

地球物理学报 2015年9期

卢昕婷, 韩立国, 张盼, 孙宏宇

吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院, 长春 130026


卢昕婷, 韩立国*, 张盼, 孙宏宇

吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院, 长春 130026


多震源混合采集; 混合数据; 直接成像; 串扰噪声; 全变分

1 引言

多震源混合采集(blended acquisition)是近年来兴起的一种新型地震采集技术,该技术由Berkhout(2008)和Berkhout等(2009)在多震源同时采集技术 (simultaneous acquisition)(Silverman,1979; Beasley et al., 1998; Bagaini, 2006; Beasley, 2008)的基础上发展而来.在混合采集系统中,不同空间位置的多个震源以一定的编码方式连续激发,得到的地震记录为波场混叠的多炮混合数据.由于震源之间的激发时间间隔很小,这种采集方式极大地提高了数据的获取量和采集效率.


Tang和Biondi(2009)在其论文中首次提出使用最小二乘偏移(LSM)来压制混合数据直接成像的串扰噪声.LSM可以使用多种偏移算子,具有较高灵活性,同时能很好地适应混合采集技术的处理要求.以上性质使得该方法成为现阶段混合数据直接偏移的主流方法,近年来也陆续涌现出成功的应用实例(Schuster and Dai, 2010; Verschuur and Berkhout,2011; Dai et al., 2011, 2012; Huang and Schuster, 2012).

LSM属于数学上的病态问题,需要引入正则化约束来确保求解过程的稳定.传统的Tikhonov正则化(Tikhonov and Arsenin, 1977)采用光滑性约束如L2范数约束,具有良好的算法稳定性,但它对目标模型有平滑滤波效应,容易导致模型过度光滑,边缘模糊,不连续信息不能被精确重构.为了减弱这种平滑效应,提高成像质量,本文提出基于全变分(TV)(total variation)原理的TV范数约束偏移算法.

全变分(Rudin et al., 1992)是图像去噪和复原领域的研究热点技术之一,其基本原理是将图像去噪/复原问题转换成图像模型的能量泛函最小化问题.全变分原理在地震图像去噪(屈勇等,2011;公成敏,2014)、地震反演(Askan et al., 2007; Burstedde and Ghattas, 2009; 毛衡等, 2012)以及地震偏移速度模型重建(Anagaw, 2009; Anagaw and Sacchi, 2012)方面已经得到应用.地下介质大多是不规则的,并且具有明显的成层性,全变分模型采用非光滑性约束,在去噪时能够不平滑目标边界保留图像的不连续性特征.因此,为了在压制串扰噪声的同时最大限度地还原地下介质的真实信息,本文将全变分应用到多震源地震数据直接偏移成像中,建立全变分地震偏移成像模型,提出基于TV范数约束的混合数据直接偏移方法.考虑计算成本,本方法采用快速迭代收缩阈值与快速梯度投影组合算法——FISTA/FGP(Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm/Fast Gradient Projection)(Beck and Teboulle, 2009)求解目标函数的最优化问题.理论模型的测试结果表明:TV范数约束的混合数据直接偏移能有效压制噪声,保护地震剖面的边缘信息,增强剖面的结构特征,提高成像精度.

2 混合采集与直接偏移成像
















3 全变分多震源地震数据偏移成像

3.1 全变分偏移成像数学模型


(1)基于L2范数的各向同性扩散模型(Chambolle, 2004):








min‖m‖TV, subject toLm=d.





3.2 全变分快速组合算法



















(r1,s1)=(p0,q0)=(O(n1-1)×n2,On1×(n2-1)),t1=1. 第k步迭代:







式中,α为迭代步长,控制收敛速度.FISTA/FGP中,确保迭代收敛需要保证α≥max eig(LHL),即α的值必须大于LHL的最大特征值.













