

中国循证儿科杂志 2015年4期

李小燕 陈 倩 谢 华 王立文 陈晓丽 李尔珍 钟建民



李小燕1陈 倩2谢 华3王立文2陈晓丽3李尔珍2钟建民1

15q11.2-13.2微重复四倍体综合征; 发育迟缓; 孤独症; 额外标记染色体; 微阵列比较基因组杂交; 荧光原位杂交技术

1 病例资料

女, 2岁,因“自幼发育落后”于2014年8月13日就诊于首都儿科研究所。患儿系G2P2,因母亲妊娠期高血压于孕38周剖宫娩出,围生期无窒息缺氧史,出生体重2 700 g,身长49 cm。肌张力低下,5月龄抬头。尚不能独站、行走及有意识言语。能逗笑,不认人,不能交流,缺乏目光对视。未见抽搐,无侵略性行为。能跟着拍手和摇头,对音乐、汽车声音及发光的物体感兴趣,喜欢看手玩手,常有双手扭转,喜欢独处,不能使用任何工具。

查体:身长90 cm(P75),体重14 kg(P90)。双眼无神,鼻梁低平,外侧眼角下垂、内眦赘皮(图1)。

图1 本文患儿正侧面照

Fig 1 Clinical appearance of the patient

Notes She presented negative face,downslanting of the palpebral fissures, flat nasal bridge and epicanthic folds


辅助检查: 脑电图、头颅MRI、血生化、甲状腺功能检查、血尿遗传代谢病筛查均未见异常。2次外院常规染色体核型检查(320带)分别为47,XX,+22和47,XX,+21。中国孤独症评量表(CARS)得分48分(诊断界值为30分)。0~6岁儿童神经心理发育测试量表(DST)发育商得分36分。

患儿监护人签署知情同意书后,采集患儿及其父母外周静脉血(肝素抗凝)行高分辨率染色体核型分析(400-550带)。取0.2 mL接种于2.5mL培养基中,37℃培养72 h,加秋水仙素继续培养3 h,离心抽取上清液收获细胞,滴片,在显微镜下观察细胞显带,合格后放入干燥箱干燥。干燥后进行染色体处理、风干和盖玻片封片。选择40个以上分裂相作众数分析。再用油镜选择染色体较长、带纹较清晰及交叉点低的分裂相行核型分析,每个样本分析至少20个核型。异常克隆标准为2个细胞具有相同的额外染色体或结构重排,或至少3个细胞至少丢失1个相同的染色体。核型异常按《人类细胞遗传学国际命名体制(ISCN 2013)》标准判定[1]。高分辨染色体核型分析显示,患儿较正常染色体核型多1条额外标记染色体(SMC),SMC可能来源于随体型D群染色体(13号,14号,15号染色体)或G群染色体(21号,22号染色体),核型为47,XX,+mar dn(图2)。患儿父亲高分辨率染色体核型分析提示为46,XY,母亲为46,XX。提示患儿携带的SMC为新生突变。

图2 本文患儿高分辨染色体核型分析结果(400-550带)

Fig 2 The result of high-resolution karyotype analysis (400-550 bands)

Notes The figure showed SMC marked by the red arrow

采集患儿外周静脉血2 mL(EDTA抗凝),并用酚-氯仿法抽提基因组DNA。获得吸光度值和浓度后,取1 μg DNA,37℃消化2.5 h(Alu Ⅰ和Rsa Ⅰ联合消化);用SureTag DNA Labeling Kit(Agilent公司)行荧光标记(Cy5标记对照标本,Cy3标记先证者标本),37℃ 2 h后终止反应;用MieroCon YM-30(Agilent公司)纯化荧光标记DNA后,将对照DNA和患儿DNA等量混合后加入杂交体系,95℃变性,37℃ 0.5 h,上样到Agilent 4×180K CNV+SNP定制芯片(Agilent公司),65℃杂交炉孵育36 h后先用洗脱液1洗脱5 min,再用洗脱液2洗脱1 min,行微阵列比较基因组杂交(array-CGH)扫描,采用Feature Extraction 9.0进行数据提取,DNA analystic 5.0软件进行CNVs分析。图3显示,本文患儿15q11.2-13.2区域存在8.0 Mb的微重复(hg19),且log2>1.25,提示该区域拷贝数可能为4倍体。该区域为Prader-Willi/Angelman综合征的典型致病区域,属临床致病性微缺失。

