

考试周刊 2015年79期


摘 要: 我们学习英汉成语的目的不仅仅在于认识这些成语或者知道它们的意思,更重要的是要在实际情境中领悟其深刻内涵并正确地运用。如果要实现这个目标,作者认为在学习过程中一定要了解英汉成语的修辞特征、修辞功能及它们所蕴含的美学价值。

关键词: 英汉成语 修辞功能 美学价值



1.明喻(simile),is a figure of speech,which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. 例如:

光阴似箭 如鱼得水

味同嚼蜡 冷若冰霜

as cool as cucumber(meaning “remain cool and collected”),as fit as a cricket(meaning “very healthy and vigorous”)

like a rat in a hole(meaning “in a hopeless situation”)

2.隐喻(metaphor),like a simile,also makes a comparison between unlike elements,but unlike a simile,this comparison is implied rather stated. 例如:

宁做泥里藕,不做水上萍(meaning “a person should be staid and honest not frivolous”)

一寸光阴一寸金(meaning “time is as precious as gold”)

pass the buck(meaning “to ignore one’s responsibility ”)

crocodile tears(meaning “signs of insincere sorrow”)

3.换喻(metonymy),is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. 例如:

纸老虎 瓮中之鳖

铁饭碗 黄粱美梦

a fly on the wheel (refers to “arrogant persons”)

a dark horse (refers to “a person who tends to keep their activities,feelingities or intensions secret may have unexpected qualities or abilities”)

4.对照(antithesiss),这个词来自“antitheniai”,意思是“opposition”。It is a figure of speech in which contrast or opposition of thoughts is expressed by balancing one word or phrase against another in parallel stucture,each setting off or complementing the other. 例如:



No pains,no gains.

Knowledge makes humble,ignorance makes proud.

二、 修辞功能

1.描写功能(descriptive function)。许多英汉习语能够生动形象地描写事物和人的性质与状态。例如:眉飞色舞is used to describe somebody’s facial expression when he/she speaks in happy mood. 咬牙切齿is applied to portray somebody’s bitter hatred or anger by gnashing his teeth when speaking. 此外,摇头晃脑、点头哈腰、乱七八糟、抓耳挠腮等都具有这种描写功能。 英语成语中有cats and dogs,cut and dried,high and mighty,free and easy,fair and squre are often used to describe the state of a thing or a person. 让我们再看看两个例子:Cut and dried 经常用来形容事情已经定局而无法改变。例如: What was her own life but a cut-and-dried affair? (J.Galsworthy,Maid in Waiting,Ch.XX)我们使用free and easy来描述某种行为和生活。例如:I am longing for the free and easy, open-air life of the plains.

2.简化功能(simplifying function)。当我们说英汉习语具有简化功能时,意指我们能够通过言简意赅的习语来表达比较复杂的事情或观点。在这些习语中,那些典故最具此功能。例如:刻舟求剑,画蛇添足,守株待兔,杯弓蛇影,to cry wolf,to bell the cat,等等。在这些成语的背后,都含有一个既有趣又有哲理的故事。我们能够通过使用这些典故性成语表达深刻的内涵与思想,相比那些多词的表达或句子,典故性成语更简洁精辟有说服力。


“Cry wolf”出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fable): “a shepherd cried out‘wolf is coming’to fool the working farmers once and again. When the wolves came to attack his sheep in the end,he asked for help, but nobady believed what he said any more.Finally,the wolves ate up all the sheep.” 我们常常使用“cry wolf”暗示别人给出虚假警示或警告。 例如:Nobady will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolfso many years.

3.劝说功能(Persuasive function)。英汉劳动人民在他们的生产及社会实践中创造出了丰富的成语和习语,这些习语是语言中的精华,最具民族特色和文化内涵,通常能够揭示某一真理,给人启迪与鼓励。例如:


Many hands make light work.


A united peole are invincible.


Two heads are better than one.

The above idioms reveal the truth that strength comes from unity and mutual help and advise people to value the collective action.

No bees,no honey.

No pains,no gains.

Where there is a will,there is a way.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.





These idioms used here sum up life experience, give people some warnings, advise people to be diligent and set up a clear aim in study or work; to be honest and kind to others,etc.

三、 美学价值(aesthetic value)


1.简洁美(succinctness)。 成语是汉语中特有的短语,是具有特定内涵的约定俗成的语言,而四字成语又是成语中最简洁的词语。例如:前总理朱镕基在1998年3月19日中外记者招待会上的发言:“不管前面是地雷阵还是万丈深渊,我都将一往无前,义无反顾,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。”地雷阵和万丈深渊生动地描述了深化改革的难度,而一往无前,义无反顾,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已又表明了朱总理执行改革决心之大,魄力之足。

英语习语的定义为:Idiom is a set phrase toletant of no grammatical analysis, and its meaning can be hardly grsped by analyzing its formatives, nor is there a rule for its formation.比较下面两个句子:

(1) A large number of American radio station operate in the red.

(2) A large number of American radio station operate in a very bad condition.

第一句中的in the red(亏损,出现赤字)的反义是in the black(盈利),比起第二句中的in a very bad condition,更精炼,更有美感。

2.时空美 (distance of time space)。Distance,here,not a specialized terminology in physics, is in fact, time-lag, which is internal of time between two connected events. 例如:我们经常用“沉鱼落雁”、“闭目羞花”来形容女性美到极致,而这些成语又使我们不由自主穿越到古代,想起那四大美女貂蝉、杨贵妃、西施、王昭君。同样如此,英语习语“ to cross the Rubicon(to take a decisive and irrevocable step)”会让我们联想到凯撒大帝无力回天时的那种动容而悲壮的情形,他仰天长叹“the death is cast”。

3.对称美 (symmetry)。英汉很多习语读起来朗朗上口,主要在于两点:

(1) The wordage in a phrase idiom is always even number whereas in a sentence idiom the wordage of the first part is the same as that of the second. 例如:

鸡毛蒜皮 烟消云散


Grasp all,lose all.

Over shoes,over boots.

Out of sight,out of mind.

(2)Syntactical functions and morphological features that help to determine a part of speech in symmetrical idioms are corresponding. 例如:“水有源,树有根”中“水”和“树”是名词,“有”是动词,“源”和“根”是名词。在英语习语“pride goes before,and shame follows after”中,“pride”和 “shame”是名词,“goes”和“follows”是动词,“before”和“ after”是副词。

4.音韵美 (melodiousness)

(1) 双声(alliteration )

发愤图强(fa fen) Waste not,want not.

淋漓尽致(lin li) safe and sound

(2) 叠韵(rhyme)

延年益寿(yannian) Hugger-mugger

乘风破浪(chengfeng) Fairand squre

(3) 叠音(repetition )

战战兢兢 Diamondcutdiamond

津津乐道 Measurefor measure

(4) 平仄(英语体现在stress与intonation)

平仄平仄— 风起云涌 心领神会

仄平仄平— 养尊处优 聚精会神

平平仄仄— 标新立异 风驰电掣

仄仄平平— 草木皆兵 百孔千疮


`Safe and `sound

A `friend /in `need /is a `friend in`deed.




[3]A Comprehenive Dictionary of English Idioms and Phrases[M].福州 : 福建人民出版社,1985.

