开展主题跟进式阅读 提高书面表达的品质
下面以NSEFC Book 6 Unit 4 Global Warming中的阅读文本“The Earth Is Becoming Warmer—But Does It Matter?”(以下简称文一)及2012年浙江高考英语阅读理解A篇(以下简称文二,详见教学月刊网站www.jxyk.com中的“资料下载”)为例,围绕Global Warming这一主题,从篇章结构的展开与建构、话题语言的提炼与运用、写作技巧的剖析与模仿及主题思维的启发与领悟四个方面,谈谈如何在主题跟进式阅读课堂中循序渐进地提升学生的书面表达能力。
(一)解构篇章结构 助推新篇章结构的建构与仿写

这一主题跟进式阅读的最终输出活动是As a consequence of the consumption of fossil fuels, our earth is becoming warmer. But does it matter? Please state your stand with at least two supporting details.此输出活动的意图之一是要求学生采用议论文的常见结构即论点加支持细节的方式加以展开,此前的结构解读能起到良好的示范作用;意图之二是想引导学生提供两个角度不同的例子即文一中图表解读例子及文二中动物的例子。为了使学生水到渠成地运用这两个不同视角的例子,笔者在阅读课中做了铺垫,也进行了一定的仿写。

1. General trend (The global average temperature is increasing steadily.)
2. Detailed information (Between 1860 to 2000, the global average temperature went up from -0.5 to 0.5 Fahrenheit.)
3. Conclusion (It is the rise of the content of CO2 in the atmosphere that results in the increase of the temperature.)

On the whole, the number decreased steadily over this period. The number went down from 20000 in the year 1995 to about 2000 in the year 2004. It can be concluded that it is the rising global temperature that has resulted in the decrease of the number of the residents.
又如在解读文二的Supporting Examples时,是按照feature, cause and effect三方面展开的(见表2)。

借助表2的信息,对每个例子中的情况进行缩写。先提供参考句子:The habitat of the Lower Keys Marsh rabbits has been severely affected by the rising sea level, for as small a rise as 0.6 meter would send them jumping to higher ground.然后让学生进行仿写,要求学生用一个句子包含特点以及因果。在此过程中,学生势必要思考在句子中使用一些复杂结构,以此达到提高句子写作能力的目标。通过这样的示范,学生也确实能够仿写出比较精彩的句子:Good swimmers as the Lower Keys Marsh rabbits are, they were hopeless to find their habitat swallowed by rising sea level.
(二)提炼与运用话题语言 着力语言的厚度
对于Global Warming,文一中Dr Foster和George持有不同观点,文中可以提炼一些表达个人观点的词块及句型(见表3)。


对于话题语言的运用,并不仅仅体现在最后的输出活动。话题语言的运用也是一个循序渐进的过程。如在文二中有大量地道的词块及句式,如果让学生直接找出来,学生可能体验不到这些表达的精妙。于是笔者就设计了employing more colorful expressions这一活动,让学生基于给出的表达法在原文中找出更好的表达方式(见表5)。

(三)剖析与模仿写作技巧 追求内容的广度
1. 描述变化趋势的词块(见表6)

2. 表因果关系的词块
therefore, as a result, due to, because of, owing to, cause, lead to, result in, give rise to, contribute to
3. 表不同观点的词块
should not worry, could be serious, on the one hand, on the other hand
此外,文二中除了用五种不同的兔子作为Supporting Examples外,可圈可点的地方是用了the quotes of authorities。在解读文二的过程中,笔者以“What sort of attitude did the writer hold to the five species of rabbits affected by the rising temperature?”这一问题为驱动,促进学生对作者态度的再思考,引领学生找出隐含作者观点的句子:
1. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, an ocean level rise of only 0.6 meters will send these guys jumping to higher ground and a 0.9-meter rise would wipe out their habitat completely.
2. Researchers know that whether the rabbit will be able to adapt quick enough to survive is a big question.
3. The National Wildlife Federation reports that they might not be able to stand the new temperatures as their habitat heats up.
4. Scientists are concerned about their populations.
通过隐含作者观点句子的找寻不但明白了作者sympathetic, concerned的基调,而且还学到了另一种举证的技巧——引用专家或权威机构的观点使文章更有说服力,并使举证多样化。
(四)启发与领悟主题思维 聚焦思维的深度
对文一标题的解读,是在文本解读的过程中层层展开的。学生先通过文本解读得出Dr Foster and George hold different attitudes to the global warming,然后对文本作者的态度进行推断——基于文本最后一段Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries. No one knows the effects of global warming. Does that mean we should do nothing? Or, are the risks too great? 由此得出,作者对全球变暖也和Dr Foster一样表示担忧。最后,通过“What causes the global warming?”这一问题得出:It is human activities that really matter!由此抛出又一问题:As teenagers, what can we do to make our small contributions to stopping global warming? 通过一系列的追问,完成了主题思维的激发,那么学生最后输出的书面表达按照topic—reasons—actions—conclusion这一框架,就是提升的体现。以下是一学生作品。
Global warming has become one of the biggest environmental concerns for people all over the world.
With the booming of economy, the emission of the greenhouse gas has been steadily increasing, contributing greatly to the global warming. The increase in the temperature of earth has caused many harmful effects, such as a rise of several meters in the sea level, extreme weather and the disappearance of species.
Actually, it’s easy for us to do something to save energy and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas. For example, turn off appliance if it is not used. Walking, cycling or using public transportation instead of using motor vehicles are all good ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. We are also supposed to plant trees and preserve forests.
Every individual counts and together we can make a difference.
又如文二最后一段以All of this gives new meaning to dressing up in a giant bunny costume this Easter结尾。笔者以old meaning和 new meaning的对比(old meaning—to celebrate Easter; new meaning—to remind people of the endangered rabbits)让学生揣摩作者的基调是sympathetic, concerned, 然后引领学生思考:What measures can we take? 同样起到了情感态度的引领与内化——呼吁读者采取措施帮助受全球变暖影响的Easter bunnies。
由此,也找到了两篇文章的契合点:Global warming has many harmful effects, so it’s time for us to take measures. 当然,通过同一主题的跟进式阅读,学生对于完成最后的写作任务:As a consequence of the consumption of fossil fuels, our earth is becoming warmer. But does it matter? Please state your stand with at least two supporting details也有了更多积累的素材:既可以采用文一图表的例子及the negative things caused by global warming,又可以采用文二中五种不同类型兔子的例子。也就是说,学生接触的语言材料略高于学生的现有水平,即i+1。那么,学生的输出及习得就会比较自然。
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