4 理论模型测试


4.1 层状介质模型偏移

层状介质模型如图1所示.模型纵横向网格点数均为100,纵横向网格间距均为10 m,背景速度为2500 m·s-1.检波器和单震源个数均为100个,时间采样间隔为1 ms,震源子波为主频30 Hz的雷克子波.通过正演模拟得到100个单炮记录,使用随机时间间隔编码算子,每5个单炮合成一个混合炮(图2).数值试验中所有偏移均采用克希霍夫偏移算子,其对观测系统适应性强,对速度模型敏感度比较低.

图1 层状模型(反射系数)Fig.1 Layered model (reflectivity)

图2 层状模型混合炮记录Fig.2 A blended shot gather of layered model


4.2 断层模型偏移

图3 混合数据(a)克希霍夫偏移结果,(b) LSM结果,(c) TV范数约束偏移结果Fig.3 Imaging results from (a) Kirchhoff migration, (b) LSM, (c) TV norm constrained migration for blended data

图4 SEG/EAGE断层模型(反射系数)Fig.4 SEG/EAGE fault model (reflectivity)

由于实际地震数据中通常包含有一定程度的噪声,本文接下来使用SEG/EAGE断层模型的含噪数据进行数值试验.为了减轻计算负担,在不降低计算精确度和模型复杂性的前提下,将原有速度模型抽稀(图4).重采样之后模型的横向和纵向网格点数均为100,网格间距均为10 m,背景速度为2500 m·s-1.检波器和单震源个数均为100个,从模型网格的起始点依次排列.时间采样间隔为2 ms,震源子波为主频30 Hz的雷克子波,每5个单炮合成一个混合炮(图5a).单炮混合之后,在数据中加入15%的高斯白噪声(图5b),使用不同取值的λ进行混合数据TV范数约束偏移(图6).


4.3 复杂模型偏移

最后使用垂直射线和常密度假设下的局部Marmousi模型(图7)考察本方法对复杂地质构造的成像效果.模型横向和纵向网格点数分别为551和221,纵横向网格间距均为10 m,背景速度为3000 m·s-1.检波器和单震源个数均为276个,炮间距和道间距均为20 m.时间采样间隔为1 ms,震源子波为主频30 Hz的雷克子波.通过正演模拟得到276个单炮记录,每4个单炮合成一个混合炮.

图5 (a)混合炮记录;(b)含信噪比15%高斯白噪的混合炮记录Fig.5 (a) is the blended shot gather. (b) is the blended shot gather that is added with white Gaussian noise (SNR=15%).

图6 混合数据(a)克希霍夫偏移结果,(b) λ=0.00001时TV范数约束偏移结果,(c) λ=0.0001时TV范数约束偏移结果,(d) λ=0.001时TV范数约束偏移结果Fig.6 Imaging results for blended data from (a) Kirchhoff migration, (b) TV norm constrained migration (λ=0.00001), (c) TV norm constrained migration (λ=0.0001), (d) TV norm constrained migration (λ=0.001)

图7 Marmousi模型(反射系数)Fig.7 Marmousi model (reflectivity)



5 计算速率分析


图10 方框2内数据对比(a) 混合数据克希霍夫偏移; (b) 反射系数; (c) 常规单炮数据TV范数约束偏移; (d) 混合数据TV范数约束偏移.Fig.10 The data in rectangle 2(a) Kirchhoff migration for blended data; (b) Reflectivity; (c) TV norm constrained migration for conventional sources data; (d) TV norm constrained migration for blended data.

图11 偏移数据与反射系数波形对比图1号线为混合数据克希霍夫偏移,2号线为混合数据TV范数约束偏移,3号线为常规单炮数据TV范数约束偏移,4号线为真实反射系数.(a)第300道的数据;(b)第450道的数据.Fig.11 The waveform comparison of migration data and reflectivityThe first line is Kirchhoff migration for blended data, the second line is TV norm constrained migration for blended data, the third line is TV norm constrained migration for conventional sources data, the fourth line is reflectivity. (a) is the 300th traces, (b) is the 450th traces.


