

海洋学报 2015年8期


(1.上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院,上海 201306;2.大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室,上海201306;3.上海海洋大学 国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心,上海 201306;4.远洋渔业协同创新中心,上海 201306)



(1.上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院,上海 201306;2.大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室,上海201306;3.上海海洋大学 国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心,上海 201306;4.远洋渔业协同创新中心,上海 201306)



1 引言



2 材料和方法

2.1 数据来源

2.1.1 渔获数据


图1 2003—2009年西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼采样站点Fig.1 Sample locations of Illex argentinus from 2003 to 2009 in the southwestern Atlantic

2.1.2 环境数据

海表面温度(SST)和海表面高度(SSH)资料均来源于Ocean Watch(,时间分辨率为月,空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°,利用Matlab软件将空间分辨率处理为0.5°×0.5°。

2.2 数据处理方法

2.2.1 适应性指数

作业次数通常被认为是代表鱼类出现或被利用情况的指标[18],SST和SSH是阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场形成的主要因子[14—16]。因此,利用作业次数与SST、SSH建立适应性指数(Suitability index,SI)模型。适应性指数的取值范围为0到1,用来表征资源分布的多少。假定最高作业次数NETmax为阿根廷滑柔鱼资源分布最多的海域,其适应性指数SI为1,而当作业次数为0时被认为阿根廷滑柔鱼资源量最少的海域,其适应性指数SI为0[19]。采用外包络法[20],利用作业次数与SST、SSH建立适应性指数模型,建立SST和SSH与SI的关系,则通过SST和SSH即可求得对应的SI值,即SISST和SISSH。

2.2.2 栖息地指数的建模

利用算术加权模型(arithmetic weighted model,AWM)计算栖息地适应性指数(Habitat Suitability index,HSI),HSI在0到1之间变化,并认为HSI大于0.6的区域为渔业资源较为丰富的海域[6,10,15],技术路线示意图见图2。计算公式如下[21]:




2.2.3 验证与实证分析


图2 栖息地指数计算示意图Fig.2 The illustration of estimating habitat suitability index

3 结果

3.1 SST和SSH的适应性指数曲线

采用外包络法,建立作业次数与SST、SSH之间适应性曲线(见图3)。由图3可知,1月份高适应性指数的SST和SSH最适范围分别为12.5~13.5℃和-35~-25 cm;2月份分别为13.5~14.5℃和-35~-25 cm;3月份分别为12.5~13.5℃和-45~-35 cm;4月份分别为9.5~10.5℃和-45~-35 cm;5月份分别为8.5~9.5℃和-35~-25 cm。

3.2 最佳HSI模型的选择

利用不同权重的算术加权模型计算出HSI及其所对应的作业次数比重,权重a=0的AWM,HSI大于0.6的作业次数比重为92.49%,产量比重为89.12%; 权重a=0.3的AWM,HSI大于0.6的作业次数比重为93.23%,产量比重为89.28%;权重a=0.5的AWM,HSI大于0.6的作业次数比重为90.62%,产量比重为85.12%;权重a=0.7和a=1的AWM,HSI大于0.6的作业次数的比重和产量比重均小于90%(见图4)。分析认为,权重a=0.3的AWM为最佳模型。



表1 2011年1-5月不同HSI值下作业次数比重和产量比重

图3 1-5月份SST和SSH的适应性指数曲线Fig.3 The suitability index curves of SST and SSH from January to May6℃代表5.5~6.5℃,-100 cm代表-105~-95 cm,依次类推;a、c、e、g和i分别是1-5月SST的适应性指数曲线,b、d、f、h和j分别是1-5月SSH的适应性指数曲线,图中点为适应性指数的外包络点6℃ represents 5.5~6.5,-100 cm represents-105~-95 cm,successively; the suitability index curves of SST during January to May were picture a,c,e,g and i ,respectively; the suitability index curves of SSH during January to May were picture b,d,f,h and j ,respectively

图4 不同权重的算术加权模型计算的HSI>0.6所对应的作业次数比重和产量比重Fig.4 The percentages of fishing efforts and catch under HSI>0.6 calculated by AWM with different weights