结合array-CGH结果,采用商业化Prader-Willi/Angelman综合征关键区域探针(UBE3A,D15S10:15q11.2红色)和15号染色体识别用控制探针(D15Z1:15p11.2蓝色,PML:15q22 绿色)直接杂交。实验步骤按照说明书,包括:培养、秋水仙素处理、低渗处理37℃水浴、卡诺氏固定、细胞滴下、载玻片预处理、染色体DNA变性、杂化(使用VYSIS探针)、对比染色和获取图像。

FISH结果可见SMC包括着丝粒信号D15Z1(蓝)2个,基因UBE3A/D15S10(红)信号2个(图4)。结合array-CGH结果,提示患儿SMC为15号染色体以长臂q13为断裂点的双着丝粒异常染色体,即为SMC(15)。FISH结果证实array-CGH 筛查出基因组微重复log数值>1.25的区域存在4个基因组拷贝。

图3 本文患儿array-CGH结果

Fig 3 The result of the array-CGH

Notes A: 8.0 Mb duplication in the 15q11.2-13.2 region (chr15:22684529-30730543, 8.0 Mb, hg19) was found, log2 ratio >1.25. The region contained 217 genes, includingUBE3A,GABRB3,GABRA5,GABRG3,ABPA2,CHRFAM7AandCHRNA7 associated with the disease

图4 本文患儿FISH结果

Fig 4 The result of FISH

Notes The red arrow showed SMC(15), containing 2 blue signals, 2 red signals and the white arrows showed two normal chromosome 15 including a blue signal,a red signal and a green signal

根据ISCN 2013[1],患儿的染色体核型定义为:47, XX, +mar dn.ish dic(15;15)(q13;q13) (D15Z1++,UBE3A/D15S10++).arr15q11.2-q13.2(22684529-30730543)× novo,即为15q11.2-13.2微重复四倍体。

2 文献复习

3 讨论


本文患儿高分辨染色体检查存在核型异常,按ISCN 2013标准异常染色体为SMC。SMC指细胞核内46条正常染色体核型以外的染色体,是引起基因组拷贝数增加的重要原因之一。SMC多为染色体易位所致,约64%的复杂SMC来源于父母染色体平衡易位,36%为新生突变[14,15]。在活产婴儿中SMC发生率为0.014%~0.072%,智力缺陷患者中SMC的发生率为0.433%[16,17]。SMC携带者表型可从正常至严重异常,影响表型的因素有:①常染色体DNA所包含的内容;②嵌合程度;③SMC的单亲二倍体一致性[18,19]。本文患儿父母高分辨染色体核型分析正常,提示患儿SMC属于新生突变,文献报道SMC如为新生突变,则表型异常者占14%~30%[15]。

表1 既往报道和本研究中15q11.2-13.2微重复综合征临床表型[n/N(%)]
Tab 1 Clinical characteristics of 15q11.2-13.2 microduplication syndrome in the literatures and the case reported in this paper[n/N(%)]


Array-CGH分析发现本文患儿的SMC为15q11.2-13.2区域存在8.0 Mb的微重复(log>1.25),提示该区域拷贝数可能为四倍体。拷贝数变异(CNV)由基因组重排所致,主要包括基因组片段的微缺失和微重复,片段大小为1 kb至Mb级。现有研究发现15.0%~21.4%的儿童精神心理发育异常由CNV所致[26,27]。FISH检测进一步明确SMC来源于15号染色体,且为四倍体。15号染色体长臂由于存在低拷贝重复序列,结构不稳定,倾向于各种基因重组,包括微缺失、微重复和易位。SMC(15)导致的15q微重复的重复倍数有3、4、5和6倍[5,12]。SMC(15)根据是否包含Prader-Willi/Angelman综合征的关键区域分为2组:一组为小片段的、除男性不孕外不导致其他临床表型;一组为大片段的、导致相关临床表现[10]。本文病例为15q11.2-13.2四倍体及双着丝粒组成的大片段的、导致相关临床表现的SMC(15)。根据基因组CNV起止点位置,15号染色体长臂可以分为5个断点(BP1-BP5)。根据断点,可将15号染色体长臂CNV分为3类:①15q11.2(BP1-BP2,chr15:22698322-23217655);②15q11.2-q13.1(BP2-BP3,chr15:23707400-28520300);③15q13.2-13.3(BP4-BP5,chr15: 30931844- 32510863)。Urraca 等[4]根据断点将微重复分为Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类,Ⅰ类为BP1-BP3,Ⅱ类为BP2-BP3,本文患儿为BP1-BP3,属于Ⅰ类。文献中迄今仅有16例报道有明确的起止点,根据断点分类均为Ⅰ类微重复[5,11,12]。

