty to HanYu③, which, in his view, were the models of articles and could be imitated by followers. So, MaShi took it for granted that all articles should follow this pattern. Otherwise, it had no right to be counted as the so-called articles. Just as the preface says,
(Any essays, from Confucian classics, history, various schools of thought and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early Han dynasty, to local annals and novels, have been quoted as long as they remain unchanged in language structure and grammar. According to my own standard, I did a research on a large scale and then edited this book named "WenTong".)Also, in introductory remarks, it says,
(This book is a special creation. As far as writing concerned, the ancients are superior to the moderns. So all my quotations are those pre-HanYu.)
He continues,
(Those essays are from esteemed founding father. So they can be modeled. On the contrary, those against the grammar law, in fact, can not be considered as articles at all.)Thus it proves that MaShi's research objectives are classical.
As for his method of research, it is "imitative". MaShi has explained Chinese language grammar in accordance with western grammar and system. The introductory remarks express,
(This book is called "GeLangMa" in the West, whose pronunciation originates in Greek. "GeLangMa" just means the principles and laws. And all countried have their own "GeLangMa", which are actually similar. The only difference lies in sounds and character patterns. In a word, this book does imitate "GeLangMa".) It also shows in its epilogue that,endprint
(This book models itself on western grammar and tried to draw the rules from Confucian classics.)
However, when MaShi was writing "WenTong", in spite of imitating Latin grammar, he also found many characteristic laws of Chinese grammar, which has made great contributions to grammar research of our ancient Chinese. Therefore, it is clear that "WenTong", instead of mechanically imitating Latin grammar and then indiscriminately copying, demonstrates its own originality.
In conclusion, "WenTong" not only emphasizes language materials, but also stress method of research, such as analysis, synthesis, deductive method, inductive method. Consulting western grammar, "WenTong" recognizes the common character of grammar. What"s more, it also pays much attention to the peculiarity of ancient Chinese and then manages to seek the characteristic grammar facts of Chinese language.(张万起,1987:179)
① Li Hongzhang, (1823-1901), the leader of the party of "YangWu" at the late of Qing dynasty.
② Activities of "YangWu", during 60-90 in 19th century, when Emperor TongZhi and then Emperor GuangXu in power, the Qing Government advocated adopting western capitalist nations" modern scientific production technology in order to develop our national industry.
③ HanYu,(768-824), a writer and philosopher in Tang dynasty of China.
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