6 结论




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(本文编辑 何燕)

Direct migration method of multi-source blended data based on total variation

LU Xin-Ting, HAN Li-Guo*, ZHANG Pan, SUN Hong-Yu


In acquisition of multi-source blended data, multiple sources are continuously shot and geophones continuously receive seismic signals to acquire blended shot records overlapping in both the spatial and temporal domains. Relative to the traditional seismic acquisition, blended acquisition can decrease the effective survey duration and reduce the cost of surveys. However, this continuously shooting and recording strategy can lead to complex blended wave fields and create great difficulties to the following migration imaging. There are two migration imaging methods about the blended data at this stage: to perform the migration processing directly on the blended data without any pre-separation, or recovery the blended data to individual shot data, which is called “deblending”, then conduct standard migration processing to these deblended data. The first method has a high processing efficiency, but the multi-source direct migration is usually not satisfactory because of the crosstalk contamination. The second method has low efficiency and the source separation has serious influence on imaging quality. All things considered, the direct migration method has a better prospect of application, so this article studies a direct migration method of blended data which can effectively remove the crosstalk.Mathematically, the seismic imaging can be regarded as a typical mathematical and physical inverse problem and a better imaging result can be obtained by solving a regularized least-squares (LS) problem with a linear inversion method. The total variation (TV) regularization method is widely used in image denoising and restoration fields. It can produce a denoised image where edges and discontinuities are preserved. On the basis of analyzing the principles of TV image denoising and restoration method, in this paper, we formulate the direct migration of multi-source seismic data as a problem of minimizing the energy functional of image restoration, use the TV regularization to replace the L2 norm regularization in the traditional least-squares migration (LSM) and propose a TV norm constrained migration method. The proposed method employs a gradient-based algorithm—a combination of fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm and fast gradient projection method (FISTA/FGP) to solve the optimization problem. It combines the advantages of FISTA and FGP, which is simple in algorithm, convenient to realize and stable.To test the validity and adaptability of our migration method, numerical experimentations are carried out on a horizontally-layered medium model, SEG/EAGE fault model and 2D Marmousi model, respectively. First, we compute the prestack Kirchhoff migration, the L2 norm constrained LSM and TV norm constrained migration for the horizontally-layered medium model. The results show that the TV norm constrained migration can effectively suppress the migration artifacts and crosstalk and the image quality is better than the other two. For the case of data containing noise, this article adds 15% Gauss white noise into the synthetic blended data of the SEG/EAGE fault model and applies the TV norm constrained migration with different values of the optimization parameters. The results indicate that our algorithm has good anti-noise performance and point out that there is influence of the selection of regularization parameters on the imaging results. So considering the denoise effect and fidelity of migration imaging, an assigned range of these optimization parameters is proposed. For the complex medium case, we compute the standard migration and TV norm constrained migration for the blended data of the 2D Marmousi model and use the conventional data TV norm constrained migration as a reference. The imaging results and waveform comparison both indicate that our method can yield desired migration imaging of complex geological structures.For the crosstalk noise caused by direct imaging of blended data, we propose a direct migration method based on TV regularization. The results of theoretical model experiments show that our method can effectively suppress the random noise, migration artifacts and crosstalk noise, enhance the continuity of seismic events and improve the imaging resolution. TV norm constrained migration belongs to an iterative migration algorithm based on least-square optimization and has a prominent imaging effect. However, it is also a computing-expensive algorithm. With the development of the computer performance and the parallel programming technology, the computational cost can be reduced, which can enable our method to practical applications.

Multi-source blended acquisition; Blended data; Direct imaging; Crosstalk noise; Total variation

卢昕婷, 韩立国, 张盼等. 2015. 基于全变分原理的多震源混合数据直接偏移方法.地球物理学报,58(9):3335-3345,


Lu X T, Han L G, Zhang P,et al. 2015. Direct migration method of multi-source blended data based on total variation.ChineseJ.Geophys. (in Chinese),58(9):3335-3345,doi:10.6038/cjg20150926.






*通讯作者 韩立国,男,1961年生,教授,博士生导师,主要从事地震数据处理解释工作

