张连军,袁兆康,郑增旺,邹娇娇,王 希
张连军,袁兆康,郑增旺,邹娇娇,王 希
Zhang LJ,Yuan ZK,Zheng ZW,et al.Prevalence of chronic diseases in elderly population in rural areas in Jiangxi province and its equity investigation[J].Chinese General Practice,2015,18(7):814-817.
1 资料与方法
1.1 资料来源 本研究的所有资料均来源于南昌大学公共卫生学院“江西省农村居民家庭健康状况及医疗卫生服务需求利用调查”课题组对江西省农村地区2003年(婺源县)、2004年(芦溪县、修水县)的卫生服务基线调查和2006年、2008年、2010年及2012年的4次追踪调查。本研究选取其中年龄≥65岁的老年人为调查对象,最终确定5次调查的老年人分别为631、631、833、615及667人。按家庭人均年收入由低到高排序,采用五类分组法[3],按1∶1∶1∶1∶1将其分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ组。
1.2 慢性病诊断标准 (1)调查前半年内有经过医务人员明确诊断的各类慢性病,包括慢性非感染性疾病和慢性感染性疾病;(2)半年以前经医生诊断有慢性病,且在调查前半年内时有发作并采取了治疗措施(服药、理疗等)[4]。
1.4 公平性评价指标
1.4.2 不平等斜率指数(SII) SII被定义为不同经济组人群的健康(疾病)指标和其对应的社会经济组序次间回归线的斜率,反映了从社会经济最低组到最高组之间的健康(疾病)状况变化。绝对值越小,表明社会经济对健康(疾病)的影响越小,健康(疾病)状况越公平[9]。
2 结果
2.1 5次调查中老年人的一般情况 5次调查中老年人的年龄、性别比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);而文化程度、婚姻状况及家庭人均年收入比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,见表1)。
2.3 2012年老年人慢性病病种构成情况 2012年,老年人患循环、血液系统疾病,消化系统疾病,呼吸系统疾病,内分泌、营养代谢疾病及免疫疾病,肌肉、骨骼系统及结缔组织疾病的构成比分别为63.9%、8.1%、7.6%、6.8%及5.3%(见表3)。
表1 5次调查中老年人的一般人口学特征比较
表2 5次调查中老年人慢性病患病情况及其公平性分析
表3 2012年老年人慢性病病种构成分析
3 讨论
5次调查结果显示,不同经济收入组间的患病率差异有统计学意义,表明经济收入水平对老年人慢性病患病状况有一定影响。5次调查的| CI|<0.3,提示江西省农村地区老年人慢性病患病公平性总体状况良好。CI和SII均为负值,说明尽管农村居民的疾病诊疗意识正在逐步提高,但患病情况仍更倾向于低收入人群。其原因可能是过低的经济收入使患者负担不起医疗费用,拖延治疗导致病情加重,甚至放弃就诊的机会。建议相关部门建立低收入人群的医疗救助制度[14],尤其针对慢性病高发的老年群体。将“大病救济”的理念扩展为保障低收入人群基本医疗权利,减轻其医疗负担,改善其健康状况。
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Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in Elderly Population in Rural Areas in Jiangxi Province and Its Equity Investigation
Objective To investigate the prevalence of chronic diseases among elderly population in rural areas in Jiangxi Province,and evaluate its equity among different income groups.Methods In this study,the data were obtained from the"investigation on health condition and health service needs of rural households in Jiangxi Province",which was conducted by the School of Public Health of Nanchang University.The investigation included a health service baseline survey in Wuyuan County in 2003,Xiushui County and Luxi County in 2004 and four follow-up surveys in the three counties in 2006,2008,2010,and 2012.We selected respondents aged no less than 65 years old.The numbers of respondents in the five surveys were 631,631,833,615 and 667 respectively.The respondents were ranked by annual per capita income from low to high and were grouped into five group,including GroupⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,and Ⅴ.A longitudinal comparative study was performed using the data from the surveys.Prevalence rate was applied to describe the conditions of chronic diseases;CI and SII were used as equity evaluation indicators;the survey data of 2012 were used to analyze chronic disease types.Results The results of the surveys showed the prevalence rates of chronic diseases among elderly population in rural areas in Jiangxi were 28.9%(16 257/56 329),27.6%(18 957/68 621),25.7%(20 541/79 952),25.4%(20 608/81 134) and 22.7%(18 524/81 600) respectively in the baseline survey and in the four follow-up surveys,in which a declining trend was noted (χ2=769.74,P<0.05).The prevalence rates among different income groups were statistically different(P<0.05) for the five surveys.Both CI and SII were negative.All the absolute values of CI were within 0.3.Disease types analysis showed that the main chronic disease that elderly population in rural areas in Jiangxi suffered from was circulatory system diseases,prevalence rate 14.5%(11 833/81 600),accounting for 63.9%(11 833/18 524) in all the elderly chronic disease patients.Conclusion The prevalence rate of chronic diseases among elderly population in rural areas in Jiangxi is relatively lower,showing a declining trend.Its equity is overall in a good condition.The prevention and control of circulatory system diseases,such as hypertension and heart disease,needs to be strengthened.
Rural areas;Aged;Chronic diseases;Prevalence;Health care rationing
330006 江西省南昌市,南昌大学公共卫生学院卫生统计学教研室
袁兆康,330006 江西省南昌市,南昌大学公共卫生学院卫生统计学教研室;E-mail:yuanzhaokang@126.com
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