总之,对于SMC携带者,单纯依靠高分辨染色体核型检测,无法确定其基因组来源及拷贝数量化。如常规染色体核型结果和临床表型不符合,应行array-CGH检测确诊基因拷贝数变异位点;对于array-CGH所发现的基因组微重复,Log数值高于1.25~1.30,应行FISH、real-time PCR等以明确基因组拷贝数目、重组结构特点。这对遗传咨询和临床干预措施的制定均有重要的意义。

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A case of 15q11.2-13.2 tetraploid microduplication syndrome and literature review


(1DepartmentofPediatricNeurology,JiangxiChildren′sHospital,Nanchang330006; 2DepartmentofNeurology,AffiliatedChildren′sHospitalofCapitalInstituteofPediatrics,Beijing100020; 3BeijingMunicipalKeyLaboratoryofChildDevelopmentandNutriomics,CapitalInstituteofPediatrics,Beijing100020,China)

ZHONG Jian-min,;LI Er-zhen,E-mail:

ObjectiveTo identify the underlying genetic causes with multiple molecular genetic techniques in a female patient with neuro-developmental delay and autism, who has ever been diagnosed as 21/22 trisomy with conventional karyotype analysis.MethodsThe peripheral blood was collected from the patient and her parents. Genomic DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform method. The high-resolution karyotype analysis (400-550 bands) was performed to check the chromosome′s number and structure, and the array comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) was used to detect the whole genomic copy number variation.The fluorescent in situ hybridization was employed to localize and quantify the abnormal genomic copy numbers.ResultsA 2-year-old girl suffered from neuro-developmental delay and autism with downslanting of the palpebral fissures and epicanthic folds. The result of conventional karyotype analysis (320 bands) was 47,XX,+22 or 47,XX,+21.The high-resolution karyotype analysis (400-550 bands) detected a supernumerary marker chromosome(SMC) and her karyotype was 47,XX,+mar dn, which had ever been misdiagnosed as 21/22 trisomy.Her parents′ karyotype was 46,XY and 46,XX, respectively. The SMC was de novo. About 8.0 Mb duplication in the 15q11.2-13.2 region (chr15:22684529-30730543, 8.0 Mb,hg19) was found in the patient by array-CGH. FISH confirmed that the SMC was originated from chromosome 15, and consisted of two copies of the centromerics and 15q11.2-13.2 interval. The 15q11.2-13.2 tetraploid microduplication syndrome or Idic(15) syndrome was established after all. A literature review of the clinical phenotypes of the 15q11.2-13.2 microduplication was performed, which showed that intellectual disability/ developmental retardation, hypotpnia, autism/autism-like symptoms and epilepsy were the key clinical phenotypes in the Idic(15) syndrome.ConclusionThe de novo tetrasomy 15q11.2-13.2 is a genetic basis for neuro-developmental delay and autism in this case. The array-CGH can detect genomic micro-imbalance quickly and precisely.

15q11.2-q13.2 tetraploid microduplication syndrome; Neuro-developmental delay; Autism; Supernumerary marker chromosomes; Array comparative genomic hybridization; Fluorescent in situ hybridization

1 江西省儿童医院神经内科 南昌,330006;2 首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院神经内科 北京,100020;3 首都儿科研究所北京市儿童发展和营养组学重点实验室 北京,100020

钟建民,; 李尔珍,




