

新教育时代电子杂志(教师版) 2015年25期


(河南省开封市东京大道西段开封大学艺术设计学院 河南开封 475004)



(河南省开封市东京大道西段开封大学艺术设计学院 河南开封 475004)


《穆斯林的葬礼》 操控理论 改写

1.Introduction to Mu Si Lin De Zang Li

Huo Da,a writer from the Hui nationality,is proficient in a variety of literary genres.The most famous work is the full-length novel Mu Si Lin De Zang Li,which makes her enjoy a good reputation both at home and abroad. The novel shows the long and arduous history of the whole Muslim in China and reflects the mentality of the whole nationality according to the description of one Muslim family.Since it was published,it has caused a strong social reaction.Many writers,critics,Muslim scholars and readers gave highly appreciation and fully affirmed about the novel.[1]

2.Introduction to Manipulation School and Rewriting Theory

Manipulation school theory is based on Even Zohar's polysystem and mainly aims to the literature translation.The first person who applied the manipulation theory into translation was Hermans.Then Andre Lefevere explained and developed the theory into a more systematic theory,which marked that manipulation school was formed formally.The manipulation school has had deep and profound influences on the translation study.[2]

In Andre Lefevere's theory,translation is a kind of rewriting and manipulation of the source text.It breaks through the traditional thought which regards the source text as the only standard.Andre Lefevere's manipulation generally refers to the translation,rewriting,criticism,edition and so on of the source text.Translation is a form of rewriting,a creation of source text.Literature criticism,biography,movie,drama,criticism and edition are all rewriting to some extend.In other words,translation creates the images of source text,the author and the source culture.All the rewriting,no matter what purpose it has,reflects certain ideology and poetics.[4]

Andre Lefevere studies the translation from the perspective of culture,emphasizes the functions of ideology,dominant poetics and other cultural elements.Translation must be manipulated by the cultural elements and serve the needs of certain ideology and poetics.So the three elements which exert influences on translation are ideology,poetics and patronage.

3.The Application of Manipulation Rewriting Theory in Translation of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li

3.1 Ideology

The“Ideology”here is not confined to political sphere but to refer to the grillwork of form,convention and beliefs,which orders our actions.The ideology plays an important role in translation process because it influences translator's basic translating strategies.Sometimes the translator does some rewritings only for ideological purpose.While analyzing and evaluating a translated work,it is important to take the ideological factors into consideration.

The translator was a mediator between the two distinct ideologies.On one hand,the translator should make the target readers understand the new thoughts and cultures of the source text.On the other hand,the translator must rewrite the original texts according to the target readers'expectation so as to make the translated version widely accepted.Therefore,between the two seemingly contradictory aspects,the translator must adopt some rewriting strategies in the translation.

Just like many other translators who were more concerned with ideology than poetics,the translator of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li rewrote many original ideological ideas that were unsuitable or even contradictory to the political and social needs.[5]


1.1962 年9月24日至27日,中国共产党八届十中全会在北京举行。毛泽东主席在全会上做了重要讲话,指出,整个社会主义历史阶段中,资产阶级都将存在,并且还有资本主义复辟的危险。阶级斗争“必须年年讲,月月讲,天天讲”。

The difference in political system is always the most sensitive topic between China and the western countries.The purpose of the translation of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li is to spread Chinese culture and make more foreigners interested in Chinese literature and Chinese culture.If there is much political sensitivity in the translation,the translation will definitely not be accepted by the target readers.It has been proved in details in 4.1.1 above.The translator may rewrite the source text for the political,historical and social purpose.[6]

3.2 Poetics

In Andre Lefevere's theory,Poetics is another factor to exert influences on the translator's strategies.The dominant poetics tends to exert an influence on the reception of literature,both original and translated works,in the receiving culture.In other words,it will be used as canon by the“professional”of the culture to decide what is in and what is out.Hence in order to have the work accepted,the translator has to conform to the dominant poetics of thetime in the receiving culture.

There is great difference in poetics between Chinese literature and western literature.Being a mediator between the two different poetics,the translator should make the translation in accordance with the dominant poetics in target culture.


For instance,the addition and omission of the exuberant description of psychology and environment were for this purpose.



This is the psychological activity of the attending doctor of Xinyue,which is omitted by the translator for the purpose of poetics.The atmosphere of the translation in this part is very emotional and sentimental.The medical terms in the description are serious and strict,which does not conform to the mainline of this part even will destroy the emotional atmosphere.So the translator omitted it for the overall language style and literary atmosphere of the translation.

3.3 Patronage

In Andre Lefevere's theory,Patronage is third control factor manipulating the translation of literature works.Patronage is understood as“something like the power that can further or hinder the reading,writing and rewriting of literature”.It can be powerful individuals,groups,the media or some other powerful institutions.The translator's translating purpose must submit to the purpose of patronage.In the paper,the patronage of the translation of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li is the Chinese Literature Press which is a national level press. So the translators should take the translating demands and translating purpose of the press into consideration.

Lefevere shares the view that literature is one of the complex systems known as a culture.Culture is the environment of a literary system.There are interactions between the literary system and other systems.While ideology and poetics are constraints within the literary system,patronage exerts its influence from outside the system,guaranteeing that it doesn't go too far from other social systems.Ideology,poetics and patronage are together to exert influences on the translator's strategy.

4.Rewriting as Proper Translation

In the translation of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li,there are so many omissions,additions and alterations.Whether the rewriting strategies should be used or not is a hot issue in the field of translation study.In traditional translation studies,“faithful to the source text”is the most important and the only standard.Only the translation accords with the“faithful”principle,can it be a“right”translation.In the traditional translation theories,the translating method is source-oriented,prescriptive and at language level.But now with the theoretical support of Lefevere's manipulation theory,more and more scholars begin to study translation issues from wider perspectives,such as history,society,especially the culture.The translators describe all kinds of translation phenomena faithfully and try to find the deeper causes behind the translation phenomena.In Lefevere's manipulation theory,the translating method is descriptive,systematic,target-oriented and at cultural level,which affirms the value and“properness”of all the existed translations.In other words,there is no absolutely“right”translation.Compared with the“rightness”of the translation,the“properness”is more important.The standards of“proper”translation are:1.whether the translation attains the translation goal?2. Whether the translation can be accepted by the target readers and accord with the readers'expectation?As for this aspect,rewriting is a kind of“proper”translation.

By means of a comparative case study,this paper makes a criticism of Andre Lefevere's rewriting theory in the translation of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li. with the support of the manipulation rewriting translation theories,rewriting was based on some objective social,historical and political background and mainly influenced by cultural elements.In other words,it was determined by the ideology,patronage and poetics.Though the rewriting may have some disadvantages,there is no doubt that the rewriting strategies play an important role in the translation.


[1]Lefevere.A.Translation,History,and Culture:A Source Book[M]. London&New York:Routledge,1992

[2]Lefevere.A.Translation,Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame[M].London&New York:Routledge,1992





A Study on the English Translation of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li from the Perspective of Manipulation Rewriting

The paper is a study of the English translation of Mu Si Lin De Zang Li from the perspective of Andre Lefevere's manipulation theory.By way of a comparative study between the source text and the translated text,the author investigates the purpose and intention of the rewriting in the translation according to an analysis of the background of the author and the translator,social background of the source text and translated text to reveal the deeper causes behind the translation phenomenon from the aspects of ideology,poetics and patronage.

Mu Si Lin De Zang Li;Manipulation Theory;Rewriting