图5 2011年1-5月HSI和作业次数分布Fig.5 The distribution of HSI and fishing efforts from January to May in 2011不同颜色代表不同HSI值,不同的形状代表作业次数的不同范围The values of HSI was respected by different colours,the fishing times were respected by different shapes

4 讨论


在进行HSI的建模时,本研究利用了算术加权模型,对不同的环境因子赋予权重,试图探讨不同环境因子影响阿根廷滑柔鱼栖息地指数分布的差异。结果显示,不同的加权模型对HSI产生很大的影响。SST通常被认为是影响鱼类渔场分布最重要的环境因子[24—25],然而,本研究发现,权重a=0.3的AWM为最佳HSI模型,即SST的权重为0.3、SSH的权重为0.7,因此,本研究认为,阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场形成过程中,SSH比SST更为重要。这可能是因为在西南大西洋海域,福克兰寒流与巴西暖流相交汇,与SST相比,SSH更多地反映了海洋中热量的变化以及渔场 的变动,从而使SSH与西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场的关系更加密切。




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Forecasting fishing ground ofIllexargentinusbased on different weight habitat suitability index in the southwestern Atlantic

Hu Guanyu1,4,Chen Xinjun1,2,3,4,Wang Jintao1,4

(1.CollegeofMarineSciences,ShanghaiOceanUniversity,Shanghai201306,China;2.TheKeyLaboratoryofSustainableExploitationofOceanicFisheriesResources,MinistryofEducation,Shanghai201306,China; 3.NationalEngineeringResearchCenterforOceanicFisheries,ShanghaiOceanUniversity,Shanghai201306,China; 4.CollaborativeInnovationCenterforDistant-waterFisheries,Shanghai201306,China)

In this study,according to the Chinese squid fishing production data during the main fishing season (January to May) from 2003 to 2005,and 2011,combined with sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH) ,We attempt to forecast fishing ground ofIllexargentinusbased on habitat suitability models with different weights. The suitability index was built by external envelope method,and the arithmetic weighted model (AWM) with different weights were compared and the best habitat suitability index (HSI) model was selected based on the percentage of fishing efforts (fishing days) and catch. Results show that,whenHSIvalue was greater than 0.6,the percentage of fishing efforts was 93.23% and the percentage of catch was 89.28%,and whenHSIvalue was less than 0.4,the percentage of fishing efforts was 2.12% and the percentage of catch was 3.35% by using AWM (a=0.3,the weights of SST and SSH are 0.3 and 0.7 respectively). Compared with AWM with other four weights,the percentage of fishing efforts and of catch were larger whenHSIvalue was greater than 0.6,and the percentage of fishing efforts and catch were smaller whenHSIvalue was less than 0.4. Therefore,given to the percentage of fishing efforts and the percentage of catch,the AWM (a=0.3) was selected to be the bestHSImodel,defined asHSI=0.3SISST+0.7SISSH,indicating that SSH is more important than SST in estimating theHSIof squid. According to the data from January to May in 2011,we found that the main fishing ground is distributed in the waters withHSImore than 0.6 from the AWM(a=0.3),and the percentage of fishing efforts reached more than 91% and the percentage of catch were above 95%. The results indicate that SSH is more important than SST in the formation of fishing ground ofIllexargentinus,and the AWM (a=0.3) based on SST and SSH can better forecast the fishing grounds ofIllexargentinusin the southwest Atlantic.

Illexargentinus; habitat suitability model; sea surface temperature; sea surface height; fishing ground










胡贯宇,陈新军,汪金涛. 基于不同权重的栖息地指数模型预报阿根廷滑柔鱼中心渔场[J].海洋学报,2015,37(8):88—95,

Hu Guanyu,Chen Xinjun,Wang Jintao. Forecasting fishing ground ofIllexargentinusbased on different weight habitat suitability index in the southwestern Atlantic[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2015,37(8):88—95,doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2015.08.008


重叠——2020年阿根廷Hello Wood建造节